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Everything posted by Sigmarius

  1. When I try to whisper someone it sends me a message "This is not a paid account". I can whisper some people but many I can't.
  2. What's wrong with giving new players a way to catch up. OR to think they are catching up you said it yourself attendance rewards were nothing major you are just giving people hope that they can catch up. We already had a top 5 clan quiting the server, and now new people will feel disheartened to start when they see not only others are playing longer they had it easier than them. Attendance rewards should be extended using NCcoins the very least.@Sunshine
  3. I see 5 events at your screenshot there are 2 more on NC store giving you free items even a Valakas all now gone except 2 events. New players better to look somewhere else, sorrynotsorry you didn't join for the launch of the server.
  4. They didn't mention anything on the game that this is event only on their website. All games have an attendance event, some reset every month and some are bind to your account and are based on how often you log in. Why can't we also have the attendance event as a permanent addition? It is not going to break the game, only help the new players.
  5. Hey hey no need for caps, I hope you are able for a civil discussion... Attendance rewards were not indicated as event or temporary. All the items on NCstore have an indication that they are temporary, missions as well like bandit have the sign they are events and are going to expire but the attendance rewards had no indication that they were temporary, I have screenshots proving so.
  6. I am not proud to admit I have whaled to a game before over 4.000 euro over a year but first before doing that I got hooked and I started as a F2p. I have disposable income but before committing to a game I am a low spender until I I've decided there are items I want to purchase. Also my friends who some are low spenders or f2p are important to me, if they leave then I will be at the door as well.
  7. Attendance event was a help at the time of need for the new player who joins a new server. Obviously you don't want other new players to have a chance to be able to catch up with you but that's a toxic behavior. Server will thrive if there is some help to motivate new players to keep playing. Now a new player will not the valakas me and you got, or the over 30mil adena rewards from the attendance. @Sunshineplease reconsider this for the well being of the server and it's future
  8. The attendance event should remain so all new players who will decide to give l2 aden a try will have help at the start! Maybe one of them will become the whale you so much want to have in the game.
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