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PLEASE READ: How to Report a Bug?


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  • L2 Team

Hello everyone,

We really appreciate everyone sharing any potential issues while playing Lineage II. This helps us investigate and improve the gaming experience for all our players.

Here are some tips to follow when reporting a bug:

  • Don't immediately create a new thread. Take a look at the existing thread to see if the same issue has already been reported.
  • Choose a concise thread title. It should be short, but specific to the issue you are reporting.
  • Be as specific as possible when describing the situation. More precise details will help us greatly in reproducing the issue.
  • Report things that clearly aren't working as intended. You can always use the suggestion box for suggestions. :)
  • Keep threads on topic. Stick to the issue when reporting. It will help us keep track and investigate more efficiently.
  • Be patient while we work to compile bug reports. Double check and verify before submitting them for correction.

As we gather your reports and investigate them, we'll be keeping you updated with a list of Known Issues.

Thank you!


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