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Everything posted by Crycrycry89

  1. good evening, I would like to petition, I don't want to accuse server management. But I noticed that there are a lot of things that don't work. the craft sistem doesn't work, and it cuts off a large percentage of players. there are no cute quests. if you want to expare in a group there are no decent places (ketra, varka, pi, or gc) they are very difficult places. where players have to go in groups and take little exp, so little that you lose hope and go to woa to expare 24/7 with auto hunting. you are almost forced to pay (which I don't mind if only an exp and adena bonus is offered. But you are also putting pvp bonuses, making lineage 2 a sensational pay to win). doing so will kill the server. In a nutshell you are taking advantage of the name of lineage 2 just for your dirty interests
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