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Posts posted by consort

  1. 5 minutes ago, Vladbila said:

    With trickster you need Dark Book level 2 and Dark Crystal

    maybe that's class.3 stuff, i don't know.

    but during class.2 you need a SCROLL of darkness and a SCROLL of purity

    nothing about books or crystals - yet.

    if you are actually on either ncsoft aden server, you can see it by looking;

    special crafting, spellbooks, and search "scroll" and find two 2-star listed.

  2. 10 hours ago, Vladbila said:

    - option 1: craft with hardin page note 1,2,3 available at clan level 5,6,7 and mats and adena = Imprint Spellbook

    - option 2: craft with giran seals (not implemented yet)  = Tradeable Spellbook

    figured i'd hijack the thread, ask similar about arbalester/trixtor scrolls - darkness and purity

    craft window want 34kk and thousends of mats i've never even seen in game before.

    is there any hope these scrolls will be in game some other way more affordably?

    kind of disspointing how few skills i can spend my SP on, only to find i then,  have to

    save up adena for months in hopes of upgrading the two skills i was left to improve.

    worse yet, unlike bd,

    my soul related bow skills are merely being upgraded - hardly seems worthwhile at all.

    probably better off spending all that time and adena on gear upgrades, not skills.

  3. after farming kruma this week,

    i figured out why some rooms are dominated more by pvp clan.4's than others.

    i noticed many of the areas they "let you" farm are mob respawn buggy.

    for example i was in a well spawned hallway, and came back to check on my auto attack

    only to discover the respawn go offline for nearly an hour before it resumed as normal.

    there are also a lot of wall range errors that impact auto attack...

    my bow would favor mob down the hall, instead of mob much closer near some wall

    it was a weird thing to witness, but i'm sure there are all sorts of map errors around.


    i discovered the hard way that subjugation is a weekly cycle,

    as i foolishly racked up 40% sunday only to see it vanish today 🤯

    personally i think it's unfair that any class.3 can still farm the lvl.65 levels.

    all this does is encourage bored 8x PK'ers to troll where the lowbies need to farm,

    or to guard their own class.2 farming bots.

    IMHO they should turn off the elevator and only allow the NPC to let class.2's in

    any class.3 still with teleport waypoint  or was offline from there

    would then get bounced back to ground level and kept out forever.

    it's bad enough they troll all the plains, we could use a break from 8x's in this instance.

  4. thanks to everyone who weighed in on this topic 🥰

    nice to see posters do the economics of an event.

    what i ended up doing is - for alts i'm just grinding missions for, i do the devainne 100K

    for my main who i continue to farm cruma for subjigation, i do the devainne 300K

    the idea is for the side alts i mostly want to keep net adena drops higher than farming costs

    for my main, i figure the 4-5 hours of extra farming will benefit from the devainne buff

    and i need the extra cookies on that main regarless.

    so devainne is not nearly as generous as the daily OLY box, but it's better than nothing.

    as others have posted, both plains are insanely crowded,

    i really wish NCSoft would just force everyone to manner on

    or only give XP - nothing else to those who keep manners off.

    players who manner on really need those kills for missions, adena, etc.

    and manner off pigs can more than double the time they need to farm adequately.

  5. i'm so glad i made a dagger before last wednesday

    when they took out newbie growth and attendence.

    starting a new character must really suck ballz now,

    about the only good thing you get is aden weapon

    since that levels a passive with your character, but

    without the boons they took out of game, you'll be

    hard pressed to +plus that aden weapon anymore

    making even that starter boon - relatively worthless.

    • Like 1
  6. once dinging 66 i finally checked out kruma after spending most of my 60's auto farming war torn plains.

    good news is kruma 65 is less crowded if you don't mind looking around for a room (not being aoe botted)

    bad news; you spend 2x more time & shots per mob for the same avg 300a drops as you do in plains,

    so why would anyone bother here - players tell me subjugation rewards are RNG poor and mostly lame,

    and besides... we have Davianne still running now - that you can cash in daily after only an hour or two.

    my guess is every subjugation 100% for whatever lame rewards it gives would take me days on auto farm.


    so the only benefit to cruma is to some AOE build or party that can survive it's dense mob crowding,

    assuming you can even find a room that isn't already busy with players and farmer killing pvp a-holes,

    some idiot was trying to kill me (had blessing on) while i was chatting with him that i'm not a bot - wtf.

