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Posts posted by Araconda

  1. On the surface it seems nice that ncwest would start this thread for all of us "adventurers" to come and share our thoughts in a constructive manner so that possible changes could be made to improve the current game.

    We need to face certain facts however, ncwest is a publisher of the game...they dont have any real power to effect changes here.all they can really do is gather the information,translate it (incorrectly most likely) and send if to the Korean overlords so they can throw it away. ncwest isnt the author of this story they simply publish it so you can purchase it. they didnt build your house they are the real estate agent that profited of you buying  it.

    also, and i am so sorry for saying this...but if your a f2p player...they do NOT want you playing this game. think about where you work. do you want  people using your service,products, merchandise or whatever for free?? NOPE. unless your a non profit of course, and even then they dont survive without income.

    when updates are released the number 1 priority is PROFIT...every company out there seeks to make a profit and thats ok..its not a secret, its not illegal or immoral. its a fact.

    when you break down updates into its smaller parts you begin to see how each change would effect profit. so lets look at a couple examples with this update and we can see why the changes where made.

    1) xp/sp/adena nerf....sorry...adjustment. who does this benefit? the player? NOPE. it obviously benefits the company....and how do you ask. well it is an obvious attempt to get you to spend more money on nc coin...again remember the f2p player doesnt help the company make a profit. so if i am a player who spends money on this game and i want to continue to get the same xp as i was getting before what do i have to do? hmmmm...yep spend more money.

    2) reduction in the amount of reentrance time to special hunting zones. again same question..who does this benefit? the player? NOPE. does it benefit the company? on an initial glance you would say no. but when you stop and actually consider why/how this could benefit you will eventually come up with the answer. so an entrance pass cost 70 nc coin..affordable right. players get pretty good benefits from buying these passes since it gives them access for additional time to zones that give more xp, adena, drops. well ncwest has already proven they do not want that to happen. so what do they do..they nerf...again sorry..adjust the amount of time you can spend there. again, this is in an attempt to get the player to spend more money on things like..idk..a 2400 coin destiny pack.some of you will say that reducing the time costs the company money..and your somewhat correct. but what would you rather sell a 70 coin pass or a 2400 coin 200% xp rune? im willing to bet money that when the research was done on the amount of entrance passes purchased by most players it was 2. so reducing the number of you can use in a day really didnt cost the company anything.


    as a player of over 16 years now i have spent thousands of dollars on this game. i have always supported the games i have played. i paid for 6 monthly subscriptions before the game was f2p. i have purchased countless nccoins since. in april i spent $600 on this game. i had to use 2 accounts to do it cuz nc limits you to $500 per month per account. anyway, i have never had a problem spending money to play a game that i enjoy...until now...i am disgusted and disappointed at the same time with myself and this game. i am at a point where i feel i have spent to much to quit...but cant spend another dime on this trash...what should i do?

    sorry on my way to work there is more i wanted to put into this post but am running short on time t and most of you will think im stupid anyway but think about it and you will come to a similar conclusion.  

    its all about the money.

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  2. I remember a distant time when this game actually enjoyable. Games like this are meant to be an escape from reality. You should look forward to going home and logging in and playing this game...I certainly do not anymore. I will still afk do like everyone else, but I can not spend any more money on this garbage. Madden 21 comes out next week so I will have something to play for a few months. Maybe see some of you guys there.

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  3. I remember a time when You actually looked forward to updates. I have been around since 2004 (yes took several extended breaks)  I remember c2..c3...all of the wonderful updates since. I even would take the day off work so I could update and login and see what types of new content was available. When did that change? I would say for the last few years each time an update is launched I login and see wth ncsoft has done to make my grind more difficult. I mean updates should improve the game...not make people quit...why do I cringe when I see updates now? It’s because they suck...complete trash...and is destroying this game if it’s not already destroyed. Grats to ncsoft...another wonderful update...

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  4. I started on devianne in 2004 as well shortly after retail. I miss hunting in fields around starter towns such  as de village I would get low on health and have to try and outrun spiders from the swamp and they would chase you a helluva long way before stopping. I miss  soda..I miss cruma and believe it or not I miss  the days when you couldn’t afford soul shots or to even teleport. I remember riding the boat to talking island. I miss the days when clans really meant something and you needed them to xp. I still play today and have taken multiple breaks but this game is not even close to the game that will always be my first mmo.

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  5. Well last week mob in alligator island gave  20+ bill which tbh I think was 27 bill and now gives 3-4 bill. I have a screen shot of what 110 solo instance gave from 4/14/20. Will compare to what it gives today when I get home. But if I recall from last night it was 1-2bwhich on 4/14 was 12.5b

  6. Before this update I would get .16 per mob at alligator island, after update it’s .02. Vitality is applied at 200% Normally , so we have lost total of 250% with the server setting being reversed to normal rates. Does this seem to add up correctly then? I’m not great at math by any means but it doesn’t seem correct. 

  7. I logged in Wednesday directly after maintenance and was shocked...I had no lag...you could barely see my hands moving..I even recorded a short video I was so amazed. 4 hours later I was extremely disappointed to see how sluggish my GK had become (recorded short video again) This is absurd and really shows the lack of respect ncsoft has for its customers. Truly this can not be this difficult to figure out. I believe it’s a simple lack of trying to fix it because it isn’t really costing them any $$$$

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