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  1. https://uploaddeimagens.com.br/imagens/shot00219-jpg-24ffc554-64e4-49a5-a583-b2949f6b8a84 Hello everyone, I have been with this problem for 2 months, already report to NCsoft, but so far has not been resolved, since I can not reset my dual class and much less transfer to the last class, because I chose the wrong sub class (Soul breaker (M), then I understood that only male Kamael can use it, so I would like to know if there is a time estimate for resolution, thanks and sorry for the impatience.
  2. In my opinion should "yes" have box limit, but only 4 or 5, 3 box will displease most players, regardless of having 3 box, will continue to have bot the same way on the server, this will not be corrected this way, can't NC go back on the decisions that way.
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