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Posts posted by kau123

  1. 1 hour ago, TronEvo said:

    Well all I can say I'm 111 and if they're planing to nerf ios again also nerf ploundorious and think that people going to stick around buying ncoins I'll go to European server because at least you slowly get better items there and here is all about ncoins. Hopefully they will understand that over 110 people should get better adena drop then someone with exhalted 105+ @Juji



    Sad time...


    I speak for many who did not have the courage to say, or simply already gave up and left for other servers.


    I don't know what will be done, or if something will be done, I know that the server is dead, much more difficult than it should be so that people can have fun. Horrible XP, very low (1% all night afk farming, really?) Many people quit, farm locations 105-109 are extremely few and you never find an empty spot. Adenas then? lol... Suffering to buy spirit ore, soulshot etc ... Instances with reduced adenas drop, raid bosses impossible to do. what do you expect players to do? L2 store, big joke, absurdly expensive, and players will not invest more in xp / prestige runes etc. There is no pvp because players cannot evolve, and there is no way to compete with a few 110+. The market turn is no more. If your intention is to close with a server, you are on the right way. Do something for the players, especially low lvl, party xp, drop adenas / items, reward events that really help in some way. I will not invest a single cent more until something is done.

    We are waiting for a response from you ADM / GM, and looking forward to Wednesday, something must be done.

    Cya. No more Chronos till things get better

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