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Encyclopedic Philosophical Support

"Just like sunlight is one of the primary factors for the formation of life that are thoughts that shed light on your healthy constitution and that will remove the shadows of ignorance and evil."


In order to maintain the health or good functioning of any enterprise, we must understand its primary process and objective, so that those who think are like the guardians of the good progress of the things for which they dedicate their time to preserve what is good, beautiful and fair (when intact), because although we are unable to create it is because we seek to understand this creation that we find ourselves imbued with using our clairvoyance in the service of those who do not think, think badly or have other equally important tasks in life. Thus we foresee what will go wrong or what will work according to our logical, experimental and visual analyzes. As reclusive magicians in their tall towers, we observe the progress of things from above and unscathed, through the books observing the past to understand the present and predict the future so that feeling the dangers that are approaching we can warn the unwary minds of the dangers to general harmony and so we can try to stop the advance of the evil that always insinuates itself in some obscure point and that always presents itself as a good. Thus are the luminaries of reason that bring out the inner light of each one to generate knowledge in order to guide them to healthy well being, however, as in any enterprise, whether divine or human, if we remove the thinking light everything will be dark , meaningless, empty or mechanized and the evil will thus grow to confuse everyone and throw them into division and destructive chaos. And it is on this topic to which I will dedicate my text for the benefit of those who have other attributions but who can benefit from these teachings because even though I am not paid for this philosophical support, I will willingly put my experience and observations at the service of this community. for so long abandoned to the darkness.

The darkness

"When the big ones stumble, help usually comes from the small ones."

If we stop to think philosophically about the concept of darkness, what comes to mind? Confusion, anger, cold, indifference, abandonment, meaningless repetitive mechanization, greed, undue retention, decay, corruption, destructive fire, deforestation, ego power, deliberate aggression, envy, debauchery, greed, exaggerated sense of personal importance, arrogance without the humility of the truth-loving intellectuals. Well, if there is one thing that all these toxic characteristics have in common and find the same root, it is in the ego. The exacerbated importance that each human being attributes to himself, using this to instill in others this same egoic sense, is the great source of destruction from which come all the perversities from which our human hearts are heavy and which reflect in our endeavors. I say this here because it was and is the evil root that is draining the health that once existed in this community.

"The friend of our ego is the enemy of general harmony, he who thinks of himself first of all will use himself to serve them by using their similar vicious wills."

