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Posts posted by Murkan

  1. What did I think of this update? (Using Google translator)

    Once again, NCsoft is always thinking about damage character players, nothing different from what it has always done, maybe it's because they are characters where there are more people willing to spend more money in the game, I just think and I'll say it again, what's the point from NCsoft today keep the Tank class? People still use the Iss a lot, but only as a cure, the Iss has been replacing the Healer in part for healing. Nowadays, more and more we see parties formed only by Iss and DDs and nothing else, because NCsoft destroyed the game's party system, in addition to having destroyed all the quests that required a party with Tank, Iss and Healer, today no longer needed, as a DDs, be it Tyrr, Feoh, Archer and Othell Rogue do not need a Tank in the party, since NCsoft has been improving their defenses and resistances, making it enough for an Iss to heal and buff them and solved the problem.

    What I noticed after the update, well, here we go:

    1 - The Feoh started to give much more critical in the magic than before, that's what they wanted, and as NCsoft removed from the Tank, the Iss of the passive skill that reduced the chance of receiving magic critical, they started to receive even higher critical , funny that there are two classes that do ultra low damage, so NCsoft solved the complaint of the mages, of all the wizard, this includes the mage Ertheia and the summoners and it harmed the supports even more, there is, I will not forget, it improved absurdly the Healer, because I fought a Healer in the olympics and they started to deal critical damage in magic a lot more times too and with that they gained advantages and the equipment level of the Healer I fought was basically close to mine, and so the Healer won due to to the damage given, as it did not defeat, it won in time vs damage.

    2 - Another class that got a lot out of these changes, and that sincerely deserved to be reviewed some skills is the Ertheia mage, because their magic critics are coming out more quickly, and they continue with the absurd advantage that NCsoft maintains of having the hide, that is, their reuse of hide is in too short a time, this gives an absurd advantage over other classes, they simply use Hide, Hide makes them teleport far away, thus giving an absurd advantage and now with the increased magic critical hit chance, making the class give critical magic damage much more often and much faster, associated with the fact that it has a hide ability with extremely short reuse, makes this class take absurd advantages with a class that they do low damage, like Sigel, Iss, as the Healer has been benefiting from this update.

    3 - Feohs always did absurd magic damage, now they can do absurdly high damage several times, because NCsoft answered a request from players of this class, but to answer them, they had to automatically answer all wizard classes, I understand that Feohs were having difficulty fighting against classes that give high critical physical damage, like Evicerator and etc, but when NCsoft makes these changes, it forgets that not every class gives high critical damage, not every class gives high damage, so NCsoft should review some Feoh's skills, and don't get me wrong that she gave and took away from the other side, because from the comments of the players here, this loss of critical demage is even a little, because they are enjoying giving more critical demage even if it is a little smaller, so it is a loss that didn't make much difference to them. 

    Guys, we have to understand something, from the moment that NCsoft itself modified the game, destroying what it built over time, because Lineage 2 was built on a party basis, that is, players help each other At the same time, DDs have low defense, DDs need Tank to take damage (Nowadays Tank can't take damage anymore, NCsoft completely destroyed the class about this, where their defense skills are lagged, it is seen today that even some DDs have much higher defense skills than Tank for example and with short reuse, Tank UDs have 15 minutes reuse, it is the skill class with the longest reuse time in the game, this affects the class even in the Olympics, where class DDs can use their strongest abilities twice in each match, while Sigels don't), they need the Healer and they need the Iss, nowadays this is no longer necessary, because NCsoft totally destroyed it.

    Want an example of this, just watch today, go to the Olympics, how many Tanks do you see fighting, how many healers do you see fighting, how many Iss do you see fighting, they are absurdly few, how many Tanks do you see in a high level and that accompanies the DDs at lvl, Iss or Healer at high lvl, are classes that absurdly need a party to evolve, unlike DDs that only need an Iss and that's it, they will evolve quickly by themselves, all in automatic. But some will come and say: Make a DDs, evolve it and evolve your Tank, your Iss or your Healer. So this selfish craze of NCsoft in meeting only the wishes of DD players has been killing the game little by little, as this makes the game's cycle vicious, it has improved Wizards in its entirety, then DD players like archer, tyrr, othel and etc. , they will apply pressure wanting improvements, and then they will improve and then this vicious cycle will continue, and then the supports will always be left aside.

    The change that NCsoft makes in support does not improve them in PVP and much less in PVE, on the contrary, they are improvements only for people to log in to leave them in the macro to meet the wishes of the DDs, again. Because Sigel now has his skill to invoke summoner in automatic, it's good, but does it improve in PVP or PVE? Not so much, because people always put an ISS in the macro, did they take the tank's skills, changed from power to percentage, improved in PVE and PVP? Nothing, I tested it and the damage of the skills are the same, there is no improvement or increase, because the tank's damage has always been low, so this will not improve the class at all, because what defines everything is not just the level of equipment, but the character's passive skills, so if he doesn't have to improve his passive skill to improve their damage, it's no use having only good equipment, because everything is a set of works, that's why DDs always cause high damage, because they have passive skill that causes this damage added to the items to help them on a daily basis. That's why I say that NCsoft makes a lot of mistakes in this balance.

    Just like when I fought a Tyrr class, this class gained shield passive skill equal to that of the Tank, that is, this Tyrr class gained an absurd advantage that belonged to the Tank, not only him, but also some Iss, which is defense rate of the shield is the same, and etc, everything is the same, and it evolved completely the same, but this Tyrr class kept the high damage passive skills equal to Tyrr, that is, it is a class that has the damage of a Tyrr and the defense of shield of a Sigel, they understood how NCsoft screwed the Tank all the time, screwed all the time with all the supports, because they take skills from the supports and allocate and distribute them in some DDs, giving absurd advantages, meanwhile the supports are getting backwards, so this reflects on the reasons why we no longer see active support players, there are heroes, there are, but people create and invest just to become heroes, but you can be sure, it's not their class on a daily basis, You can see that the heroes that announce and talk the most, and we see them in the game, are the DDs.

    I don't know, I think NCsoft should fire all Lineage 2 developers and creators and hire or call some Blizard developers to work with them, to really improve the game in every way, Blizard's WOW is an example of a game that has a monthly fee paid every month, it's a praised game, every class is balanced in every way, and even if sometimes it loses players, it's a game that has many more players than Lineage 2, too bad I don't like it WOW's cartoon style, but in gameplay, they are teaching NCsoft for the quality and balance that the classes have there, a support there can easily beat pvp with a DDs and has a chance to win easily, but he does not stop being support, because in all quests the healer is necessary, the Tank is necessary, and that never changed there, and here Lineage 2 has been destroying the supports.

    Just observe how NCsoft makes improvements to the class, Feoh has been improved to be able to face powerful DDs, with powerful skills, Feoh's MANA SHIELD is to be able to withstand the damage of these DDs class like Evicerator, only when doing this NCsoft unbalances the game because a class that does not give the same damage as the Evicerator, or that does not have Lethal like ARCHERS AND OTHELL ROGUE for example has a disadvantage, because as the mana shield absorbs damage, and the little that it does not absorb consumes mana, this class with low damage will never stand a chance against Feoh, this is a good example of the imbalance and how NCsoft makes changes.

    The improvements in a class cannot only take into account a look, for example, Feoh received improvements to face DDs with powerful skills only, but look if with this improvement class with less powerful skills will be harmed, when you choose in making changes or improvements in a class to support another class in the spotlight, the balance is destroyed and that is what has been happening with Lineage, each update the supports are being left more and more behind and there will come a time in the game and already has been taking place, will be class that the people will create just to be left in the macro. And this is happening because of NCsoft who can't do anything right in the game itself. Yeah, a player who likes to play with supports would love to play with the class if it had chances to evolve quickly like a DDs, a DDs can go in an area that gives more xp and kill mobs easily, a support player needs to evolve in an area where the mob is several lvls lower than them, even if this player equips their support a lot, they will continue to slowly kill the mobs, and they will always be at a disadvantage, and when they go to the olympics, they will be at a disadvantage because NCsoft constantly screws with them because they are improving DDs to withstand other DDs, meanwhile the damage from supports is stagnant and weak over time.

