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Posts posted by mijati

  1. instead of logging in, he should do his job, and start to ban this 49k botters on classic server and the massive spam of pony and cat bots, and the adena seller who has 233 bots in ruins of agony on classic server..

  2. dear support, mods, admins whatever ..

    how we are supposet to farm  spellbooks for a warcryer, if the only 2 mobs in sea of spores who dropping them spawning at places where we cant see them, target them, or even attack them ?

    is this geodata a bleeping joke ? or java ? or is it  realy lineage 2 stuff . ???

    https://www.mediafire.com/view/8ht8gflfvm18lnm/Shot00005.jpg/file https://www.mediafire.com/view/8ht8gflfvm18lnm/Shot00005.jpg/file



    why these are the oinly 2 mobs after all who dropps the most important  WC  books ......and how we are supposet to get them, if pony bots there farming 24/7 with 1 trillion ponys ?

    ahh btw, since it seems that some amateuers are running this  classic server ...just a reminder, if u change the loot table and dropps. be sure to not bleep it up like with the plated leather gaitairs in cruma 2 .. where u removed the only mob who is dropping them, and the patterns ^^

  3. 2 hours ago, StanxFZ said:

    server pass only people with more than 100 iq, sorry mate

    sadly the server allows ppl with  no brain too ...

    its verry adult, and grown up to flame, and make jokes about ppl who cant speak english nor even learned it .shows how much of attitude your parent teached u ...none it seems

  4. hi all i have some questions for the letter event.

    there are some " dropps" as reward i cant figure out, what they are for.

    so  can anyone tell me what this items are for ? :

    Talisman of Insolence Lv. 6

    Shadow Crystal

    Anakim Rune - Stage 1

    Scroll of Darkness


    thnx for the infos


  5. well yeah , it realy seems they wont ban bots after all.. i made a video from ruins of agony, where u can see how this botter there is running adrenaline bots  and how his bots running  exact the same time the same pathpoints over and over again, and they didnt ban him  after all.

    i know since old l2 c3 times, that on official  botters wont get banned. i reported so many bots on hindemith,teon, and later on naia, noone got banned.

    this what we have here on classic, is nothing more than a big slap in the players face.but  to be honest.i prefer to pay for adena from a adena seller, instead of giving ncsoft my money.

    if they dont wanna ban bots, ok. the first proof of this we can see at the pk/karma system... if u pk 10 bots, u basicaly can delete your charakter and start a new one. so with this step noone would kill the bots  after all, i call this bot protection.

    i guess in 1 year trhe server is gone anyway. because from 50k players u have 10 aktive and rest are botters.

  6. so iam in sos now for more than 4 days.. almost 24/7 ....i got no spellbook so far, not from a wyrm not from a tree,  overall in 4 days of sos, i got mats and adena who are not even close to 0.2x server rates ...this is bullshit ....

    spellbooks need a higher dropp chance  because if they dont dropp u cant play on a propper way your class .....

    i cant belive that players , in game, and in the forum are so quiet about this ,and wont say something.

    i cant even understand they dont act against this botters , and this support  with his lame excusions about banning bots...

  7. ok exactly i tested this :   i have 1 acc with  VIP 2 and one with no vip

    i made in booth accounts 2 new chars, and played till i got to the  ruins of agony quest stepp for the 300 kills....

    with vip 2 i got less dropps  ( materials like bones stem iron and so on )  as with the 2nd account without VIP


    what i did not know so far was : that the bonus % of the vip status is shared along the party.but it makes sense .

    i forgot to make screenshots from the logout reporting window, so i will do the test tomorrow again, and hopefully not forget the screenshots than^^

    the XP with and without VIP semms to be correctr since my vip account always got more xp than the one without.

    just the dropps are realy erm well.. bleeped up^^


  8. ok what i was talking about is :  the router has ip4 and ipv6  each  gives me a random IP everytime i reset the router or turn it on and off.

    booth  ips have a range from 0-255    its like :  this i was talking about, i limited this to a max of 5 different ips

    when u login u can tick : save current ip     .....so when i login there should be a max of 5 ips saved relatet to MY accounts.and since the router only uses this 5 ips,  there should not be a account verrify after all.

  9. anyone knows why the spellbooks are not dropping where they supposet to dropp ?

    iam farming for 3 days now in sea of spores for books,and got nothing

    in 3 days ill got 23 cursed bones

    4 drake leather armor parts 123k adena .. and thats all ...

    80% of the mobs are not dropping anything at all

    and iam lvl 42 , they should dropp...at least materials

  10. i have VIP 2 status .. and it says +20% dropps... may it be chance, or ammount, dosent matter

    in fact.. i get less dropps than without VIP ...

    i tested yesterday for 4 hours with 2 different accounts.

    main account with VIP =20 animal bones in 4 hours.....

    2nd account same location same mobs 4 hours = 95 animal bones .....

    any explanations about this ?


  11. no i dont, i have only the router, and there i limitted already the ips to a maxx ammount of possible  changings to 5 ... so after all the client should save and register 5 ip`s.

    ( an ip chaning , ill get only when the router was offline, or made a reset by hand )

    so there should not be any  reason, for me to verify my account on each login.

  12. @support,ncsoft or what ever ....

    why u dont ban bots ?

    i can upload more than 344 screenshots and  more than 4 hours of video gameplay from botters in this game....from ruins of agony,up to sea of spores and other areas.start banning bots, or i will go to every bleeping forum twitter, snapchat and facebook side i have acces to, and will post the support tickets answers,screenshots,videos about how ncsoft is actually allowing  to bot ,and support botters

  13. nope, there are no gms on this server after all. else they would  bann botters

    instead botting here is allowed , and after 2 weeks of playing here i can alrady proof it  multiple times.all kind of bots from old walkers up till adrenaline are working, and the server settings are to protect and prefer botters.

    else u would not have 100k karma for killing 3 botters in sea of spores.

  14. wich the recent changes, how do we get A grade recipes ? still the same way like in "NORMAL" lineage 2 ( ex. high 5,interlude,gracia and so on ) via quests and spoil ?

    if yes, where ?!? because this server here has nothing to do with "classic" or l2 after all, it seems like a modded java server here ...

    so plz anyone , tell me where to get A gear/recipes plz

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