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Giran - Catalyst


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I started playing Lineage 2 15 years ago with my girlfriend at the time and her cousins. i played hardcore for several years, until i joined the army and life happened. now after being away since 2010, I have come back. One of the top clans of our server was Catalyst, we were an awesome team constantly fighting ICA and Blaze. I have lost contact with all of my old clan members but i have been trying to rekindle the fire that was Catalyst. I am from the US but all active people are welcome, especially if you are from the days of Sieghart, Bartz, and Gustin

IGN: Ikran

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ZaubaTussi , Bishop/Cardinal , former member of the german clan Pegasus here. 
Played on Sieghardt since closed beta. 
i miss all of the guys i played with and even against. 
I would love to get in contact with any former Sieghard players!
You can message me at  <zaubatussi@gmx.de>.

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