The guardians of the smooth running of the Lineage II world have long since surrendered themselves to good ineffective youth to demean themselves to servants of opinionated mediocrity in order to please their players' ego. The worst thing you can do when dealing with ego beings whose tendency is to to put themselves in the first place all the time is to pamper them by surrendering to their maddening wills because it is human nature to always vote with your interests in mind and that never generate good consequences for everyone or even themselves, because in the end and without realizing it, they themselves are primarily responsible for the malfunction and destruction of a server. So when the administration does not know or is not so interested in the smooth running of its server, the tendency is to listen to those who have little content but high financial purchasing power or social influence that allows them to bring many players - and who will leave at the slightest sign of difficulty unless the administrator makes them all petty wishes even if it has negative consequences for the server in the long run that they will not mind. So when management decides to please as many players as possible and allows multi-box, it forgets its role of keeping the game structure intact in order to avoid the destruction of the server in the long term as Lineage II server administrators should already have learned that although the multi-box pleases the ego of many, it has disastrous effects in the long run such as excessive adena retention and items whose results will be the inflating of the Giran market generated by the excessive accumulation of producers who will not sell their materials or items below the high farm standards provided by multi-box (inflation) and will not even be interested in buying anything as they will not need adena to buy other materials and thus will not move the economy in favor of the poor who always benefit from selling their materials for crafters (private store buy). This time they will control the market for a while until they destroy the server's economy, and then I ask: what good did it do to please your egos? These people don't think and have been switching from server to server for years because of this greedy and poisonous style that contaminates all the servers they pass through, like pests that are destroying one server and going to another, draining another server and jumping to another or staying reopening the same ad infinitum. These players have their minds hooked on a greedy farm without measuring the consequences of their actions and must be restrained, pampered and not spoiled. Another problem with this way of playing resides in the fact that while they do not destroy the server's economy, coax others to play like them or get discouraged, after all, not everyone likes to have to log in a lot of accounts just for greed. The question here is: do you like a lot of adena and expensive items? Great, the retail game gives you that if you choose a spoil dwarf to play and use partys to spoil, of course you will have to enter into an agreement with the group having to share your materials with them or cry in the forum asking for multi-box. The prudent administrator, when seeing such a whiner, must restrain him for knowing the retail game and the importance of keeping it retail for his good progress of the whole. Playing like this we also do not feel obligated to create a dwarf when we can share his spoil in groups, which is a relief for those who are not greedy and appreciate more buffs, spells, or any other characteristic of other classes. But with multi-box everyone is forced to create dwarfs and buffers instead of playing with real people. One of the greatest pleasures I had when playing on a boxed server is the relief of having to log in only one account and look for other players to play together in order to achieve things together, after all, his class needs mine and my class needs his. Together we can provide spoilers with buffs to facilitate their spoils as long as, of course, they are willing to share their spoils at a party or leave them to their own lust as the only company. Realize that true and retail L2 is a constant teaching that forces us to unite even against the will for harmony and general well-being of the server, to understand this requires intelligence, a server with administrators like this is a server rich in knowledge and that soon it will certainly attract a lot more money than those that put technological quantity, power and money above quality, but for that you should not bow down to pest players and dump them on the high rates servers they belong to and which they can destroy the desire to change servers in a month with a lot of crying and gnashing of teeth.

RPG Here I go into another theme, let's not forget that Lineage II was also created as an RPG and that means that the characters of this world were also created so that their players could join it as direct participants in the plot created by its creators, so you belonged to a race with lineage and rich cultural background that you started to be a part of and feel part of that world in all its wealth of information that we learned through the npc´s a little more of its history and we embraced that idea with good spirits, which was undoubtedly one of the noble goals of the original L2 developers. In this theme we can observe another big problem of multi-box that is to violate the need for mutual help arising from the difference between classes and races that is very characteristic of an RPG, so a human knight would need the magic help of a propeller that in turn instead he could sell his buffs in Dion or accompany him on his hunts with a spoil dwarf, a sword singer or blade dancer so that together they could grow and evolve in mutual assistance (want more beautiful teaching and more sublime experience than an online game can provide than that?). It was precisely things like this that marked the hearts of the players of Lineage II and that today is lost in the vain quest to please bad players without content and full of addictions which they try to influence others with their egoic and destructive complaints. With the multi-box it dies, relationships get cold and bad players poison the server with this stingy and greedy way of playing that game administrators shouldn't obey but protect the internal health of that world by keeping it from harmful changes, but for that it is necessary that you first know your assignment well, which is not limited only to the technical or financial part of a server, nor to doing with your good will the bad wills of bad players.


The permissive bot system is like releasing crack, it will make everyone apathetic, robotic and idiotic. On a server where bots are not only allowed as incentives, we will have nothing but zombie farmers unable to even respond to a greeting from a real player who perhaps wants a group. It will visually pollute the server with multi-box, it will encourage the destructive greed of the market in which an unfortunate multibox will leave his seven accounts logged for hours destroying the trade, visually polluting the server, poisoning the overall harmony of the game, only to enrich it destroying good, healthy and smart trade that should be made available by the work of the dwarves in selling materials and creating items. If you don't have time to play don't destroy the fun of others with your ill will or destroy classes asking that your original buffs be given by npc´s because there are people who like to play Elven elder, Shilien elder, sword singer and blade dancer , the world doesn't revolve around your selfish needs so why should the server? The smooth running of the server has nothing to do with your personal life, do not destroy what you are not able to build.