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  2. Good Night (Using Google Translate)

    Supports once again destroyed by NCsoft, besides NCsoft does nothing to improve supports, maybe this explains why people don't play with these classes, NCsoft has always been like this, maybe it's because the supports don't make profits for NCsoft , since the players of this type of class are few, but they are few because of NCsoft itself, which never really managed to balance the classes. Because now with Feoh's improvements, Ncsoft goes there and screws with the passive skill also of Sigel, Iss and Healer, a class that does little damage even to a Feoh nowadays, but now they will be a class that in addition to damage low due to NCsoft hating these classes, will now take massively more damage. Congratulations NCsoft, it just goes to show how you guys don't want a balanced game. But I would ask the Koreans a question, after all, the game is developed for them, if they hate the support class and don't invest in making them self-sufficient, as they are making DDs increasingly self-sufficient, why do they still maintains these classes, because they are fearful and do not exclude these 3 classes, although if they are going to do that, they are able to exclude Sigel and Healer, since the Iss at least gives the buff and still has a cure, the Sigel became a class that only serves to stand still provoking the mobs, and the Healer, each time we see little of them. But Feoh players will be happy, because the class has been improved, they wanted absurd improvements to be able to hit more magic crits and now they got it. Then the next update NCsoft will improve another DD even more, as other DDs will be inferior to Feoh and players will complain, as players play more than DDs, they (NCsoft) invest in these classes, so I challenge NCsoft to exclude supports and leave only class DDs, as they only target these classes.

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  3. On 7/14/2023 at 3:38 AM, Connex said:

    a) a classe com maior crit dmg são adagas e evis!
    b) as mudanças já estão acontecendo! vamos tê-los aqui nos próximos meses!

    Wrong, Evis and Othel Rogue don't do the highest critical damage, Feoh does. Othel depends on the Half Kill to have a chance, if the Hall Kill doesn't come out, Othel Rogue won't have that much of a chance, and Evis is a class that becomes very powerful when it triggers several of their skills, but after that, they are a class that continue to give high damage, but not that high. Unlike Feoh, which gives high critical damage, much higher than a warrior class, and when I say warrior I mean everything. Most classes need to get close to Feoh, so they are disadvantaged classes.

    But I don't care about the improvements, as long as NCsoft improves the other classes to be able to handle these improvements, NCsoft has always been an incompetent company in balancing the game, it itself has been destroying the game because it has always been unable to understand the game itself, it focuses too much on offensive classes and does nothing to improve defensive classes for example, leaving people totally lost in the game. It will improve Feoh and with that will cause a new race for people to just create Feoh or change your class to Feoh as it will be superior to any other class. Because that's what it looks like, NCSoft sometimes understands that the imbalance of the classes is essential to earn more money, because that way the person spends again to improve that class, then he improves another and so goes following the flow.

    Like it or not, Feoh only has a problem dealing with slightly higher damage classes, such as Eviscerator, as they are classes that, when dealing high damage, will make Feoh's mana drain much faster, but with damage averages down, has no chance against Feoh for example. But come on, the game is dying little by little, they are going to release new armor just to get more money back, people buy NCoins and so spend again to leave armor +++, weapons ++ and so on.

    Because I realized something, it is not in NCsoft's interest to make all classes have capabilities, and have balance and thus make sure that in a PVP, when having a balanced class, it depends more on the player and not on the class, because today we see classes having advantages over other classes, and this does not depend on the level of equipment, an example of this is the Ertheia race mage class, it does not need to be mega equipped, just have some distance damage items, such as gems, and disappear, disappear and disappearing, and these changes will benefit even more this class that lives more from Hide and that's it, NCsoft this is to be congratulated, it will never be able to be efficient like the WOW developers, this one makes a game with several classes and races extremely balanced, I think NCsoft should take lessons from the WOW developer, maybe she'll learn class balance, but since the game has become a free to play game, they need to encourage people to spend, and want something better than class imbalance for that, in a few months they will nerf Feoh again and they will improve another class to make people spend with this one and it becomes a vicious cycle.

    And the funny thing is that you mentioned two classes, maybe those are the only classes that clash with Feoh, with mages, because I think the other classes have a disadvantage, because with the mana armor, Feoh manages to keep his distance very well and that's it , with more and more items decreasing skill cooldown time, Feoh can always activate his skills much faster. And yes, Feoh, when he hits a magic crit, he's much higher than a warrior, the two mentioned by you depend on activating some temporary skills, and Othell depends on Hall Kill, and without that, they won't be a problem for Feoh, now Feoh will crit much more often and now they will have the advantage that they will defeat the enemy more easily, Since they will crit faster and more often, they will have an advantage.

    Congratulations to the Feohs, they are back in most of the game, they will be the reference of the game for months and maybe years, because NCsoft is a company that takes time to change classes, simple as that and that explains why we see more and more classes disappearing and being rarely used, Lineage 2 is full of classes, but people only focus on some at the most, as they are the classes of the moment, while others only serve to be logged and left in the macro just to help, that is, the person doesn't feel like playing with classes thrown in the trash by the developer. And the worst, she doesn't even do anything to change that, today DDs can do PVE in a good way, just have an Iss healing them, now she asks if a support player, like Iss, Sigel and Healer can evolve alone, she it can't and never will because NCsoft isn't interested in working with support, because support doesn't give them money, because support doesn't make the player spend NCoins to improve equipment, and that's a criticism of NCsoft. I'll give Ncsoft a tip, since they created the Death Knight that takes the best of Sigel and the best of Tyrr, why does NCsoft keep Sigel in the game? What is the point of NCsoft keeping the Healer in the game, since today they are classes made only for Macro? The Iss the people still use it because of the buffs, apart from that the player of these classes can evolve alone, can they equip themselves and be able to do their PVE and evolve at the same speed as a DDs? But I see NCsoft always worried about DDs, they are always taken into consideration in improvements, it took Sigel and turned Sigel's skills into a percentage and came up with a statement that this would make the class more competitive, it doesn't and NCsoft knows addition, because Sigel's normal damage is low, Sigel's Power Atack is low, there's no point in putting skills in percentage if damage and Sigel's P. Tack is always weak, because passive skills make it clear about their damage for example, and etc. This goes for the Healer, the damage of the Healer is low because it is a mage class with low damage, it will do more critical, but it will take even longer to kill, I challenge NCsoft to increase the damage of the supports in PVE , why the NCsoft doesn't create passive skills for supports so they can only deal high damage in PVE systems? They don't because they're thinking about which DD class they're going to improve in the next update.



  4. I find it interesting that mages complain about their critical damage, it is the class that gives the highest critical damage in the game, but they complain that the class releases little critical damage, it is the class that has the mana armor that absorbs more or less 95% of damage, reverting the other 5% to mana, and with that class that give extremely low damage has no time with this class, but according to players of this class, which has mana armor, they are at a disadvantage. A class whose skills have a rage of 1,100, while most classes need to get close to them to hit, a class that stuns, but as they don't deal physical damage their stun is not removed.

    But what I think about it, I think that if NCsoft will answer the requests of the Feoh, to increase the chance of getting critical damage from magic, then that NCsoft decreases the amount of high damage, because they release damage much higher than any warrior, yes, hits critical much more, but they hit normal damage and not skills. NCsoft has to balance this and change the mana armor, make it not give so many advantages to Feoh, as it is a class with numerous advantages, from stun, ground hold, cancel buff, teleport and remove target, it has skill which also removes target, has a skill that knocks it down in addition to dealing damage.

