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Elven Elder - Tips for leveling and mana maintenance (HELP ME PLEASE!).

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Hello everybody!

I created an Elven Elder here on the server. I always wanted to play with one and decided to put it into practice here.
In the first levels up to 65 I didn't find any difficulties. However, after 65, nothing, absolutely nothing that I tried, nothing that was suggested to me was effective in helping to maintain mana.
I have received advice several times to change classes and after a certain level and then return to Elder. Honestly if it was just an option in order to speed up the character evolution process I would accept it. However, it is unacceptable, unacceptable if this is the only way to evolve a class/spec in this game.
Please I beg: Help me.

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Hello beside getting items for less mana consume (and Orfen +2) there is no way how to get EE farm efficiently. EE is good farm char once you get skill Blessing of Eva that recovers full mana/HP/CP.


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I would never be rude to a fellow player, let alone one who was willing to give a little of his time to answer my topic and help me with the problem I face.
I sincerely apologize if this message sounds sarcastic or harsh, however, the alternative presented for a player to enjoy the gameplay of a class and specialization provided by the game would be for him to "basically" acquire coveted, expensive, rare and constituent items from the endgame of many previously? "Just buy" a Mana Helm + a Flame Set + 1 Orfen Earring...
that the problem would be "solved"?
So is the Elven Elder/Eva Saint a niche class? Inaccessible to beginners and/or players who cannot, do not want, do not accept to acquire items, in-game currency whether through lawful or unlawful means?
I would like to know the opinion and if possible an opinion of those responsible, among them @Juji, @Hermes, @Arctic among others.

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for some class its really hard to play in early stage (OL, WC, Healers..)

imo, from 1-76 is like kindergarten stage, 76-80 elementary school. There is no fun here. just farm. You just want to pass these 2 stages asap

so, its best that you choose fastest leveling class (archer, mage..) to reach 76 or 80, at this point you switch to EE with 50mil. Then you can enjoy EE.

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On 6/4/2022 at 4:21 AM, rxuxbxzx said:

I would never be rude to a fellow player, let alone one who was willing to give a little of his time to answer my topic and help me with the problem I face.
I sincerely apologize if this message sounds sarcastic or harsh, however, the alternative presented for a player to enjoy the gameplay of a class and specialization provided by the game would be for him to "basically" acquire coveted, expensive, rare and constituent items from the endgame of many previously? "Just buy" a Mana Helm + a Flame Set + 1 Orfen Earring...
that the problem would be "solved"?
So is the Elven Elder/Eva Saint a niche class? Inaccessible to beginners and/or players who cannot, do not want, do not accept to acquire items, in-game currency whether through lawful or unlawful means?
I would like to know the opinion and if possible an opinion of those responsible, among them @Juji, @Hermes, @Arctic among others.

EE is broken, its tied for weakest in PVE with cardinal (until blessing of eva) and is the weakest in PVP. Its only real niche is party recall, everything else SE/Cardi does better. EE does become cheaper to farm with over SE/Cardi after blessing of Eva but its a class that is really bad until then.

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