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New player playing with Feoh Mistyc Muse


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Hi guys, I'm starting on this server and it's been over 10 years since I played lineage 2 and I'm coming back as the Feoh Mistyc Muse class and I wanted tips on how to evolve from lvl 105 and I have some questions:

1 - do I need to spend adena on weapons or should I continue just getting weapons and armor and equipment from quests?

2 - From what level is it recommended to face raid boss?

3 - which raid bosses are easiest to find?

4 - How do I participate in the Olympics on this server? Which NPC do I need to talk to and when?

5 - From what level do you have to go to clan SIEGES and what do I need to do to participate?

6 - Is there any place where I can drop weapons or precious items (expensive to sell in cities)?

Thanks a lot for the help.

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Allow me to reply some of your questions with a little bit of reality check.

1 - After 105 you won't do anythin unless you either spend money or have enough time to farm mentee and oly

2 - Depends on the RB level, but now you need to be in a big clan to face RBs

4 - Any town has Oly Manager NPC, they are located next to the monument of heroes. In Giran it is in the town square

5 - No level. Pvp is broken, you won't kill nor survive in any siege unless you spend 500k dollars

6 - Not really. Today you farm adena in instances and that's it. The highest clans kill all the dragons because they have invested a lot on their characters

7 - You'll be disappointed with the p2w if you expect the game to be as it once was. If you can spend then maybe you'll have some fun


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