  7. 14 hours ago, VanillakillaB said:

    can u add something to buy with them?  -  now they literally useless

    agreed... i've been holding on to a 3333 code for weeks as i can't think of anything worthwhile

    other than buying two L1000 from players with adena so i can at least get that L5000 sayha pack.   

    everything i'd actually want is in the NCoin shop for real money - which i don't have cash to spend on.

    IMHO both shops should offer far more pack similarities.

  8. since all my alts are low 60's and i grind out each day's 800 mob kills for missions

    i figured i'd add Devainne, so i waste about 103K and 10 minutes time per alt

    running back to find yet another not too crowded farming spot to cash this in.

    is any of this really worth it for a few cookies a drop of xp and some soul ore* ?

    honestly the buff you get does no seem to matter to any class in their 60's.

    *after 20 cash-in's = all i get are a few 30% xp scrolls, soul ore, or shot tix.

  9. MP regen is broken here...   this vid is my WC hitting mob with only her VR keeping her alive.


    no skilling, no toggles, no nothing, and even after paying 1kk i see barely 9mp each game tic.

    i suspect my MP regen is actually WORSE since i spent that 1kk to upgrade it,

    because skill rotations i used to use without running out of MP now i do

    and NOW i didn't upgrade those skills to consume more MP

    and don't give me that BS that it will be better at class.3

    that could be MONTHs away for some players here.

  10. don't cancel it tomorrow

    don't extend it another week or two

    you gotta leave it be and make this permanent.

    anything less,

    and nobody will want to start any new character anymore,

    the server will hollow out and die by xmas if you do.

    even some of the p2p are leaving, because there's nothing to do here

    forts are broken, castles are broken, you can't even buy a clan hall,

    and game economy is broken - no WTB anything player shops at all.  

    if aden ever gets that online, new character will want to come

    but without attendence working, it will be a pointless slog.

    i have already taken 6 different classes to 60

    and i hate playing all of them because of the stupidly

    limiting self buff no party incentive system on this server,

    plus then paying for skill level'ups that may not even matter.

    i'd only stay if i could try something new

    but without attendance, i simply won't bother

    and that slim chance that i would go from f2p to p2p

    dies with attendance being removed - believe it.

    • Like 2
  11. still move evidence restore mp 3 (1mil adena) passive is broken for wc;

    while auto farming with battle cry off

    i would use 3 mp consumer skills and /attack

    /attack would add a few zero mp consumer swings of my weapon

    which had 2 benefits... vr back a little hp, and keep my MP from going lower

    as i used MP on those other 3 skills.

    the MP i should regain from paying 1,000,000 adena should have made the difference

    between those few seconds of hitting - or - not, but it's completely ineffective.

    when i do not auto /attack and simply use my 3 skills instead

    i still run out of MP at the exact same rate as before getting restore mp 3 passive.

    i'm telling you people - it's broken.  i planned to primary wc and take it to class.3

    now i'm not going to bother, because if you can't trust that the skills you pay for

    and have to pay to book for will even be noticeable, than this entire server is BS.


  12. 18 hours ago, saitam4 said:

    at least you could advance the days so we can all get the doll.


    last day they should just give everyone who logs in for 30min access to the entire 28 day list,

    or just keep the system permanent - it's silly they are removing it in the first place because

    without those freebies it's unlikely any f2p will get deep enough into class.2 to ever want

    to be here long enough to class.3 and become the very p2p that ncsoft is gunning for.

    • Like 2
  13. i bought the 1kk restore HP 3 for my arbalester and was able to use a 30hp skill every 3 seconds without my HP going down.

    so there it was a real game changer - well worth the 1,000,000 adena.

    so i figured why not try the same thing on my warcryer, who loses too much MP simply for battle cry 8 - a 1mp per tic skill

    boy was i disappointed...  with battel cry off, i was always at full mp doing skills while farming, once battle cry is on

     i still run out of mp with hardly any left to cycle my buffs every 20 minutes... 

    restore MP 3 was supposed to fix this, it didn't...  not even close - it's as though nothing on my WC has changed at all.

    restore MP 3 for 1,000,000 adena did not make any difference at all, even while sitting - on a 1mp per tic toggle skill.

    while SITTING with battle cry on, my mp would tic;  1..3..5..1..3..5

    standing, and doing nothing else at all, my mp would tic down ~7 MP consistently without ever snapping any higher.

    i waited several buff cycles to be sure, and it's still useless.  i want my 1,000,000 adena back for this false advertising.

    either restore mp 3 is broken, or battle cry 8 is consuming WAY more MP than advertised.


