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Posts posted by cretino

  1. The adena has dropped too much and for the most classes it's not playable anymore, for example a tanker that absolutely need a pet to increase his farm, how he will pay for the pet's feed? that class is dead on the server, and you may think that your class si fine and you can still farm something, but will be another drop on the adena, the Aden server died like the titanic and the iceberg that will end it all are the assassin update, like the titanic it still appears to be floating, but the end is comming, if you dont believe me i urge you to go on the new areas of farm and see if any one is there, or any place 87+, it's all empty and the last of us that didn't give up are packed toggeder fighting for scraps on seal of mahum.  Some of you may think that it will end the RMT but the RMT do all the Raid Bosses and they will keep doing it, the few people that can afford to legitimately buy Ncoin to gear up, they dont care for Raid Bosses, they get things with credit card, but then what fun is to be that geared on a empty server, the Ncsoft sell the siege as a "MASS-PVP Event" but were is the mass? the thousands of people to be killed by true heros, were are the lords of castles and the wars between clans? ther are none of that, the few clans that have real players don't have more than 5 people with a lot of boxes, you can count on your hand the clans that have more than five members playng and its not because people don't like that much of this game, its becouse Ncsoft prefers to sell a 1000 to a few people than a 100 to thousands of people or 10 to tens of thousands like has ben done on pirate dervers, but Ncsoft preffers to see the end of all than change this way of charging people, this game have everything to be a ever lasting success but the staff don't understand that there is a hand full of people in the world(8b people) that can afford those prices and those few people need thousands of people to kill.

    if we just had more people to kill....

  2. Every one had or have that problem in big events like Blazing, you can’t move around and can’t enjoy the event( yes it’s a game and it’s meant to be enjoyable) what happens is that some clans obligate players to use a “bot” with a script that register their activities to get points and share the clan rewards, that “bot” have a ping accelerator (or they use one with) and with that, they have a huge advantage against those players that are legitimately playing 

    So what we do about that? Give up our convictions and start to cheat using programs? Stop playing? Of course not! We don’t give up, we love this game and I personally hate those players that have hundreds of accounts farming adena everywhere!

    I took a time and look up the top players list (I know that is not all of them that do this kind of thing, but the ones that do are in that ranking) and blocked every single one of them with /block, after I had more than 300 blocked not only from the top 150 but also from the race ranking, my game play was greatly improved in events and I could move freely( I cannot explain why) but it worked amazingly, and not only that, my clan was being hunted down by a “big clan” (they pklized my friends until they quit game sadly) and I noticed that I wasn’t being killed anymore by them, they killed my friends in the same spot but not me so I told to my friends to do that and the ones that did blocked every one stopped to get pk too(we think that they have a script that automatically goes killing players, but we don’t know for sure, they can’t be that lazy)

    Again, we know that is not all of top players that use this, but we can’t know with one of them doesn’t use, so we blocked all of them and we use box lvl 1 for trade so no harm there!

  3. It’s not free to players that overpopulated the server but the adena sellers with more than hundreds of accounts farming with script, in toi for example u can barely move because of the ping accelerator that they use, and when you buy something from them you are supporting them!

  4. It is easy to avoid, if you are having delay in game just /block the player with bot and you will notice that your game will flow nicely, if it is a enemy he will not be able to take your target with the “bot” or find you via script 👍

  5. I started to play l2 aden last week and and noticed that is impossible to win against mobs without pay! OMG!!! PayToWin MUST be about PVP now we have to pay to buy soulshot and spirit ore to win against MOBs, this is INSANE!! Please @Jujicreate a server that we have to pay every month to play but have no l2 store, no l2coin, no other way to win but play! You can do it! It is just a new server where we have to pay a fee to play! please do it!

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