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Posts posted by Duke13

  1. 2 hours ago, AxelFOley said:

    @joheyca you know nothing



    The only thing I constantly see people are saying is that auto-hunt and obviously bots are very bad. that kills party system. This is just a pathetic argument. Nobody's gonna spend 8hours grinding to get +0.5% to the exp anymore. Those times have passed. I am way more interested in playing will boxes (and it's sad that I can't run 11 of them) and then play on sieges and bosses. 

    Even though grind is the huge part of this game, it's not about the grind. And people keep thinking it is. 15 years later. 

    As I said. This game has a problem. It's finite. And with auto-hunt and a lot of experience it become finite really fast. And then for those who reached the top first, it's just adena farming and selling. That's what killing the game. Inability to compete with alliances. This is why in the beginning of the servers there is a lot of people always, but then when you see that you're out of the race, you quit. Classic lineage2 as I said. 

  2. what's happening peeps? Just got back since 2008. Looks pretty usual to me. Botting was also a problem back then. The thing about lineage2 is the super boring grind. In 2020 nobody wants to grind and burn their time. So auto-hunt is a solution to that. I went to sleep and my char farmed entire night. Pretty good. This game was about sieges and fights for spots/bosses. 

    You say as if NCsoft has like a lot of employees running around. I think they might barely have like 5-10 peeps still working on the game. Mb even less than that. It's pretty much a custom free shard server with all the pays and stuff. I don't see why are you blaming this. Classical lineage2. 

    This game just has a problem. It's most interesting to play in the beginning of the server up to 75lvl, while no clan has occupied the spots and there are many fights happening. But after the server matures, it becomes bad as hell, since the major alliance or max two alliances just occupy all farming spots and olympiad and raid bosses. and you can't do anything to prevent them from doing that. And since that happens it's not interesting anymore and you go ahead and look for another new server. I remember that happened with Luna opened and people rushed there from Teon.  

  3. 5 hours ago, snowkingb said:

    yeah its possible, but you are more than likely going to want to throw in an EE to heal and recharge, as far as i can tell you can only have 1 macro loop per account, so your SE will just be buffing, and your EE will be healing and recharging. there is probably a more effective way to run it, i just started playing again about a week ago. some pointers if you dont know much or anything about the auto hunting. 

    1. go to the options and TURN OFF "optimize Performance" im convinced that is why i died 10 mins after i would walk away until yesterday

    2. /delay is gonna be your buddy

    and 3. if you dont want your buffers/healer to attack because it interferes with the macro do not start their auto hunt, just right click their macro

    and i understand that you wanna play a SPS, however im not sure that mages will be able to auto farm for very long off of a macro with out going OOM and dying,  a SH or a human mage might be better suited to it since they have body to mind but even with that i feel like mana would still be a pretty large problem. I would suggest trying out a melee main if you run into constant problems with the mage. that being said tho if it works out i absolutely wanna know id love to have a mage party. also what server are you playing on? if you play on gludio i might be open to a party merger for survivals sake. hope this was helpful. happy hunting

    Thank you, good person. 

    Yeah I figured that you can only buff or heal/recharge on the second acc. How much delay are you putting on the buffer btween buffs and follow? I did 600seconds, but thinking about cutting it shorter a bit. 

    I am on Talking Island :(


  4. Hey all,

    I made a recent come back to the game. Going to be a SpellSinger. Looking for clan to network, chat and potentially raidboss/party. I don't use bots or stuff like that. Don't need help with money or anything. Just a good company that is playing frequently. 


    Ingame nickname - Duke

  5. Hey everyone, yesterday got back to LineageII. Haven't played since Kamael in 2008. 

    Trying to set up a dualbox autohunt. yet-to-be spellsinger + SO. I've seen people having the little window, where they can use the macro and stuff like that. My SO would keep attacking mobs. I just want her to buff and recharge. Plus I need them to sit, when they are out of mp. Possible to do so?

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