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Everything posted by WretchedOne

  1. Everyone keeps talking about Casinos issue is that casinos are regulated and NCSoft is not. Gaming commission control and monitor the payouts on all chance games. In my state they even monitor the pay out of carnival games. There is a winning % assigned to all games in my state and anyone violating this losing their gaming license. Most successful casinos in the world only have a 91 - 93% win rate. Meaning they payout 6 - 9% of the winnings year on end. So top "jackpot) items should not be so difficult they are never seen ever and "high end items" should come out 1 out 100 or around that, Its not good business to show people a pot a gold and there is no way to obtain it even though you say there is. Does it cost NCsoft anything if people start buying more boxes because they pay out? The most successful events you guys have are the ones when people can actually pay to upgrade their toons IE Last years Dragon Slayer event and dont even lie just from Chronos you guys probably made easily $1 million US on it.
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