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Everything posted by cyphol

  1. Hi. I noticed a huge difference in XP/SP rates after the update. I also know there are some problems with the rates. However, I am wondering if the problems only apply to 75+ or is this a global issue for all levels? I am asking because I don't want to waste my scrolls if there is a genuine problem for characters below 75. Let me know please if that is working as intended. Thank you in advance
  2. Hi. I am wondering if there are any kind souls that know how buff stacking works? My main is a Moonlight Sentinel and a.t.m. I am leveling a Prophet, but noticed also there are some differences between Chant of Victory and Prophecy of Fire e.t.c. I don't know exactly which ones can stack, for example, if you can have Might, Greater Might and Prophecy of Fire/Chant of Victory stacked? Is there anyone with a lot of knowledge in this department who can write down the optimal combination (list of buffs) for a class like Moonlight Sentinel? It would be very appreciated. Also, how many buff slots do you have? Thank you in advance
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