  5. Good Night (using google translate)

    The event is interesting, for example, where we kill the mobs and drop a box is interesting for the XP, but I myself opened 22 boxes today and the drop was only those medals that exchange for buff and etc, on the NPC, summarizing everything the rate of this part of the box that we drop there from the water dragons is aimed at dropping more medals, the interesting items are not dropping. Another small detail, the doll there, that item you have to evolve it up to lvl 10 to be able to exchange it for a very good item even though it costs a lot of adena, that is, this part of the event is for those who drop a lot of adena, remembering that the server it simply reduced the drop of adena absurdly, those who drop a lot of adena are ultra equipped players who go to very powerful places.

    I understand that the game is free play and that it sells items within it for real money, but the company has to understand a small detail, if the server only focuses on benefiting ultra equipped players and that has a lot of money to spend and let beginners and others aside, the game becomes totally unbalanced, it is no longer enough for the game to be unbalanced in the classes, where NCsoft never had the ability to balance the classes, never had this ability or they simply do not want to, because that makes people spend more, I think NCsoft always chooses which class will enhance for people to use it more, and then chooses another one. But returning to the subject, how can a person get good items with that item that has to be placed at lvl 10 if the adena that asks for is high and the chance is ultra low, NCsoft makes it clear that it will always, always work to privilege players richest in the game, and I'm not talking about those who spend real money to buy Ncoin, I'm talking about those rich and a lot of adena, who can spend as much as they want when trying to enchant the doll and put it at lvl 10.

  6. Good Night (Using Google Translate)

    Have you noticed how players who DDs love to complain about everything, play with class that are always constantly improved by NCsoft, and even so they complain, Feoh itself is an absurdly strong class, but the complaint of Feoh players is that the class is being beaten to some other DDs, forget that the Feoh are classes that do high damage when they come out, if they take a Warrior for example, his crit comes out a lot in normal damage, but not in physical damage and the normal damage comes out a lot, but is low, while the Feohs don't come out very often, but they are extremely high and everyone knows that, an archer and the othell rogue can be dangerous because they have skills that give Hallf Kill, just because of that, apart from that, their other skills are not enough to scare a Feoh, based on the same equipment level, not to mention that Feoh was blessed by NCsoft with the Mana Shield, where he absorbs 95% of damage and the other 5% consumes mana, only DD class that can hit head-on with this, however classes with lesser damage suffer from this skill of Feoh.

    I remember until today at the beginning of this journey how the Sigel Knight and even the Healer were harmed because many damage class players, the famous DDs, complained because the Healer and Sigel Knight players took a Grade C sword, they managed to reflect damage, and used that to benefit with his skills, the Sigel Knight with the fact that they reflect damage with some skills, and the Healer being able to keep healing and returning damage, then the DDs complained against this, and what NCsoft did, created items and skills that reduce reflected damage, causing Sigel and Healer to lose a little of this advantage, today these classes are there, nobody cares about them anymore, they changed skills instead of power to %, and that doesn't it doesn't help at all, because NCsoft always aims at abusive profits and the amount of DD players is greater than support players and this is the fault of NCsoft itself, which never managed to balance the classes (which should ask for opinion and help from the developers of the WOW, they deliver an absurdly balanced game, supports can evolve alone without the help of DDs, only in party missions that need each other, apart from that, supports can farm alone without the help of DDs there), but that NCsoft does not do , just see that players create Iss to develop their DDs, even Healer is left aside, Sigel receives news that in the end does not help the class at all, it is the defense class that has defense skills that do not actually defend with time-consuming reuse , 15 minutes of reuse, but according to Feoh players, they are a class despised by NCsoft. For God's sake, you well equipped guys may have difficulty with some DDs, but they are very powerful against Iss, Sigel, Healer, among other DDs.

  7. On 4/17/2023 at 5:00 PM, Domi001 said:

    This has to be a joke, please tell me you were being ironic...

    Time to upgrade the long abandoned tyrr? Do you realize tyrr is top dd atm, not counting dk which is technically support (tank)? Are you even playing the same game?

    Do you realize that even game developers admit that feoh is way behind damage wise compared to the other dd classes due to some dmg mechanism that is not reaching its goal, and yet you consider tyrr needs un upgrade?

    Are you aware summoners just got an upgrade last week?

    And are you really asking for support classes to deal same dmg as dds (i'm not sure what you mean by lovely class, but i assume it's iss)? This already happened with dk and it threw the game balance out the window. Just look at Mixa's post...

    While it is true that support classes are becoming more and more useless, adding the same dmg as top dd classes is definitively not the solution, quite the opposite, as we've seen with dk. 

    Also, while it is true that any class performs well when equipped with top items, atm a dk/tyrr/yul will always outperform, and by far, an equally geared feoh.

    Interesting your argument (using google translator), you are saying that a support cannot have improved damage, for what reason? What advantages do they have against classic DDs? Of course, each class should have a role in the game, but NCsoft itself destroyed this when it allowed DDs to have a lot of physical resistance, whether warrior DDs or mages DDs. Let's analyze, a warrior's physical damage is always fixed, and a warrior's critical demage is always less than a mage's critical demage. I'll give you an example, while a warrior when he hits a critical demage he deals 10k of damage, a mage when he hits a magic critical, he will deal about 40k of damage, and this is an example, the DDs that will do greater damage are those that have half Kill, like Othel Rogue and archers who have skills that give a chance of Half Kill. I think it's even valid for mages to ask to increase the chance of magic crit, as long as it reduces the Feoh's critical magic damage, because I'm sure that if mages manage to hit without stopping magic crits, nobody will beat them either in PVP or in the Olympics .

    And yes, I also defend that the supports are improved, that they can turn around alone, because the DDs, the mages can go to the instances, farm xp using an Iss to be able to use buff and heal and turn around alone, while a support cannot do that. But you will say, make a mage or another DD to evolve your support, this is the problem, basically this is the problem, the game was created to work in a party with everyone helping each other, but the resistance of the DDs evolved so much , of the mages, who today dispense with the Sigel, the Healer and only use the Iss due to the Buff.

    So yes, increase the damage of Sigel Knights, Iss and Healers to be able to level up alone, evolve alone. That's why the game is dying, because it's a game that the company forgets that there are players who like a support character. Sigel is a class to be a defense class, but it is a defense class that is a joke, it takes high damage, its defense skills all have absurdly high reuse, while the skills to improve the damage of DDs, of mages, simply have extremely low reuse. Sigel Knight's UDs have a 15-minute reuse, another has a 10-minute reuse, they think that's fair, Sigel is going to the Olympics, and if you use his UD, you'll have to wait for the third round, if you manage to take it to the third round , meanwhile, several DD classes, including mages, when they use a powerful skill of theirs that increase their damage, their crits and etc, he already uses it in the second round or if he is in a PVP, he will have his skills that make more appealing ready for use in a short time, while Sigel, which should be a defense class, has to manage not to die, because two of his defense skills have a 15-minute cooldown, another has a 10-minute cooldown.

    That's why Lineage never managed to have the absurd amount of players like WOW has, there yes all characters and classes have the ability to win in a PVP, they can level up alone, evolve alone, turn around alone, there a tank gives low damage, but the extremely high defense makes him able and has a chance to defeat a DD, a mage, as this is class balance, not here, a Sigel, a defense class, who cannot hold a Feoh for a long time, as his skills always have high reuse, his defense skills are worse than the defense skills of DDs, like Feoh that prevents him from taking damage, Sigel is always taking damage, a Sigel in olympics always has a disadvantage against the Mage, because he has a mana shield, as the sigel gives low damage, he will never be able to burn Feoh's mana, even more that Feoh can convert HP into Mana, a Healer will never be able to defeat a Mage, because the Healer's magic damage is low, so he can never burn the mage's mana with the mana shield activated, an Iss is the same thing, but a mage will defeat them, because their magic damage despite the critical having a lower chance than the Warrior, their critical damage is high, right?

