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Posts posted by Evicar

  1. Hello everybody on NCSOFT STAFF. 🖖

    I want put in discussion the pet "Blood Panther" on Sigel Hell Knight, this one must be most stronger than now and this need a level maximum update like a wynn summoner pet or comparable.
    To this Sigel Knight in old updates has removed us own cubic summon to do it on a pasive skill than this can be actived when hiting, but this Sigel need something better with us own summmon pet, in this case the "Blood Panther" 
    Thanks a lot for everyone than read this post, and i hope thanwrite some commet about this post to upgrade this good and only "pet summon" from Sigel.

    PD: Too can be do something with beast soulshot in another's classes. Thanks. 🙏

  2. At least 24 potion of vitality erupting, or something like that, because we have arround to 18hr with game offline. We need something this time NCSOFT, because we wanna play the game and if the server is down we was lost so many time to play  the game and items to making boost  the xp to strengthen us toon with the event than ncsoft making for us. Do not launched event and after down all server for 24hr, that is not good.

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