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Posts posted by factotum

  1. 17 hours ago, Isotrope said:

    Can you do xp boosts for lower level from around 60?

    It's a wall with only one daily mission available after the FOM daily expires. TOI is not possible without a party and the only reason lower levels are tolerable because Cruma can be easily soloed. Since no one parties in this game or just boxes full parties and afk, there's no avenue for modest players starting from this level. Now after the server merge TOI I is constantly packed anyways and most likely by 1 player afking with full parties and there's only 4 rooms. When there is at least 2 daily missions overlapping it's tolerable, but there is a gap from 60-65 and the xp is so miserable without access to any high xp dungeon type places to go. TOI is supposed to be that place, but for variety of reasons as mentioned it is not a great solution. 

    The game kind of starts from 70 so can you consider boosts for much lower then 75. 


    i would agree that in server this old with so much end game content its weird we still have no fast level to 70...

  2. 6 hours ago, Tool_of_Society said:

    It's not even fixed as doing the quest as a melee is an exercise in futility and frustration. Basically have to stand in one spot and pray you get a swing off before the near instant casting elf does. Doesn't help that the bot is somehow able to target mobs before they even appear in the game client.

    probably 50% of newbies alt +f4 right there

  3. I see admins fixed ruin of agony quest issue, and lowered the number of quest items required. But still economic issue is not addressed. WHY IT'S STILL PROFITABLE TO FARM WITH 100 LOW TOONS 24/7 THERE MORE THAN FARMING HIGH ZONES? there is no real newbies there just farm toons

    WHY NEW promotions, events does not include any transformation stuff. Mythic and legendary transforms give more impact on pvp than epics and they are not obtainable from game in this version, only from events/ promotions, so whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy oh whyyyyyyyyyyyy you can't add them to events.........

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