  8. 13 hours ago, lCasT said:

    Bring Feoh update to NA server ASAP!!

    I'm in favor of Feoh's spell crit chance being reviewed, but I also think the high damage when a mage lands a spell crit is reduced. Because I see a lot of mages complaining that their critical damage has a much lower chance than physical damage, but the Feoh forget that their magic damage when they hit a critical is much greater than that of a warrior, whether he is DDs or whether he is a support like Sigel and Iss. Not to mention that the mage has several advantages, he can knock him to the ground and prevent the enemy from getting up, he stuns and his stun does not disappear when the enemy takes damage, he has cancel, he has mana armor that gives an extreme advantage in class with low damage , only classes with high damage have a chance of being able to consume Feoh's mana. I am in favor of reviewing the chance of the magic critical and increasing this chance, but reviewing the critical magic damage, reducing this damage, I will give a simple example:

    While a warrior deals 10k of physical damage, a Feoh deals 40k of magic damage, that is, Feoh always deals very high damage when his crit comes out. So Feoh wants to increase the chance of his high crits, this will make mages have absurd advantages against any other class, even more advantages against low damage classes, like Sigel, which is the defense class that in the end is not so defensive, right, because his defense skills have a 15-minute cooldown, while Feoh's skills that increase his damage, critical chance and etc, have ultra low cooldown, but I think that mages don't think in this sense, right everything, it's the class that dominated the game for a long time, so NCsfot, do this, increase their critical chance, but decrease their critical damage by half or increase the magic defense of the other classes, and also decrease the effect of Mana shield, causing her to consume more mana than normal for seconds, and make smaller damage classes, able to have a chance against mages in the olympiads.

    Because mage players complain, complain and complain, but it's the most complete class in the game, let's see:

    1 - Has the ability to stun with his skill.
    2 - Has ability to cancel buff.
    3 - There are two teleports that remove target, there it says chance, but it rarely fails, it always removes target.
    4 - There is another spell that has a chance to remove target.
    5 - Has magic ability with a chance to knock down the enemy and debuff keeping him on the ground.
    6 - Has Mana Shield ability which absorbs physical damage, making minor damage classes have no chance against Feoh.

    In short, it has several skills, I believe it was an error by NCsoft to allow Feoh's magic attack to have a chance of stun, after all it is a class that has a high range, that is, it casts magic from long distances, I believe that the magic it has chance to remove target should have its chance reduced and this goes for the teleport spell, the chance is very high and I believe that this teleport spell should have a smaller range, not 1100 range but only 600 range.

  9. Good evening

    This game is already so difficult to have things, players put prices up there, causing an absurd inflation in the prices of items, even more when the items are obtained by Ncoins and players sell in the game to be able to get adenas, oh Ncsoft launches the R110 armor and they simply don't come with bonuses equal to the R99 armor below, and so the player needs to gather crystals, adenas and a lot of adenas, in addition to more adenas to be able to buy the materials that the dwarf NPC asks for. I think it's time for NCsoft to make it easier for players not to ask for this amount of materials to unlock armor bonuses, or that the amount of material and adena be cut in half. Because the game already has an absurd imbalance where whoever has money to buy Ncoins has an advantage, and when I say, whoever has it, I mean a lot of money, and whoever has a castle also has the advantage that the castle generates profit for the clan, and with that they can help the players, the problem is that few clans dominate the server and the castles too. I propose to NCsoft to end this item requirement, and adena to unlock the R110 armor bonuses.

  10. 14 hours ago, NejJim said:

    You said it yourself, keyword "support"... will be weird to compare dd with support regarding damage.. except for DK 

    Bear in mind i do play Siegel myself.. NOT DK.. but i wouldnt even consider to compare dps with dd classes :D

    Nukers MANA is their LIFE.. if you ever played nuker yourself.. you would KNOW.. their pdef really really BAD!!!

    This topic is about the comparison of p.skill rate can be accessed to way above 100%.. while m.crit rate can NEVER pass the 30% CAP!!!

    Good afternoon

    I would agree with your statement about class support if the rules of the game continued as they always have, that every quest or action needs to have all 3 supports for DDs to be DDs. In short, NCsoft itself modified all this to make the player no longer need or need to be dependent on several classes, it's no wonder that today we see Feoh with an Iss killing mobs and evolving alone without the need for a Sigel, without the need for a healer. We can take the olympics as an example, the olympiads are the place where the whole class, be it support or DD should be equivalent, to be able to fight and have the same chance of victory and even so, the game is all unbalanced, you yourself mention the Sigel defense, yes, but this defense today is not such an advantage, not even against mobs or even in a PVP for example, a Sigel even to hold a Feoh 1 vs 1 is not safe, as Feoh's damage will be absurd high against Sigel and Sigel's damage will be absurdly low against Feoh, even more so when he activates the mana shield, which I mean that Feoh is the most complete class in the game in terms of defense and attack skills and debuff, has the best skills for survival. But I challenge Feoh players, NCsoft increases the critical rate that they want so much, but weakens the mana shield, I doubt that you would accept this, because the archers, Tyrrs and Daguers that are the classes that complain, have no shield of mana, it doesn't have so many skills to decrease magic damage, it's not clogged with debuff and etc...

  11. Good Night (Using Google Translate)

    Everywhere I go, I see Feoh killing mobs and kills fast, and I think Feoh's player complains too much, it's the most complete class in the game, it has practically every debuff in the game and what has the most varied amount of skills for attack and defense.

    1 - Feoh has stun too, just use the magic skill that has a chance to stun.
    2 - Feoh has the ability to take you down to the ground and still has a debuff that prevents you from getting up.
    3 - Feoh's critical demage is higher than DD's because it is constant and there are many more items that increase P.Defense than M.Defesa.
    4 - Feoh has the MANA SHIELD, which in the Olympics is Feoh's biggest advantage, because while he has mana, even if he doesn't defeat the other, he will win, because the points are according to damage given, and damage that hits mana, does not count as damage. Of course, this skill was created and improved to help Feohs against archers, otlhel Rogue and Tyrrs, but it is a skill that gives an absurd advantage against other classes, such as Sigel Knight, Iss, Summoner for example, I like Sigel Knight for me to defeat a Feoh I need to use the two-handed sword skill, but if I do that, I lose defense and take more damage, and if I use sword and shield I don't defeat a Feoh because the damage will be much less.

    5 - You, along with the archer, are the class that has skills with a distance greater than 1100 if I'm not mistaken, so it's a huge advantage, because the other classes to reach you need to keep running until you reach a range that you can use their skills, myself, my chains range from 600, that is, for me to pull you, I'll have to approach you, by then you've already done me a lot of damage.
    6 - You have abilities to cancel skill and this ability is working very well, because I've been fighting Feoh and I'm always losing buff.

    7 - You have skills that stay without taking damage for a few seconds.
    8 - You have abilities to teleport backwards or forwards and with a great distance and still with a chance to remove target.
    9 - You have magic skills that have a chance to remove target as well.

    Feoh is a complete class, who should be remembered in this game are the support players for example, the Sigel, the Healers and the Iss, these classes do go to the Olympics and suffer, and if they try to evolve, they don't evolve alone because they cause few damage, Feoh just has an Iss on his side, that's it, he can do things.

  12. On 10/26/2022 at 12:42 PM, Hermes said:


    Estamos verificando isso e atualizaremos o tópico assim que eu souber mais.


    The problem with Lineage 2 is that NCsoft creates so many items and they are missing out on all of it. And these items end up benefiting some classes and harming others and that's always been the case and NCsoft never did anything to solve it.  Let's remember the past, when the covers that absorb data appeared, which the Iss always used the same tactic to win in this, because the Iss already has a skill that absorbs damage along with the cover, the class just used the gems that give damage , and simply turned to stone and waited for the time to run out, that's it, he won the fight without basically doing anything.

