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Everything posted by consort

  1. sorry Hippa if your head is too full of nonsense to see any sense. this game is about that 2nd class change, so unless players are well into it their 2nd class change skill levels and useable gear they can't decide if Aden server idiosyncrasies is for them or not.
  2. most nukers are supposed to recharge their own MP at the risk to HP however, SE's are specifically distinguished in L2 for their ability to recharge the MP of others - above all other healer classes. sorry Hippa, but now it's you who are the insufficient one
  3. sadly, no... my WC can't buff anything either, not even a party member's pet. supposedly bd&ss will get books at higher levels for 2min dance&song to share but SE on Aden is a dead end... they can't even recharge MP on this service. so far all the target, party and alliance HEALs are working, but that's about it. other buff related rants; why bother making self buffs repeatable skills if everyone need to spend SP to learn buffs, we needed a lot more SP points no matter how careful i am not to level up lowbie and unimportant skills i'm always short on SP here to learn crucial skills for my class development. i saw one class has lvl.4x skills that required 1,000,000 adena to level up why aren't WC's AOE Debuff skills repeatable? all non passives should be! why aren't more actions besides /attack - also repeatable - they are useful.
  4. i agree those 7x3 daily boons should be permeant for all new accounts. players need the free C-Grade gear to get well into their lvl.6x skill list which is when they will decide if it's worth being p2p here or not too many will get discouraged in their lvl.5x range and quit if they have to pay for C grade in adena from drops and crafts. f2p's already have to spend most of their adena on EAC and EWC from other players to get their C attendance freebies up to +6all. if you don't wanna see pvE farming at lvl.6x in D grade - keep attendance otherwise player level'ing up will fast outstrip the gear they can afford.
  5. thanks Katapult here's yet another new to Aden question; assuming i get a bunch of these jewels out of candy+adena+RNG won't i need some fancy multi socket brooch to host them all ? or will the brooch i got for free (or town NPC) already handle this. i assume jewels are not trade'able as i have not noticed people spamming or player stores offering them.
  6. same happened to me... i posted about it in the discord Juji reads, but i guess they went to sleep https://i.imgur.com/rFjqGu4.jpg the toolbar with grace, lamp, spirit, crafts is not working. hopefully after maintenance Thursday - it will work again.
  7. "trying to get jewels" can you explain that? - like how many candy and how much adena do you need for a chance at a jewel and exactly what is a jewel - is it a consumable? something you wear, if so on what? and what mods? as others have said, with adena so scare for non p2p players, i'd rather let my candy go unused sept 1st
  8. it's unlikely they'll change it, maybe come out with something more useful in the future. nobody is wearing that wizard hat because it's so damn ugly. the few on striders are PK's trying to get thru farming zones fast enough not to get picked off. all the other boons we already get free by just playing daily, so all you get for your $45usd is a multi low mod ring - yippee!
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