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Posts posted by Arscher

  1. With good equip yul have a advantage, becouse crid skill have no limit and you can push it hard + have range dmg.

    For ppl with exalted or +12 bloody weaps it´s no rly diffrence between yul and other DD´s.

    So this discussion is not for 90% of this game... + Yuls have some known weakpoints. All you can´t kill at range in a few seconds kills you overtime from short dinstance. And there are some classes that can´t get any dmg for some time (Evis) or have toogleskills (Feoh) what can be realy nasty for yul.

  2. Hi comunnity,


    some one else have problem with MP regen rate? I don´t mean that known bug where you have to redo pt and all is fine again. I farm Tanor for a long time trio (Yul, Iss, Tank) and never had any problems. I have good crowd controll. But since the last Update i don´t get the MP back, i use for skills and cant farm longer time anymore. Can this be the result of the overhit change?

  3. hi,

    if i change my tanks class from Human too Darkelf will i keep my Knights Aura so that Paladins Auro get changed for Templars Aura?

    Or can i only change class while red liberia and loose all skills?

  4. al least they offer this service for all player without any costs. Its fair for all. and as it looks there is no restriction about the purpose you use that service.

    So if i am not wrong you can use twice a year a gewr and look what happens?

  5. In the past i asked for a promo event, where we can get basic materials like Rune Stone and Elcyum etc. Like the screams for PK-System and partybonus, NC had now an ear for the costomers. Unbelivable! But...

    36.000 NCoins for 107 Elcyum to get my Bloody Weap R99 +12 to R110 +10. That´s 450€ for a weapon upgrade. Serious??????

    Items like that are massive needed in a high amout. There is no realy chance to farm them. I have would like to spend some money for that game, like all games have theyr costs. But 450€ for upgrading a weapon makes no sense at all....

    We need a way (pay/farm) to get this items in the needed amount (and fishing is not the way i mean).

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