    I myself yesterday, I fought against an ertheia mage, he simply used his ability to disappear, and then he just appeared, he used the gem that deals damage, I never remember the name, and he spent the rest of the time using hide, the whole time using hide and still with an advantage, because it can hide and teleport away, so when you use skills in the area, it will no longer be there.

    And all players who use this class do this now, get a gem that deals damage from afar, and use hide nonstop, not even using a talisman to locate the ertheia mage works, because the talisman covers little space and the ertheia mage manages to use hide and teleport away and that's it, it's a very annoying thing.

    Many will claim that this is the class's skills, I didn't know that the class's skill was just hide, I agree that the class in the x1 fight has its disadvantages, it is enough for NCsoft to improve this, both physical and magical resistance, but we have to understand that the class has to win by its abilities and not depend on the items sold by the game, as this even harms the game. In my opinion, many items sold in the game store should not even be used in the Olympics, for me the player should only use his skills and his skills, depend 100% on these skills, but item skills should only be used in PVP, Siege, PVE, but not in olympics. Because sometimes the player is not even a good player, he is just a player with money.

    And then I ask, how to defeat a class that gives you damage and spends the rest of the minutes using Hide nonstop? Is this real fighting? No, it's not, it's unfair.  And let's be honest, most Lineage 2 items created by NCsoft basically benefit the DDs that do the most damage and harm other classes, for example, supports don't gain any advantage with such items, when I say no, I mean of them being using the same items against a DD using the same item. Because these items enhance the abilities of these classes, it seems that NCsoft spent years creating items that enhance the game's dominant class, and the ertheia mage is taking advantage of all of this, his hide is infinite, he uses it non-stop, his hide has no weakness, there is no limitation, for example, Sigel has two buffs that increase P.Defense and the other M.Defense, but if he uses another shield skill, it disables the buff, leaving Sigel vulnerable, you see this type of situation occurring with DDs do not occur. This should apply to Feohs, for example, if Feoh uses the mana shield, and he uses certain skills, the mana shield should be deactivated, the ertheia mage would have to have his hide with increased reuse, and so on.

  13. I got R110 armor, but their bonuses are sealed, I went to look at the NPC what it takes to remove the seal from each part of the armor and I was amazed, because it needs millions of adenas, it needs billions of adenas to buy gentones R and buy elcyum as it needs 9 and for the price charged in the game it would all be over 9 billion adena. Lineage 2 has become a free game, but at the same time it has been making things difficult within the game to indirectly force players to spend in the game, because elcyum you buy for Ncoins and that's absurd, I think it's time for NCsoft to decrease the amount of items to be able to remove the seal of the r110 armor, mainly that the game does not allow you to get adena easily, or you are part of a clan with a castle that every week collects billions in adenas, if you don't get that, you will have to spend with Ncoins and buy things in the store and sell them in the game, as many do. 

    That is, this causes more and more distance and even pushes away new players, as they will have much more difficulty getting things, as this is absurd, the game when you are in the up lvl 106 areas for example, drops just 3k of adenas and look there.

    But I want to make suggestions about improving the support:

    As we know, the game has been benefiting players who play with DDs for years, and the game allows the player to open several accounts at the same time, this makes the support characters lose their value, because the DD only needs to create several supports and that's it. , he won't need anyone anymore, and the game was created to be an environment where everyone helps each other, and this is becoming impossible, NCsoft is increasingly creating an individualistic and casual environment.

    There are many players who like to play Healer, like to play Iss or Sigel Knight, but these players want to evolve with their characters and class, but they can't, because the essence of the game is all about high damage class, it is created to favor archer, tyrr, dagger, feoh and etc, but leave aside the supports, even the zones that have time, those there that we enter and have time to stay, the mobs are extremely resistant.

    I say this, because a friend of mine with his archer subclass, he just logs his Iss and his Feoh and leaves there in the macro, an instance where he alone kills the mobs, my Sigel doesn't even scratch the mobs, that's due to how NCsoft has been doing things, allowing people to log in multiple accounts and with that becoming unnatural, maybe this explains the game is getting terrible over time.

    And it's no use creating or strengthening mobs to force players who play DDs to put Healer, Sigel and Iss in the party, because the player will have these classes and can log in without needing the others. Many can try to argue that I could do that, create a DD to be able to evolve my Sigel, but this thought is terrible for the history of the game itself, which from the beginning having a party is essential.

    And honestly, I don't understand these people who spend a lot of money in the game, to have the most powerful set, the most powerful jewels, the most powerful items, what's the use if you're only going to test all this in the olympics and in the siege and even so, you will test with few people, because not everyone has enough money to spend on the game that has lost all meaning, there is no more PVP, the best equipped get more points from the less equipped, and the siege a lot was lost with time, I'm from the time that several clans would invade a castle and had fun, today 3 chars DDs well equipped do damage to several clans with medium equipment.

    What I think, the game has to start offering a way for people to equip themselves, I think it's valid for people to be able to have equipment and items obtained with Ncoins, but that their distance to the rest is not absurd. Armor r110 will have the bonus naturally like other sets, or the items requested to remove the seal will be drastically reduced. That they start to create instanceas where the supports can evolve at the same speed as the DDs, because the only support that doesn't lose its majesty in the game is the ISS, you can see that the Healer was replaced by Iss, which has healing, and dabuffa and etc. Create Ups places facing the supports and that's easy, easy to revolve, it just puts absurd resistance to Feohs, Tyrr, Summoner, Dagger, Archer, and having less resistance to Sigel, Iss and Healer classes, it's easy to do that , the mobs themselves would already have resistance per class in their structure.

    Reviewing all events, especially events where the aim is to kill and defeat the largest number of mobs, this benefits precisely the DDs, and game items are easier to get so that new players are excited about it.

  14. Good Night (using google translate)

    I was talking to a friend of mine who plays WOW and we were just talking about the qualities and defects of WOW and Lineage 2. Talking to him, I saw that Lineage 2 has the quality of its PVP system that is slowly losing value in the game, PVP has always been one of the most amazing things about Lineage 2 which NCsoft made sure to destroy by crafting various items and selling them in the shop, thus giving rich players to distance themselves from other players. I remember when Lineage 2 was released and the fourth class appeared, and as there were clans fighting each other everywhere, PVP was fun, everyone participated, of course there were differences in equipment level, but that was small differences, and it made the game more exciting.

    I remember when support classes were super valued, they never did much damage, but they were essential in clan vs clan battles, and everyone was important, the Iss with their buffs, the healers with their heals and the Sigel with their defenses . But everything has changed, because today you just need to be very equipped, today the Iss easily replace the Healers, and class like the Death Knights replace the Sigel and Tyrr at the same time, because they do high damage like Tyrr and have defenses and abilities to stay alive reminiscent of the Sigels.

    The problem is precisely that, as NCsoft treats players who like class like Sigel, Healer and Iss, they are support class, but they were always respected and essential for the game, and even so NCsoft always treated supports as supporting, have always preferred DDs, due to the fact that damage class, DDs have a lot more people playing and spending dollars buying Ncoins to equip them.

    Ncsoft even tried to pretend to care about supports, creating places with powerful mobs that require Sigel, Iss and Healer, but the level of items sold in stores made this unnecessary, you now get an archer, a feoh and an iss, that's it can kill fast in strong and powerful places, proof of this that DDs arrive much faster at higher levels than supports and how support skills are being destroyed by crafted items that make DDs not even need supports as much and even so the supports keep killing slowly, they can't develop and evolve fast, because everything in the game is built to benefit DDs players, and truth be told, many players only play DD because they are the classes valued by the producer.

    I believe that NCsoft has a lot to learn from Blizzard, and as the competitor manages to leave all classes balanced, functional, and all having their part in the story and when they fight together, in a party, they can each perform their role. Just like my friend said, in WOW a tank, a healer are essential in group quests, but they are classes that evolve at the same speed as a DDs, because they can go in solo quests and defeat and evolve, they can go in UP calls and kill mobs fast just like a DDs, without depending on the DDs for that, but when they go into dungeons, each one will play their role, just like he said, even a poorly equipped tank can party and evolve there, which in Lineage 2 the people are choosing lvl, level of equipment and etc, all this because the company aims at the profit and not the quality.

