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Posts posted by ConsiderThis

  1. 1 minute ago, Ukah said:

    Do you guys know how to interpret a text?

    It says: EXTORTING by PK for spots, itens or Adena.

    gerund or present participle: extorting
    1. obtain (something) by force, threats, or other unfair means.

      Note that: "Obtain BY FORCE, THREATS"

      The pk doesn't FORCE YOU, to do nothing. He doesn't THREAT you in any way. He just come, PK and leave.
      Unfortunately this is just a game mechanic. It is what it is.

    He was there he didnt left he pked me five times in a row i lost my dragon buff and my time lvling up 

  2. 2 minutes ago, Excommunicated said:

    you are the one who asks for "ban" for harassment, I am just explaining to you that it does not merit "ban" for harassment, because it is not .. it is abuse of power.
    PS: and I do not defend anyone, I have also killed when characters position themselves in my spot and do kS

    then let gms decide if it bannable action or not you have no the jurisdiction to tell me what is right or not 

  3. Just now, Excommunicated said:

    Is the player asking you for something for not killing you?
    asks you to pay him with adena or some item not to kill you?
    I don't think so .. he only kill low level players, therefore it is NOT harassment

    LOL wtf are you saying and why you defend him so much i dont know him and i think that i am telling you is clearly a harrasment when you dont let anyone in a whole area to farm when we paying for vp pots or other staff you clearly an idiot you cant undestand the difference

  4. 1 minute ago, Excommunicated said:

    I will give you the same answer that the support team gave me when I sent a ticket for harassment.

    The pvp is part of the game, we recommend that you are in party to be defended if any char wants to kill him.

    greetings, support team

    What was my response to this? I decided to kill all the players of the same clan when they were in macro AFK for a week until they left me pace

    i undestand but not spam pk a whole exp area cus you can multiple times 

  5. 6 minutes ago, TheThrax said:

    ofc its ok to pk other players :)) for what your think we have that option?

    not for spamming a whole exp area low gear and lvl players multiple times that my opinion i lost dragon buff and vp pot cus of him

  6. 9 minutes ago, Excommunicated said:

    OMG, killing other players for doing KS is part of the game and if you pass your items to a lower level char to kill faster or do PK it is also part of the game .. stop  bleeping

    Ok then i want @juji or some gm to answer this post if he tells me its part of the game i will do the same no problem with me !!! 

  7. Just now, iArthemis said:


    man, keep on farming and let this idiot give you pk, sometime he will get tired

    no man i pay for this game its my right to farm free and also to report players that harrash me and not letting me play the game i pay for

  8. 1 minute ago, Excommunicated said:

    OMG, killing other players for doing KS is part of the game and if you pass your items to a lower level char to kill faster or do PK it is also part of the game .. stop  bleeping

    so we must not going there cus iis wants to farm and we cant  that is the solution ? 

  9. 1 minute ago, Excommunicated said:

    OMG, killing other players for doing KS is part of the game and if you pass your items to a lower level char to kill faster or do PK it is also part of the game .. stop  bleeping

    what ks ? the whole blazing swamp OMG you idiot 

  10. 3 minutes ago, Excommunicated said:

    this is a joke right? they should ban you for being an idiot ..

    yes its fair overgeared ppl coming at bs and pk hole place multiple times i am the idiot yes

  11. 5 minutes ago, mixa said:

    This is hardly a harassment buddy. Just part of the game.


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    Greeting Adventurers,

    We would like to remind you that harassment of any kind will not be tolerated. We have had several incidents in the past few months where we took action against multiple accounts and involved local authorities.

    Some example of harassment include:

    • Obscene, vulgar or inappropriate language towards you or others
    • Threatening violence or bodily harm in game or in real life
    • Extorting by PK for hunting spots, items, or Adena

    While there is no issue with general banter and rivalry between other players and clans, please remain respectful to other players here on the forums and in-game. You can read the Rules of Conduct you’ve agreed to here.


    If you are experience harassment, please contact our Customer Support by submitting a ticket here.

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  12. 1 minute ago, mixa said:

    This is hardly a harassment buddy. Just part of the game.

    Look up at gms post about harrasment 

    and no its not part of the game outgeared players not letting us to lvl up 

    • Like 1
  13. Hi GM i want to report player [moderated content] he is pking all time blazing swamp he is top geared with dragon rings etc and he is way more lvl than all players in bs . I want  you to ban him for harrasment with all his items he is doing this over a week now and nothing happens !! Thanks !!!


    Moderator note: Reporting certain players for their behavior needs to be done via ticket to the Support team. The forum staff does not have the means to look into these reports for you. Please refrain from calling out fellow players on the forums as that is a violation of the Code of Conduct.

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  14. Maybe you should consider to make the server like eu to pay for box accounts don’t need 3 windows all char has buffs after update and will be more active ... less toons in less lag just saying ....or you can try it one week only 1 box pets account 

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