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LIVE Server Time Setup / Deathrone and Swamp of Screams times !!!


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U have made   changes to Deathrone / Swamp of Screams  , how can u be sure, that   ppl can attend  those in the times u set up.

DT is starting at Midnight  <0:00> and Ends at 5:00 mornings , when i am working , its just impossible to attend so late and stay up all night, also the Swamp is starting at 23 00 for me ! so i just can not join and make some good exp !!!!

It shell be, an Time Zone > Swamp and DT < so i can choose when i do enter and leave !!! 

U changed the Server Time to European Time Zone  and all the Events running at Night now !!!

Also the Drop Rune and Prestige Rune no work in pt !!! , when having party in IoS > and i get the buff > the other one no recieves the buff so i loose 25 % of adena , cause 1 Loon is getting x 2 adena drop and the other Loon is with no adena drop bonus.

Drop Rune no work at all , if have pt on, i get almost  0 Drops !!!!

We need Admins who play the same Game or have been PLAYING IT!!! otherwise u will never know  how to solve the Issues , we are facing here !!!

Plz think like an Gamer , u no specialists for anything , maybe here u can get some real Experience , helping ppl for Real!





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