    I know many will say, buy Ncoins and get strong, but I believe that items sold by the company should be an advantage, but I believe that this advantage shouldn't be absurd to the point of a single guy, a DDs only being able to beat several parties alone of players more or less equipped, this is terrible, it makes the game lose quality, it loses a lot of things, just see that the PVP in the game has died, it has lost value, no one feels like fighting a PVP anymore and I even I wonder what's the point of spending thousands of dollars to get powerful if it only serves to guarantee hero in the olympics and nothing else.

    I remember at the beginning of the GOD expansion the Sigel didn't hit hard, but they had a very good reflect, where the DDs thought twice about hitting, and the Sigel and Healers could argue their weapons to get passive and active reflect buff and being able to have a fair fight with those who do high damage, but then came NCsoft, created several items that nullify the effects of reflects, giving more and more advantages to DDs.

    Then you go to UP places and we only see a DDs and an Iss upping alone, because the DDs can kill fast, an archer even clears an area fast, those 1 hour quests, a Sigel and an Iss can't do it that alone, while an archer, with an Iss and feoh using skills that keep the mob trapped, does it quietly.

    In my opinion, items sold in the store should not be created for the guy to have advantages in UPs, only in PVPs, and the game, within the game, the items of the game yes, have to be relevant to evolve your character, and that goes for the events, the same RIM KAMALOKA, the player gains more XP and items according to the speed that kills the mobs, something that an Iss, a Sigel and a Healer will never have and all events that involve killing mobs values the DDs and stops Sigel, Healer and Iss aside, NCsoft sabotages itself, it will never be able to reach the level of perfection of Blizzard's WOW, because by becoming a free game, the company chose to sell as much as it can, and when a new expansion arrives, the improvements are more focused on DDs than supports, it's time for NCsoft to rethink its policy, it's time for supports to be more valued and that goes for everything.

    And how would I do:

    1 - Defense class is Sigel, no class in the game can have defense abilities superior to Sigel, and the worst thing about Sigel's UDs are too high reuse and poor efficiency, reduce damage and that's all, and they are abilities that can be avoided, Sigel's previous UDs transferred damage at 100%, even that NCsoft destroyed to in my opinion serve the interests of DDs players, there are skills of the defensive DDs that are much superior to those of the Sigel, everything in Sigel comes down to, increase P.Defense by 100% or M.Defense by 100% and we know that this is basically useless, as the damage from DDs is so absurd that it ignores these increases. Another thing that destroys Sigel, skills that deactivate when using other skills, something that DDs do not suffer, those shield skills that increase defense by 100% or magic defense by 100% even, they deactivate if you use any shield skill , this destroys Sigel's fight, and DDs don't suffer from this evil, forcing Sigel to always give up something and this doesn't happen with DDs, which can activate all the skills that all worked together at the same time and the worst , Sigel's ability cooldown is the longest of any class

    2 - Healer, it's the healing class of the game, but it's been losing it to Iss, another class that depends on others to evolve, it lost sense that this class still exists, see that every party players choose to have an Iss and that's it, It will level up right, because the Iss can, in addition to buff, heal at the same level and speed and keep it in good shape.
    3 - Iss damage is low, another class that suffers less, because every party has one, but even so, in a fight or PVP it will have no use, just serve to buff and heal.

    NCsoft created several classes, but with the updates it unbalanced everything, and has been investing in improvements most of the time in the DDs, leaving aside the supports to the point where they are always discarded, and as most players don't play why love the class and yes because the class is the darling these days, it seems that the official lineage 2 has become something like the pirates Lineage, where every expansion improves a class for the player to want to play in it and thus spend on it. An example, I always played as Sigel Eva's Templar and it was always the tank class despised by the people, the people always liked to play with Paladin, Dark Avenger and Shillen Templar, it was enough for NCsofto to improve Eva's Templar and the people who had main class with Sigel Paladino, Dark and Shillen, switch to Eva's Templar, that is, they go with the tide. Like the Evicerator, when it became the most powerful class, they dropped the other Tyrrs and invested in it and this is bad for the game, as the game loses class diversity.

    There are DDs skills there that are absurdly powerful with reuse less than 5 minutes, and there are skills that only serve for defense like Sigel's UDs, which the only advantage is to keep him alive, since he doesn't do high damage even if has 15 minutes reuse. In short, in my opinion every class should have the same scheme as Sigel, if you use that skill and use that one, disable that one, to at least balance things out, I'll give an example, Feoh has the mana shield, a very appealing skill, if he uses certain skills, the mana shield will deactivate and etc, this is an example, as it will force Feoh to have to activate all the time, just like Sigel does, that if you use stun, deactivates the buff that increases defense by 100%. and 100% at m. defense. And creating ways for the supports to evolve on their own, it's simple, the company just needs to make the supports do more damage to mobs, just make Iss, Healer and Sigel have the ability to kill fast mobs without having to keep asking and humiliating themselves someone to put them in the party.

    Or embed in the mobs that such support class will give so many % more in these mobs and will be all mobs, so as not to be dependent on other classes, create solo quests, and when doing an event that requires killing certain amounts of mobs, the supports have the same chance to kill at the same speed, because even in that the DDs have the advantage, RIM Kamaloka is an example of that. And the company starts to make expansions looking more at the supports and leaving the DDs aside for now, it's been years and years the game updates giving preferences to the DDs, when they decide to do something for the supports, they do a bad service that in end does not help at all.


    • Thanks 1
  15. On 3/9/2022 at 10:48 AM, TheWall said:

    É bom ver como você GM corre rápido para corrigir quando um DD chora quando as classes de suporte ficam "f**cked" cada lareira e nenhum faz algo para ajudá-los.

    Quer um exemplo? É interessante ver como um tanque nível 119 com arma dragon tem menos CP do que um yul nível 120 com engrenagem semelhante (e sem dw), ou ainda melhor, tem menos CP do que titã de classe dupla 110 sem qualquer equipe em HP/CP/CON e nenhuma arma dragão

    Quer outro exemplo? Os "impulsos" nas habilidades para o tanque... 7k poder em puxar habilidades, oh bom agora eu posso fazer 2 dano mais para as mobs que eu puxar.

    Quer outro exemplo? Redução do tempo de zona de instância partidária para a agricultura adena (toi) para fazer mais para playe único

    Quer outro exemplo? O tanque DD tem mais tempo de UD do que um tanque normal

    Quer outro exemplo? Posso continuar por anos.

    Se falarmos de curandeiros é ainda pior

    Good Night (Using google translator)

    This game will never be balanced, because it is not in NCsoft's interest to do that, it will never have the degree of balance that WOW, for example, offers, there all classes can evolve alone, without needing a party, I understand that this party system it's been part of the game's history since the beginning, but today this sense no longer exists. Ncsoft has been increasing the defense and resistance skills of all damage classes, that today they can simply go to one place and evolve alone, this does not happen with the Healers, Iss and Sigel Knights, always dependent on DDs, but today, each DDs no longer need all the support in the party, just have an Iss and that's it, everything solved, because it heals and buffs.

    Created the death knight which has Sigel and Tyrr abilities, that is, it does high damage and has the resistance of a Sigel, making Sigel increasingly useless in the game. The fact is that NCsoft doesn't know how to balance the classes, it doesn't know how to develop the skills of each class, because it creates absurdly powerful skills for certain classes, and others gain skills that in the end, don't bring any advantage, it's there for being, just to say created. Sigel's damage is low because he's a support, Iss too and Healer's too and there is no place in the game where supports can evolve alone without having to be begging to be helped, you can see that it's easier for you to see high lvl DDs in the game that supports and the few that have, there's a reason why the clans help, and even then they help less and less, because with the DDs gaining very powerful skills to keep them alive, with a lot of P.Defense, a lot of M.Defense, and with the absurd damage that they don't even need a healer, more and more surports are expendable.

