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Posts posted by Gonein60Seconds

  1. i for one am not against this idea, or even the old school dragon ports, -everyone- ports in and CC who does more damage wins you know people will flag so there would be pvp while killing the dragon. either or, don't matter more pvp would be nice. just not a fan of macro killing, planned and organized pvp is my favorite to be honest.

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  2. I made a ticket to support earlier today asking in a nutshell if my clan is allowed to pvp in a pvp game... i swear to all i hold dear if they tell me we are exploiting, we will stop fighting in a 14 man clan. If they decided to punish us, we will take the punishment, learn from it and not cry or goto core. we are adults we will self reflect. that being said i am 100% we are not exploiting. you guys just want blood, for the wrong you did. I too feel you guys got harsh punishment, but noone on the server has the power to influence supports decisions they gave you guys the harsh punishment not anyone else. there are no GM's in peoples pockets, no matter how many times you say it, doesnt make it true. they came down super hard because of the warning they posted before. 

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    • 9 minutes ago, Katroulou said:

      @ProPVE Clan

      Why as clan you help Nova/FS in pvp? Can you answer?

      Because they are our friends. And honestly we would not get involved, except that those they fight were either kill stealing, pking, or messing with us in one shape or form. Leave us alone and we leave you alone. Mess with us and get stung.

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  3. 28 minutes ago, ChocolateChip said:

    the thing is. it's very obvious that the players abusing this aren't new players, as well as the clan isn't a new clan. I would like to just see this fixed.

    How is this abuse? Everyone calling it abuse either suffered from the exploit ban or try to bully people into fighting them, or try to push wars when people are macro farming. This is not abuse nor an exploit, you are trying to split hairs. It is a game mechanic. 

    24 minutes ago, HopOff said:

    A 14 person clan should not be able to take a castle 100%! The rules are differnt for clans that are 14 players or below giving an advantage. This is not fair to the rest of the server that is not exploiting this 

    Why not? If you can't stop less than 14 people from taking a castle, then you don't deserve the castle.

    9 minutes ago, Aleira said:

    Literally the only thing you are asking for is the ability to force us to fight back, ALSO KNOWN AS BULLYING.... 

    As it stands, we're on equal ground... If you flag on me, i can flag back if i chose, or not. If i Flag on you, you can flag back on me if you chose, or not. 

    A 1 way war, that doesnt allow people to fight back, and encourages bullying sounds like a bigger exploit than giving all people involved a choice in the matter.

    The above quote says it all. It would be an abuse or an exploit if we were getting the better of you in some way. If we fight and die we take the same penalty at death as you do. Most of the time (not all of the time, but 80%) It is people in Morning Star or Los Bandidos that instigate the fight in the first place. You don't want us in your business, stay out of ours. We are called ProPVE for a reason. The war on the mobs is never ending.

    Divekio is just mad because Pope killed him the other day when he was tying to mess with Gicobbe, and I killed him at Parnassas while he was going red on all the little guys up there.

    You don't need a war Divekio, you just want a way to kill us when it is convenient for you. We take away that factor by not warring you. Doesn't mean we won't fight you. Stop trying to bully people and the game will run smoothly.

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  4. As someone who spends way more than i am comfortable admitting. not this time Ncsoft... and everyone else should choose not to as well. crits now are altready 1 shots, dont need this new item. and we are getting super dumb with all the glows and junk already with armor and weapon glows. dont need more bling... super cheesy.. i for one hate everything about this new stuff already.

    This is an insult on top of many other insults.

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