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Posts posted by Checkyoursix

  1. @Juji The server that wins dethrone is given the reward of being able to teleport, but the zone allows my teleports to set locations... It would encourage pvp and more strategy if my teleports did not work, so the server reward is actually something valuable. 

    Is this intentional? It honestly seems like an oversight. 

  2. Another event that clearly demonstrates the game devs / game masters being completely disconnected from reality 95% of this event can be purchased for less than half the price in game already. Who sets these prices? What a waste of your own time putting some of this stuff in the event.

  3. @JujiTo clarify this. I am 115/120, finished the quest, learned both skills on my 115 main, but my dual class still has level 6 dignity and is missing the +100 element attack/defense. Is this intentional? If I remember correctly previous exalted quests applied to both classes when completed. 

  4. 10 hours ago, lorekarf said:

    I dont think that to shift the swords time  2 or 3 hours before would create an unbalance toward USA time players.

    It would be good so at sword there would be actual pvp, but apparently USA players are scared of EURO  players on a NA server.

    Dont be carebear vote yes for more pvp!


    How do you figure making swords during most of the country's work day is going to lead to more pvp? Typical bob thought-less-ness. Just because swords occurs after you bedtime doesn't mean the rest of the server should change what they are doing for you especially when you are playing on the "wrong" server by location. I'd much rather it stays the same time and you stayed up later to pvp.

  5. 1. NYC - Verizon Fios gigabit

    2. No.

    3. Bloodswords timeframe, 4pm est. Possibly related to the hourly workload competing for resources. 

    4. When the initial bloodsword holder at 4pm is killed it typical takes 10+seconds for the sword to fall on the ground to be picked up. I have observed this happen multiple times since the migration to AWS, and never seen it before that. 

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