    To this day I wonder why Sigel's UD has a 15-minute cooldown, it's just a defense skill, to keep him alive, after all Sigel does little damage, it's just skills to keep him alive for longer time, which DDs can run around and wait for the effect to end and that's it, unlike the skills of several DDs that increase critical, damage, lethal and etc, and that ignores even the UD of Sigel and that you have no way to escape , as it's damage skills, critical, critical demage and etc and there's no way to ignore it. I remember back there, when Lineage 2 as we know it was released, Sigel would reflect 100% damage for a few seconds, but DDs ignored that, but it had a high damage reflect, took weapon and argued to get a buff that reflected damage and I remember hearing a story out there that the DDs were complaining to NCsoft about it, and NCsoft nerfed it from Sigel, as the Healers used that to their advantage too, then created items that decreased reflected damage, giving the DDs vast advantage, and I don't see them doing this with the more powerful DDs like Evicerator, Archers and etc. 

    A Sigel fighting an archer himself, loses easily, the archer just needs to invest in defense items, stay away using the Pinpoint skill and that's it, he will give lethal all the time, has an item that decreases the chance of lethal or the damage of the lethal, no, it doesn't. But there are several that decrease the reflect of damage received. But, I still wonder why Sigel Knight is the class where his defense skills have 15 minutes reuse, while other classes have 10 minutes or 5 minutes reuse in their most appealing skills. Because I don't see U.D as an appealing skill, because it won't give Sigel an advantage in damage, it will just keep him alive and even then the reuse is long and it runs out easy because DDs have time to wait for the buff to end. 

    A game will only be balanced when you enter it and often see all the classes that the game offers, with people playing and playing with pleasure, today people invest in that class that dominates the game, and the game allows you to buy items to change class which doesn't even belong to that race, what I see the most is dwarf fighting hero of Sigel Knight, Feoh and etc, class that doesn't belong to that race, that's ridiculous, Orca fighting to be hero in Feoh class which they don't have, that it's wrong. Human disputing hero of Evas Templar, Shillen Templar, this is wrong, because they are class that belongs to another race and etc. All this to make money. Because WOW a tank can defeat all other classes, but it can die, but it's on an equal footing, a healer there too, a buff too and so on, here we see the opposite.

    It seems that NCsoft absurdly improves a class, just to earn more, sell more Ncoins and with that people buy items to make this class more powerful. Here comes an update, worsens this class that dominated, and another improved to be the dominant class. I remember a time when no one defeated an Othell Rogue, for example, then it was an update that the archer sent, then one that Feoh sent, every update to NCsoft gives the advantage yes to a class of DDs, and the supports, are there begging to evolve, begging to be able to evolve alone, without needing to ask for help and are totally ignored. There are players who love to play supports, but get frustrated when NCsoft is negligent with supports, which even if they are absurdly equipped at the same level as a DDs, will still have absurd disadvantages.

  16. 3 hours ago, Mitzza said:


    Reading about the game is actually more interesting than playing the game, so when Arctic drop the news made me very  curious. 

    Hope the update is a  balanced one to keep the game interesting for some months. 

    Good Evening (Using Google Translate)

    Seriously you expect improvement or balance in the game, one thing the game doesn't have is balance, even more in the characters, NCsoft invests heavily in the damage class, Feoh, Tyrr, Archers, Othell Rogue, Evicerator. But support always leaves behind, after all this brings a new class, the death knight, who takes the best of Sigel's defense and the best of Tyrr that is the attack, takes the best of Sigel's skills and the best of Tyrr's skills and creates a class that replaces both, because he has aggression, has Sigel's taunt skill and better than Tyrr, and the damage is equal to or greater than Tyrr, do you really expect this game to be balanced?

    And then Feoh keeps a super strong class, staying strong, look at how the Feoh don't even need to teleport to fight in the olympics anymore, because his skills, like the mana shield, keep him alive and take advantage of high damage to win. Seriously you still have hope that NCsoft will make a balanced game, give up, she doesn't want that, she will always invest in a certain class, make her flashy, so she sells more and more products with NCoins, then she goes and changes to another class.

    Mainly because support doesn't make a profit for her, most players choose damage characters, and they do this precisely because support characters can't evolve alone, and also can't party to be able to evolve together, because NCsoft created so many items of damage that damage characters don't have to worry about it, created so many defense items, that not having Sigel doesn't make a difference, as they can replace with a death knight, which is strong and deals damage, rather than investing in a Sigel that only takes a beating, less and less, and that the damage is low and so on.

    Here comes the buff potions that she sells in the store, which dispenses the Iss, and healing items that dispenses the Healer, and then who will have the patience to evolve these classes that are slow to evolve. People will only invest in support when NCsoft decides to create ways for them to evolve, always needing DDs, because DDs today don't need supports, only in PVPs and if it continues like this, not even in PVPs of life.

  17. Good morning, using google translator.

    That's what I reported, I bought a new computer this Tuesday and managed to install the game, but due to the 100% HD bug that Windows 10 has and today Microsoft didn't solve it, Samsung through its remote technical assistance reset the PC to return to factory data, so I had to redo everything and this was already on Thursday, and when I went to install the game, it installed the laucher properly, but when we clicked and put the login and password, it appears that screen that is the patch, when the game is installed the button is red for example. I click on the install button and the term and rules appear in another window and we click agree, when we click on agree, the patch blinks and doesn't work anymore, only the middle part of the patch which is the server advertisements etc. that keeps working, the others nothing works. It's no use NCsoft West trying to blame the players' PC, as it has reports of people with new computers, with original and new operating systems.  Proof of this is that on the Tuesday before maintenance I managed to install the game well, but due to a need to reset the operating system to fix a 100% HD bug and that was on Wednesday, and on Thursday that I went to install it was no longer possible, I disabled everything, anti-virus, the entire windows protection system, and I gave all permissions to the NCsoft launcher, the problem is some file or update this Wednesday corrupted something.

    • Like 1
  18. Things I noticed...

    1 - When we are installing laucher, it looks for updates, but I notice that this version is different from the most recent version, since I had the game installed on my other computer that failed, I have a new one, with windows 10, the old one was windows 7.
    2 - When we enter our login and password, it goes to the common screen, we click on install the game and it opens a dialog for us to agree with the terms and rules, we click on "agree" and the parch crashes, there is no as you close the patch through x, and even when we right-click and close, sometimes the patch is still open in the background, this is some update that happened in the Wednesday maintenance, why do I say that, i bought the new computer on tuesday, tuesday i installed the game, but on wednesday i was forced to reset the pc to how it came from the factory due to the 100% HD bug which was fixed, but yesterday thursday night i went to install and this is happening, this is some file or something like some file that NCsoft put in Wednesday's update.

  19. 35 minutes ago, Lyfiasama said:

    Try Download Drive Booster & check if u have any game update , I use that & solved all my problems. 

    I have win 10 too , one day I got license update and all problems  started then fixed with that.

    Thanks for the tip, but the computer is new, all drivers updated, windows 10 original and everything else, I can download other games, except Lineage 2, as I said, I bought the computer, and it was giving 100% HD, common bug of Windows 10, but I had managed to download the game, and this was on Monday, after the 100% HD problem, the assistance reset the system bringing it back to factory default, resetting everything, and yesterday when I resolved download again, don't download, the patch locks, it only closes when I use the task manager, nor the close button, closes, it's locking the patch, and by the amount of people, it's the patch's bug.

  20. What annoys is the slowness of the team, I have already uninstalled the launcher several times and nothing, I log into my account, open the game patch and nothing, it stays there, the percentage bar does not appear showing that the game is being downloaded, and more funny, the laucher, that part where we type login and password is in the old version too, my PC is new, I bought it this week, uses windows 10 and so on. I want how many centuries it will take them to answer this question, because it's a shame a game that doesn't download.

