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Posts posted by Karmeligullo

  1. 9 hours ago, KilllerCottonBall said:

    I see your point, however this game is pvp (player vr player) no matter how you put it or what server it is there's always going to be an imbalance of power between the ones that have 1. better gear and are more experienced in pvp and 2. the casual player or the pve players. Every server has that problem. The fact that this server has a clan running everything has absolutely nothing to do with it.  Logistically speaking  the leader of epidemic had a fantastic idea from the start and thats why this clan has dominated the server since day one.  I get that some people have an issue with it, I get that some people like the author of the original post  dont like it but my question is, why have all this drama on forums and call people out for what you think  they are doing wrong when the game was designed to be this way? and also the fact that all these posts about epidemic are created and originated by one individual just because he didnt like getting his  countless alts and main toon dropped after epidemic declared war on his clan?.. just saying...

    If they are strong enough to control all objectives on the servers then why not do to this, however I just talk about harrassment on "random" peoples on regular hunting zones. You say that they declare wars on the clans and they kill them, but what war is it if to begin the war you just need to put enemy clan name in your clan enemy list and that's it? This way you can add all clans on the server to your enemy list and you can kill all people everywhere. You still will say they can kill them because they have war while second side is not even aware they are part of war? For some people it is enough if you stay near to them on the hunting spot to "declare war". I just think that even if rules do not forbid some actions it does not mean you must do it. This is caused by lack of in-game penalties for PK and missing real war system, but does it mean you must behave this way? Game design in one thing but players behaviour is another.

    I write this in hope for the change the game pvp/pk system in the future (i know it may not happen soon or even ever).

    The current system combined with players behaviour cause that 20 people kill other 200 and the 20 people are happy while the 200 is frustrated.

  2. 50 minutes ago, KilllerCottonBall said:

    The person that recorded the video clearly wasnt in epidemic or getting killed by epidemic and clearly cant see the wars the members of epidemic have so why all the drama? because someone doesnt understand the game mechanics and thinks that some players are just killing for the sake of killing. Oh wait didnt that happen a few months ago when members of doom did that? but thats not the point. The point is that some guy recorded a video 'pretending to show epidemic members in a bad light but clearly the video doesnt do that. FYI next time learn how to play the game before you start crying ... just saying.

    Maybe they do not kill all but for sure they kill who they want to. If they dont like you they just click one button and kill you for all the day. For you this is "mechanic" is ok? Of course game the game design allow this, but it does not change the fact that many ppl are already corrupted by posessed power/bad game design and think they rule the world. It is not only about epi but also.

  3. 2 hours ago, T0kyo said:


    What answer did you expect?

    PK its part a game. Dont like this ? Ur problem. 


    13 minutes ago, DisplayFoFUn said:

    Gotta love of these post about Pks, the crying, the whining. People you need to understand that PvP (including PK) is 90% content of the game, so either get over it of play another game.

    You guys instead of trolling need to understand that the PK feature is self-destructive. Who care if the PKing is allowed or not? It causes the players to leave and this is important.

    • Like 5
  4. Why only most clan-leader-friendly members should get all most valuable items while other members participate in raids as well? In every big clan clan leader CP gets best items first and casual clanmates get only items that nobody need.

    If you drop lets say DK transformation book who will get it? Why all members have to farm items to snowball just few people? If someone is part of CC, he should have rights for loots.

    In my opinion Command Channel loot should be always random. I want to say NO for support strongest to make them even stronger and NO for RMT.

  5. When you kill the Atingo's pet, the pet necklace will be dropped on the ground and you need to pick up it. If the pet does not dropped the necklace it might be bug or if you play on Blackbird server it could be caused by server lags. I killed Atingo many times and always got necklace.

    Total 4 Atingos can exist at once. One for each of 4 locations. It is not a bug. Also chance to spawn a pet is small so you probably were just unlucky :P

  6. 19 hours ago, Undefined said:


    In that case, use short next target, instead of the long range next target. I think it will work, as I got many drops from my archer, with this setup.

    But I understand that it could be a problem for some people anyway:
    Some people would be pissed off to see that their archer is walking all over the place to pick stuff up, maybe some people want to pick up close things but not at long range, so we don't waste time.

    If you change target to short distance, you will wait for mobs to respawn next to you. If you use Long Distance target, it also selects nearest mobs first, then selects mobs further away from you. By using long distance you can kill more mobs.

    Using short distance is prefered way only if monsters stay in groups and each group is separated from other ones.

    • Thanks 1
  7. To get a pet you need to hunt for Atingo. He is around 75lvl and spawns in the Tower of Insolence, Orc Barracks, Dragon Valley and Plains of the Lizardmans.

    Atingo can spawn at random places in the mentioned locations.


    Once Atingo HP drops below 50%, there is a chance for a pet to appear (Buffalo, Strider, Tiger, Kookaburra, Hawk, Wolf). You need to kill Atingo first to make the pet ownerless. If you kill the pet,  Pet Necklace used to summon the pet will be dropped with 100% chance.


    There is also very high chance for Sin Eater to appear, then no pet will be dropped.


    Pets do not steal XP from Pet Owner, but they get their own XP based on how much DMG to mosnter they did during fight.

    Pets can have some offensive, defensive and self-buff skills depending on pet type. You can use pet for some additional DMG, but after 60lvl of the pet, you will need to spend high amount of adena for Pet Food.



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