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Ability poins for ISS Hierophant with duals?


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I need help choosing ability points for hierophant lvl 101. I solo myself everything even though i also have SK 99.

I have Paulinas apo duals for auto hunt and exalted heavy set. (i dont have exalted weapons yet. not sure how to get them) , but not sure what abilities to pick? Warriors, Knights and Oracle. . should i stick to one tree? mix? whats better solution.

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you get exalted weapons when you finish the quest chain that brings you to 85

if you didn't follow the quest chain (or if it's old character) just start over. 1-85 takes less than 30 minutes with a couple of bathroom breaks thrown in


Ability points are the same as any skill based damage dealer. Left side of warrior is your target, use others to move on to next row.

But if you plan to play a hiero as a main, I urge you to reconsider. You will need insane gear to progress (which means lots of real money) till you get to around 118 when people can party you for your buffs. It's an old game. If you want to play prophet, start a cheap damage dealer (like I dunno, Eviscerator if you like fighters or a Summoner) and use that to level your prophet. Yes there are better damage dealers (DK, New Dwarf etc) but the also need a substantial real money investment.

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