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  1. Hello the community L2 West First of all nice anniversary, thanks to the staf! To change class DK they need change few things graphyc for the aspect physic, cause for example if you are orc and change to class etc..., you stay orc, is it the same way as ertheia...let see! But it s possible. Thanks!
  2. and for the cookies i bougt in the l2 store why it was deleted explain me i pay for item and u deleted 164 cookies because u can't make difference btw cookies from box and cookies buyed alone ? i want for this a comprensation and about the lag , i bougth lot of item and was used but no profit coze of lag lost 30 rune xp 30 minutes in 1 minutes coze this fk lag maked my macro bug
  3. Overall Server Performance Improvements. Do you need help to fix it ? because losing buff xp potion from L2shop don't make me happy strange my ip home connection is late and not my cellphone you block ips from europe by spanking them laguer , to relieve the load on the servers. on the other hand to take my money for the ncoins no lag and I spent this money for the xp event will you reimburse me? or are you going to make fun of us again by giving us angel cat balls are we only dogs in your eyes?
  4. lag since the emergency yeterday evening
  5. what appends for ncoins buyed ? and items ? from L2 shop
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