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Posts posted by ReZzZ

  1. On 3/17/2021 at 8:26 PM, FatherFortuitous said:

    It looks like  a reroll is in my future. Appreciate suggestions for which is the best tank to solo up, especially at the higher levels when mobs get harder to kill. Cheers!

    You can't, that's all.

  2. On 4/18/2021 at 2:26 AM, DorfL2 said:

    Wow NCSOFT took 2 years to fix this problem.

    Now server is really smooth. Hopefully more players join this game.


    AND NCSOFT, please fix the NEW ACCOUNT CREATION problem.

    New players can't join the game.

    When you fix something, but u break something else...like a mechanic that remains with the last 2-3  bolts....

  3. On 4/18/2021 at 5:13 PM, iHyperlite said:

    i bet we get 1 week extended xp event as compensation.  hopefully we get a 7 day vit rune and 100% party bonus added to that extension.  this is all purely my opinion.

    I hope because alot ppl wasted alot time, sleep time, cakes/runes/destiny/prest/pots and why not patience for all these downs... European server with down time at 03:00 cmon...

  4. They should to change work.... 3 ideas for the future, i think these ideas can help you to find the right job; obviously you aren't enough skilled to handle the situation here , maybe because you are bored, maybe because you can't ...who knows.....and no one cares..:

    go to sell hotdog... you can sell it easily at low price and u can do an hotdog with what meat you want, so you can keep your "scam karma"

    try to write a book : " Lineage 2 the promise game that only make promises: play it i promise you'll have fun"

    you can do the beggar ..you shouldn't take it as an offense.... right now, to play this game  and give you some $/€ is like to do the charity, we pay for a game without services at all, without any type of support and now is obvious without any technical capacity from Ncsoft.


    If i have more ideas i'll tell you for sure.

    • Thanks 1
  5. 50 minutes ago, Juji said:

    We are bringing both servers back up now and will be making some additional optimizations. 

    Additional optimizations... Yes... because u did any optimizations? i think ppl only saw alot dcs, maintence time 10hr + another 3 with alot dcs in these days....melee lag is the same, alot dcs when u put a cake etc..etc... cmon hire professional ppl...

  6. On 4/8/2021 at 11:30 PM, Hime said:

    Hello all,

    If you have been experiencing game latency since our AWS migration, please reply answering the following questions:

    1. Where are you located
    2. Are you using a VPN?
    3. How frequent is the latency you're experiencing?
    4. Where and what are you doing in game where you experience latency?


    Thank you!

    Rly? Cmon hire professional ppl or read the forum is full of these infos. 

  7. On 3/31/2021 at 2:48 PM, extase1987 said:

    I came back  a year and a half and yet I am 115 and I am slowly catching up.

    Even at 115, I am far from the top dogs, still close to Mid-Top range, but I am able to go to Gludio siege and have fun there now as long no one with a Dragon weapon or Blood-Thirsty weapon shows up to one shot everyone from the siege.

    In order to catch up over time, you need to invest approximately 500 bucks per month in various events. Once you hit 112+, you only need IOS/PI/SI Stones to do the daily hunting zones in order to get some "decent" Adena income, which costs you approximately 250 bucks and the remaining 250 bucks, you can spend in event stuff.

    It takes me at 115 approximately 1-2 month to upgrade to Top Tier items (Heaven Talisman, Epic Talisman, trying Paagrio  Earring, etc., Greater gems), 2-3 weeks for each Greater Agathion. It requires an average of 2 years to start "playing" on an average level and being competitive within 110-115. Of course this time is reduced the more you invest heavenly.

    The XP event requires you to buy some party cakes to take full potential of it. If you do Field Bosses etc, every 3 months your CP can buy completely party cakes for the XP event. If you do IOS 112+, you can do the same. You are not required to XP 24/7 during the XP event with cakes. Just do it at some specific moments to take full advantage of the event.

    It requires some brain to make some Adena inside the game.

    Yes, if u aren't a supporter, if u are a supporter the only way to gain adena is join VISA cp, or MASTERCARD clan.


  8. 7 hours ago, MrE said:

    No one here needs to posture or say go play something else or anything else negative.. this is an issue that affects all of us and nothing will change unless we ALL stand up and make them change.. MASS PETITION them.. as for changes...this is OUR game WE PAY FOR IT... make them change for the betterment of the players.. not what helps and works for them.    

    It's not an issue, it's a scam/fraud, it's different.... surely the doctor dont tell us to play here but at least be correct so people know what they are going for....

    About the: WE PAY FOR IT... it's a Free to play game even if u decide to use money, in this you are wrong. You want to pay for it it's different, and in the same way i want to spend some cash too. BUT if i want to use cash i want clear % not scams, high is high not average/low etc..etc..

    For EXAMPLE....Haunted chest event too is a scam if i have a 0,0005% probability to drop 4 example bracelet lev4 i want to know it.... without clear % u can have a possibility to drop bracelet lev 4 true...but maybe this is the 0,000000000000000004% who know?!?! I can put the possibility i want as a company and i'm in the right because U HAVE THE POSSIBILITY ..... but lol it's better to throw the cash out of the window..!

    Where is the NCstaff? Why support tell to us to post here issues where no one answer? Who know the truth, no one cares?They can't... boh?!?! As you can see in this forums, the discussions, every discussion, is going in only one direction...in the worst or without any answer.

    Prolly the staff too don't know the answers and they need to throw a bit of sand in our eyes. Surely they are reading but, as childs they hide under the desk for some reason, maybe for company policy or whatever. I worked in personnel management and when the company policy is totally wrong, you as employee, can just hide because no one answer can give a real explanation; and how you can tell to people that this isn't a scam? They just repost the EULA that is written capillary for their business, where you don't find real clear conditions and you thros cash out of the window every week,mounth and so on.

  9. They don't care about people, they have in mind only the business, i am totally with you...  but maybe they gain more money with the boosts than with this "exp event", that's all, sad but true.

    For Ncwest we are just cow, and they expect as much milk as possible.

    Personally, i hate this thing that L2 is a solo, bot game... bonus group change the things because we have the opportunity to know new people and interact with others (not only clan/ally) 

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