Gran Kain

Philosophical archetypes are ideals whose idea is incorporated into a substance or something. Gran Kain the god of destruction is the Archetype (god) of humans who, like him, are unable to create beautiful things but only to destroy them, so they covet power and razed everything to impose their worldview. It is ironic to note that real humans are so similar to their corresponding characters in the game that they destroyed the game itself by their desire for perverse power only to satisfy themselves in their petty wills for vanity and mechanical power, easy, repetitive, superficial and without meaningful but enslaving to many players. Players like me who seek to understand the game by admiring the creative genius of its original developers today are like minorities cornered in a small village surrounded by mountains where the tradition and wisdom of the true and good L2 is still preserved with more mature people where we wait patients close to the Iris lake for the return of an administrator with good sense and who puts quality back above technical, technical poverty in which the cold and listless machine comes first to serve the bad that is in the hearts of its bad players instead of encouraging your virtues.


The history of Lineage II shows what Gran Kain did to his daughter by seducing her, raping her and pitting Einhasad to punish her unfairly. His hatred and pain were so great that in his heart he generated the race of dragons, fruits of sin and the destructive voracity to which he suffered at the hands of Gran Kain. Fire generates fire and just as Gran Kain seduced the beautiful and pure Shilien in the past, humans through his wizard Desparion seduced the elves by promising them immortality if they allied themselves against their own elven brothers. So when together with humans they murdered their own brothers, they discovered the revealed wicked human plots and in fact no longer needed the Tree of Life to live because now they would feed on their own curse in eternal darkness. They are the dark elves, the bastards whose only meaning in life is to serve their goddess in exile by hating everyone and everything. I'm reminding you of the lore so that you can remember the origin of the buffs and spells of which only dark elves are possessed, which is why when an administrator decides to put empower buff and vampiric rage on the npc he is taking from the hands of that race the magical monopoly that everyone should turn to. What I'm trying to do here is to remind you that it's the story that should guide the game's progress and not the hollow heads of your players. It is up to the administrator not to allow real humans to corrupt the server with their selfish and destructive ideas, using other egoists like themselves to achieve their goals as they did with the elves, casting them into the darkness to further increase their destructive power through the law of least effort and that only serves to corrupt and destroy everything. Just like the first elves, players with time also became corrupt when they listened to players "tired of doing quests" in which they could not stand having to do infinite quests for their multi boxes anymore, trying to change the heads of the administrators through victimistic arguments. like "I don't have time to play", "I want all the npc buffs", "I want a bot", because whoever wants everything will soon find out that even if they have the world, it will be useless if they lose their soul, life and meaning. What is the use of being self-sufficient in mechanical, empowered and meaningless misfortune? What do you have against good, simple and healthy fun?

Final chapter: Shilien's cemetery

According to the L2 story, what is Shilien's main goal? She, the mother of dragons, wants nothing but fire and destruction. At Interlude, we were characters willing to prevent its mad and sickening advance to preserve all that is good and beautiful in that world, but with the advancement of updates all our efforts were frustrated when in Goddes of Destruction Shilien herself seems to have incorporated in the body of its administrators and decided to destroy all the good old Lineage 2, destroying the classes we learned to like, destroying the whole classic spoil and craft system, destroying the buffs, all in the name of advancement. Now, if there is one thing I learned it is that advancement is definitely not synonymous with improvement, and so it certainly was with lineage II. Today I would say that this great archetypal villain has achieved his goal by giving players all the ease that their egos claimed and that would corrupt their hearts by destroying the server over time. Today everyone got what they wanted, we have power, we have bots, we have buffs, we have items, we no longer have quests, we have everything and we have NOTHING but a Shilien cemetery where good memories now live only in the past. CURE There is hope? Have you ever seen a doctor who, instead of imposing a cure on his patient, chooses to make them want to make them even more sick? The doctor knows his role and I suggest that managers do the same or the disease will spread further. Lineage II is not just configuration and money, learn your assignments better and learn to preserve what should be retail or perish in the hands of those who are not able to build something like Lineage 2 but are able to destroy it.

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