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Posts posted by TazBag

  1. Hello,

    there are one bug in Favor of Exalted skill, when use auto casting.

    If char B (like ISS) only follow char A, so have target to char A, if finish exalted to char B, auto use spam exalted to target A, all time, because check self exalted off, but cast exalted to target.

    This waste all Spirit ore to char B in few minutes.

    Can fix please?

  2. 51 minutes ago, Juji said:

    Auto hunting will be enabled again after the maintenance tomorrow since disabling it did not alleviate the latency issue. We will be making changes to our hardware this week to reduce the CPU usage as much as possible.

    Try disable for one week the Ranking.

  3. 2 hours ago, Ariesus said:

    Attention! Bug quest can be circumvented if you take a sub class of the tank. Pass the quest for a sub - medium tank - shake it to LVL 85, take the buff from the Manager - switch at the Foundation and everyone is happy) Then just change the sub to the one that you need( dual class to be exact).

    Maybe, but change dualclass not need 100kk?
    And i hope when fix buff npc (now give knight only) will fix quest.

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