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ingame Mail issue


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Seems that my mailbox does not respond today, any suggestions what i should do?
The following were tried out without any success: relog/restart/exit and relog/window reset from options/ empty my bags/ change main-sub class,/ change town/ client repair. and still nothing.
I cannot open the mail window :(

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Alright it seems that the way to un-stuck the bugged mailbox, is to simply send a new mail to that person.


A friend of mine just sent me a random mail and the mailbox started working again.

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I've got that issue a lot.

What i noticed, it usually happens if you try to open ur mails when u just logged without moving, happening also if you are looking at a shop in giran for exemple and u're trying to open ur mail box.


In those cases, i send a mail from an alt to my main character where the mailbox is bugged. Meanwhile the mail is sending i RR the main, log in again, wait for the mail to arrive move a bit and open it. It usually fix the thing, in case it doesnt i just do it once again :D Must say its really annoying..

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