  14. 20 minutes ago, Connex said:

    I am really sorry but you have no idea what you are talking about.

    thanks for correcting my BD assumptions on Aden

    but you are wrong about SE, they do not gain hp

    simply by skilling on a mob from a distance.

    a class.2 SE on aden must use /attack in their auto farm

    even if all they are hitting with is a slow lame staff.

    i'm only 62 so i don't know what happens in class.3

  15. 12 hours ago, Infid3l said:

    As far as I’m aware macros are disabled for Aden.  It would be nice to have them because I could delay my skills so I’m not always out of mp. 

    since most skills are repeatable and macros are not, so there would be little point to using them for the /delay

    i've been able to use macro here for +trade chat spam, so i +WTS crap, /delay 999, +WTS crap, /delay 999

    what most do instead of macro is level 1 some lame low MP skill and add them to your auto skill roster.

    you obviously can't control the casting order, but it may add the delay you need to conserve MP.

    some also use /attack which is repeatable - to add a second or two between skill'ing.

    it's a shame more green /skills are not repeatable, like we could emote for a few seconds between skills 😜

    then you'd see a lot of dancing boxed healers - LOL

    • Like 1
  16. 6 hours ago, Connex said:

    healers are OP, especially SE's, besides bd that is the only class with VR and applies on nukes too so basically you can farm non stop (mp is still an issue but its doable)

    just to clarify (because i play both SE and WC here - so far as f2p)

    i considered a BD here, but having to stop every 2 minutes to rebuff seemed pretty lame.

    SE does NOT gain HP using magic skills, only by physically hitting mobs while VR buff is active.

    i can also confirm that SE gets VR3 (8%) while WC is still on VR2 (7%) but WC has HP drain nuke,

    so WC survives much better, but has very slow and weak target and group heals here on Aden.

    due to WC's higher CON and ability to wear heavy, they again are more survive'able than SE.

    i still grind an SE for the emergency heals and resurrection as i watch my other 3 alts auto farm.

    i don't recommend SE here since without MP target heal they are kind of pointless for raid parties,

    but if you do SE and grind it with magic and vr-hits, i recommend the Ecliptic Axe C grade 1h blunt

    with a shield... i tried duals on SE, but prefer this lower p.atk higher m.atk blunt while grinding.

  17. 6 hours ago, Connex said:

    also make an alt e.g. a BD

    but why? they can't share dances till class.3 plus book cost ,

    which could take a month to level and save up adena for.

    3 hours ago, Infid3l said:

    I set my WC and check it

    i do similar for about 3 hours each day - between class.2 quest, missions and attendance freebies

    using her hp drain skill and vampire buff, i've found my wc on zero shots 🤯 and still didn't die.

    i've managed to grind her up to 62 already, and only spent 500k to buy one of her passives.

    i'm now in drake light set, yaksa+shield, i'm curious what you are wearing from attendance.

    it's really a shame we get panelized here for farming reds, because a WC can survive them, 

    i tried silent valley lvl.70 for a day, didn't need to HP pot, but it was not worth drop&xp wise.


    • Like 2
  18. i imagine other classes have similar consumable problems once they class 3 at 76.

    my arbalester/trickster uses 2 soulshots per dualshot, so they get used up very fast.

    my warcryer has 20 self buffs, so for all i know she may run low on spirit ore by 76.

    cursed bones are only used for some nuke skills, so just use another skill, that's all.

    so i'm not disagreeing with OP, merely pointing out other classes have issues here.


  19. 38 minutes ago, Detonador said:

    unless you use any kind of 3rd party program. Suspicious. 

    wow, you REALLY are clueless about Aden servers

    and how auto-hunting and R macro's work here. 

    there's nothing suspicious about it, it's how this

    korean essence server gui was designed to take

    the worst drudgery out of L2 and get to endgame.

    i 3 box with the intention of taking 1 to endgame

    (when i may finally switch from f2p over to p2p)

    and there is absolutely nothing hinky about it 😜

    i'm also on a fiber isp playing in the correct region

    so unlike the cry babies here, i am NOT adding to 

    your lag problems at all.

  20. what would solve the overpopulation problem especially in large farm fields

    would be to make other players visible on radar (similar to party members)

    in hopes we can find spots with fewer farmers nearby.


    there should also be a harsher penalty for auto farming without manners on.

    manners enabled helps naturally spread players out, so disabling it and being

    a pig, only circumvents it's intended design.

    the best penalty for manners off would be XP only, no drops, no quest +counts,

    no mission +counts - maybe then players will stop being such oinkers.

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