  21. 19 hours ago, twocds said:

    I have downloaded and installed the latest nclauncher. When I click "Install Game" it has me agree to the EULA and then nothing. No other windows popping up or installation wizard that starts. Has anyone else had this issue and how did you resolve it?

    I have the same problem, I installed the patch, since I bought a new computer, installed the patch, it happened correctly, when it comes to installing the game, a window appears to agree with the terms and rules of the game, I say yes and stop there, there is only a message saying that the game is being installed, but no percentage bar, I go to the patch directory that is in windows and does not show the Lineage 2 folder being created and so on.

  22. Good night

    Using Google translator

    When I read that in this update there would be changes to Sigel Knight's skills but I still hadn't come out showing which ones, when I left I said, My God, what a radical change huh, NCsoft changed that for what reason, what was her intention, because let's see, the skill drops the opponent on the ground for a measly 1 second, it is the same time as when it just pushed, NCsoft must have thought: Well, this way the player can prevent the casting of skills of the other classes. Honestly, the developers of Ncsoft should not play the game, and we do not know his intention to modify a skill so in the end its goal is just to cut casting from a class, that is, he made a change without needing to, because he pushed and knocked down the same, the skill is weak, terrible and etc, it has a chance to remove target, wow, great thing, the skills have a reuse of 15 seconds, and it fails absurdly. Do you know why this skill is just a skill that was created just to be there to fill the gap, and that this push-to-knock modification is just a joke, it fails a lot, I fought a Sigel Knight Hero, super equipped and etc, I'm not well equipped, he used Shield Impact on me a hundred times, knows how many times he dropped me on the floor with her, none and knows how many times he removed my target, a few times, Hero, he was a hero, well equipped, skills well enchanted and etc. Now Evicerator removes its target all the time, Feoh removes it all the time, and etc., all DDs that have the ability to remove target, do it all the time. So NCsoft, when making changes to Sigel, make changes for the better and not to get more of the same.

  23. good night

    Using Google translator.


    They already realized that the Olympics favor those who hit harder, because time is short, and those who have better skills, in this case Feoh for example, in the past the Feohs always used their teleportation skills to evade opponents, but then NCsoft created a absurdly powerful skill for the Feohs, an aura that absorbs 95% and 5% of the damage is consumed by mana, of course the skill consumes 50 MP, but with so many items that it decreases MP consumption and with Feoh's ability to sacrifice HP for MP, this makes a Feoh much more tanke than the tanke himself in putting up with a beating, but with a differential, it is the class with one of the biggest damages of the game. Not to mention the absurd amount of items that were created that ultimately increase the damage of all DDs, etc., items that even increase the damage of the supports, but not for them to have chances with a Feoh for example with their ability to absorb 95% of the damage. 

    I'll give you some ideas, suggestions on that:

    1 - The skill that consumes HP to increase Feoh's MP, it has a short reuse, and with items that decrease reuse, Feoh ends up having advantages, so it is to increase the reuse of this skill, or to make the HP consumed for convert to MP is very large, around 2,500 HP to recover the MP that would recover what he already recovers, it is a way for the player if forced to create strategy, the tanke is not full of conditions, if using Reise Shield or Focus Shield you cannot use certain skills, if you use UD, you cannot activate other defense skills, if you use Protection of Faith you will be without using another skill for 2 minutes, this only happens with Sigel Knight, I do not see these absurd conditions in another class.

    2 - When we enter the Olympics, we see the opponent's CP and we see the opponent's HP, but we don't see the opponent's MP, as then we have a class that has a damage-absorbing ability and the little it takes consumes MP , then we have the right to see the MP of the guy too, to know how much MP he has, because hiding the MP, this gives Feoh advantages for example.

    3 - There are players who have class that hide, these skills alone in the Olympics are super advantageous, because the time that they are missing gives them enormous advantages, because then they attack when they have little time to finish and win in damages, I understand that there are items that remove the hide, but for that you need to get close, which is complicated, so NCsoft has to solve this, I believe that these skills can contain enchantments to increase Hide time, I know that Othell depends on it, but it's an absurd advantage, and that goes for archers too, you have to see a way to change that.

    4 - Decrease the reuse time of the two UDs of Sigel Knight, until today I do not understand the reason why this ability of Sigel has reuse for 15 minutes, is not a powerful skill, because an Evicerator with its damage ability activated can drain and kill Sigel fast, and 15 minutes is a very long time, Sigel is the class where your defensive skills have the most time, and one of them gives you a debuff where you are prevented from using another skill, and there are two more skills where you are prevented from using shield skills or you remove the buff, and I ask, which class has so many conditions? And I ask NCsoft, why does Sigel have these conditions that make the class very stuck. Maybe the Protection of Faith skill will start buffing you from using another skill there, Nine Aegis due to partying in PVP, only that it hurts Sigel in PVP one vs one and NCsoft didn't notice it?

    5 - Players, as they are chosen to fight, a hero most of the time score more by fighting players who are extremely weaker than them, so they often do not score points because they are or know how to play well, but why they are extremely equipped that take players extremely well equipped, in my opinion it should change the way opponents are chosen, I will give an example, proximity to lvl + proximity to points already acquired + special factor, hero, that is, if several heroes are registering the system will recognize and put them to fight each other always, if there are no heroes the system will make the factor of lvl + points already acquired, a person with a score of 100 points cannot get a person with a score of 30 points for example, but with a close score +

    6 - Items purchased in the store can no longer be used in the Olympics, for example, capes, stones there special and etc., only items that you craft and obtained the basis of the quests, such as exalted, dragon weapons and etc. can no longer be used in the Olympics.



  24. On 1/12/2021 at 3:51 PM, VTD said:

    Dear developers!

    Now with this Xp event it became pretty clear that we should have extra hunting zones with bow resist and high mdef mobs(like war torn)on higher leves.

    We have Ivory crater where we would have enough mobs to kill with rogue/tyrr/tank/summoner, but at the moment you can see almost only YUL or FEOH with buff cocktails killing most of the mobs.
    If you go out to other zones like Aligator/sillent valley for example you would see the same. 
    I know the plan is to try to make people to work together and create parties, but you should have alternative options where you could kill mobs 1by 1 with out running into a big party after every few mobs or a solo AoE player, but even if you try to join to a party on those levels they mostly looking for YUL or FEOH as DD’s because they killing much faster. 

    So sadly for most of the Tyrr/Rogue/tank/summoner classes you have left to try to walking around on Phantasmal or ivory crater and try to kill those few left over mobs which is a massive disadvantage on events like this.  

    Other players feel free to give me feed back about your thoughts on this. 

    Good night

    Using Google translator

    I agree with you, in Phantasmal, we only see archers using macro and the automatic attack tool and in macro they put the ability to jump back and forth and with just one or two skills in areas they kill all mobs. No use, this game will never be balanced in the classes again, they invested in several and several damage items that benefit precisely the high damage classes, like Feoh and Archer, even those high damage classes like Evicerator don't win in this one because it kills one by one, while these two classes kill with their absurd skills in the area.

    I doubt that NCsoft is trying to make people work together, with party as it used to be, since it has been destroying this party mechanism itself, it ended the quests that were the best way for a support to be able to develop fast. So NCsoft itself is ineffective in developing the game, I believe it should change the entire team of the company that creates or develops this game and so on.

    In the button that lets the character automatically hit there is an option that when clicking prevents us from giving KS, I always leave this option enabled so my character does not give KS, but archers and high damage characters do not let this activated. I think this button should always be activated, when activating the attack button automatically, it is already activated.

    Bring the quests back for example, create zones only for support class and for DDs that hit hard but only kill one by one. Or, to make mobs in certain areas have enormous defense against archer, wizard as you mentioned.

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