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Posts posted by TheTruth

  1. hi NCsoft admins @Juji @Hime,

    do u know that the price of epic jewels in game is x8 more expensive than at the begining of the year? do u know why?, easy because the adena in the black market (sellers with real money) is falling every day and for the casual players in game see this growing price of epic jewels every day will more imposible to get. In this moment, the both server of classic are full of epic jewels, it means many players have it, but again the price of it items are unbalanced by the adena sellers market (illegal market).

    my recomendation is make more events with a easy % to get the items, of course not a 50% of more chance to get, actually the epic jewel % in events are 0.000.....% and in bosses are more at least, but is doesnt change the monopolization of adena sellers.

    i know that this post will be attacked by many players (all top rank for sure), if ncosft gave toi talisman, valakas necklace and other pro items free, why dont give a % chance to get epic jewelry from event boxes (p2w) and take down the prices of the illegal market?

    in this moment epic jewels are the only one item in game that his prices is a joke (3B adena+) when u cant get good adena even in high lvls.

    Good Day and Goog Game.

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