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Posts posted by warden28

  1. Honestly I dont get how their model is going to work... Usually they'd need to give at least something to f2p players and low spenders so they can keep progressing  but  at a slower pace.

    Like that they'd stay in the server and be food for the heavy spenders or at some cases maybe  succeed in progressing if they know what they are doing or if they join some big clan.

    The way they are doing it though... I feel like everyone is going to quit in a couple weeks unless it is someone who can comfortably spend a fortune. And then the server is just gonna feel empty

    But this is just my thoughts anyway, maybe it will work out for them in the end

  2. I'm new player F2P(for now at least until I have a picture about the server)  and I haven't played a server like this or retail servers for many years, I need some help to understand how it works.

    So I do the 10 min dungeon and then I farm on the field for 1-2 more hours until I use like 5-6 vitality pots and buff scrolls.

    the adena I get is not enough to support soulshots and spirit ores. and after the vitality is spent then its completely pointless to do anything.

    Is this how it is supposed to be or im doing something wrong?  Do I have to pray that the supply of free soulshots and ores will keep up even after this start up event? because it seems to me  this is the only way the game would be playable

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