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Posts posted by PystYSikna

  1. 12 hours ago, Juji said:

    Yes, the other issues have been sent to the Dev team as well. I posted in other threads about the missing Blessed Soulshots, missing 5th hot bar, and the ability to see buffs/debuffs on your target. We have a list of more than 15+ issues for the Classic Server that is waiting for a response or follow up from the Dev team.


    And make fish stew TRADABLE!!!

  2. 5 hours ago, xTeddyx said:


    This update absolutely makes no sense.  I understand that there are a lot of mobile games out there that find some success, but lineage 2 is the wrong game to do that with!  This game is suppose to be played on your PC on a large monitor with vast content such as crafting, sieges, questing, etc...  Turning it into a mobile game will destroy the essence of this once amazing game and transform it into one of those generic mobile game that people will just play for a couple weeks then delete.  Remember mobile devices have limited memory unlike a PC so people are constantly deleting and downloading apps on a daily basis.  These DEVS are so out of touch with what this game is suppose to be and why it has captured the loyalty of players for more than 16 years.  Whoever originally created this game had the right idea and was brilliant with its content and diversity, and I'm sure a different and less creative team is now responsible for making all of these horrific changes and ideas. 

    The only thing they did right was add the Auto-Hunt feature.  The "first" Auto-Hunt feature they introduced was clever, because they understood that their original fan-base is much older now and can't sit in front of the PC 24/7 like we did before.  Now most of us have "real" work, families, and have grown up responsibilities.  It allowed us to stay competitive by allowing us to manage work/life/game balance.  It was comprehensive and easy to use and allowed you to somewhat compete with all the 3rd party bots out there that run rampant all over questing and farming areas, but now they somehow found a way to ruin the only thing they did right!  I will point out only two of the MANY examples:  You can't loop useful buffs, but you can loop heals and strategic skills such as "Stun Shot" non-stop without any delays until all your MP is used up in a matter of seconds!  Second Example:  You can't loop Songs and Dances, but you can loop "Party Return" - What?!?!?  Also, why can't we see if our de-buffs are landing on mobs anymore, and why can't we see the character we are playing on instantly?  Whose terrible idea was this anyway and do they even play the game or tested this so-called newly improved system?   (It is the BIGGEST FAIL thus far)

    I am also not happy about the fact that they are removing important content from the game with every update.  Crafting has been a very important and fun part of this game and it is fading away with every update.  Sieges are not fun anymore and limited to just one castle along with fortresses being unavailable.  Olympiad is a joke allowing outside buffs which defeats the purpose of having self-buffs and class individuality.  There is too much emphasis on P2W and its taking the fun out of the game, simply due to the fact that you can only get those items if you spend real money.  The concept that there are items that you cannot trade of share and materials have 0 value when sold to the NPC makes it so much more difficult for you to earn adena, not to mention the pitiful adena drop rate.  There are so many other things worth mentioning, but I'll leave that to the rest of you if you want to bring notice to it.  To sum it all up, this once incredible game is utterly being destroyed, dismantled, and transformed into something we don't want...  We voice our disappointments and concerns in the forums along with fantastic ideas and resolutions, only to be frequently ignored.  I'm extremely loyal and very patient, but if the direction is to remove more content and become more like a mobile game, that is where my friends and I draw the line and part ways with one of the greatest games that was ever created! 


    Thank you so much for reading.  I just needed to spill my heart out and express my sadness and dissatisfaction to what is happening to our beloved game...


    L2 Fan (Nov 2003 Closed-Beta Phase 1-7/Open Beta/Prelude)


    NCSOFT dont afraid that! There is the rumors, that Samsung will make a new smartphone, call it L2Galaxy, ant OS will be written by ncsoft rolf

    • Haha 1
  3. This game was doomed to death after update where grades was removed.... then dworfs lost ability to craft shots... This update was the last nail in the L2 coven. Legit players lost everything. Bots lose just large income from drop, which they sell to the npc shops. Try to find a free place in necro-no chance. I checked some hunting places-bots are in places where they was. Parties work well. Just go to the Death Pass and will see trains and trains of donkeys deleveling on 80+ mobs... And now you removed ability get some adena for players even from fishing!!!! Why you just dont removed adena from the game? Or why just not closed servers? That is the easyest way. It is nothing than mocking from the peoples! While other MMORPG companies fighting for the players to play their games, ncsoft do everything to make game unplayable! And in this point they are EPIC!

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