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Raid Master Armor - unable to do anything with it


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Hi, I've been asking about this under recent maintenance posts, but my question has been ignored, so I'll try with a separate thread.

When will you fix the 'Raid Master Armor' item? It was given as an anniversary reward, it cannot be put into warehouse, dropped, destroyed, passed to another character on the account etc. It takes up space in my inventory. The inventory limit thread has also been ignored for literally years and now you give me headache with yet another blocker. Changing my class is nightmare, especially during event times. Can you at least address the Raid Master Armor?

In case someone who actually cares about the quality service reads this, here is a link to the inventory limit thread https://forums.lineage2.com/topic/12488-serious-game-mechanic-issue-inventory-limit-when-switching-class/page/3/?tab=comments#comment-136694

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