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Posts posted by iRage

  1. On 10/1/2020 at 12:42 PM, Slycutter said:

    1.  Did you read that?  Where do we get EoD from?  No way for us to get that in NA  - Answer: NC Store

    2.  Yea great all those crystal of dawn items.... Where do we get crystal of dawns from?  - Answer:  NC Store

    3.  I cannot read that one so idea.


    So you answer to changes is add more items we need to buy for IRL cash?

    Of course their answer is to put it for ppl buy with ncoins. Tell me what they throw in l2 store that ppl don't buy it? They buy everything. I don't see any problem on having a shop to buy exp boost and consumables. All the rest, should be in-game drops. Any kind of drop. Collect coins to exchange, chance of full drop and so on. Ppl complain on server of high market prices, and ppl who buy ncoins to make adena out of it. Well, is the same thing. NC put stuff on l2store because they know ppl will buy it to make adena. And ppl buy it because they know that they will make adena of it. But do players care about game? Nope. They Don't. If ppl stop buying stuff from the top spenders, they will stop buying itens from l2store. and if they stop buying itens from l2store, those updates would certainlly come. But we do not have the guts to do it. I myself buy some stuff from l2store. not event itens. Boosts, consumables and other stuff. I do have prestige pack. NC can make money in so many ways then not messing game up with this damn actions. But again, do they care about players? Nope. They don't.


    Ps.: i'm sorry for any writing mistake. english is not my strong language.

  2. Oh man, i must buy another chair... i just broke mine laughing and rolling on it when reading ppl complaining about events. As i see some top players complaining as well, trying to show ppl they care about something...

    It's quite simple ppl, and i've said it a few times by now. If you don't stop buying, they will never care. And if top players don't stop buying ncoins from players who spend real money on this, they won't stop buying. It's an endless cycle. And i don't need to tell that is killing our game.

    Stop qqquing on forum about something you guys have on your hands, but just don't have the balls to do it.

    Stupid crying spoiled kids.

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    2 - Ask devs to make Pagan Temple or any other area like Blazing Swamp. (xp/quests/respawn/amount of mobs);

    This two simple measures could HELP A LOT about the latency issue!

    Please listen to us! Thanks.

    • Like 2
  4. Good morning.

    Come on @Juji @Hime, what are you guys thinking about? Please, i'm asking pretty please, listen to you players! Or customers or whatever you wanna call them. If you really want to keep ranking system, it's ok. But not the way it is now. Ranking shouldn't give no1 any advantage since right now server have only "wales" fighting for benefits it gives. But still, wanna keep it working? Fine! Just make it update infos 1 time a day, on a low-traffic hour, and you'll see latency issues disapears at least 90%.

    About cursed swords, if you wanna give away free money to top players, just create an NPC where they can just cash out that money. Much more simple, and won't harm players farming and exping on server.

    Please, listen to us!!!!!!!!

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  5. 2 minutes ago, Afri said:

    if all players that buy prestige pack will stop buy from 1-2 month, then you will see how they will make all posibly to make events so we may buy them

    like this event, 1 chance to get zariche akaman fragment, a very low chance.

    but why do we need Wind Jewel, Holy Jewel, etc, when we can buy them from near blacksmith or aden 

    and this

    Honey Dark Beer , Freya's Ice Rose . make instance zone alone and you get at least 1 every day.

    give us something we need not this one. so in total if you spend 160 ncoins get at  least money fo 160 ncoins, not 1 honey dark beer = 10kk or 20kk

    all events are garbage and they all ment for those who spend 500 $ +

    like fouhouhou get 1 zariche thrower, only him ?1 in naia 1 in chronos.

    i saw somebody who spend 500 $ for event and he didnt get 20 bilions in materials..

    this is my opinion, you do what everybody wants, but this is not fair.

    make events that realy matter, 

    i hope next event you give great healing potions ..like i get 2 months ago, i buyed 10 events to see what can i get an  3 of them was healing potion ....still got 2 of them..

    and the rest craps..

    This will never happen. Events are supposed to be like this, a gamble. Seriouslly guys, if you wanna cry about something, at least cry for something that's really important...

  6. Why you guys crying about? If you can't stop spending you money on this game, they will not stop to ignore you here. Simple as breath. Why you guys keep saying that will quit game, stop spending money here, and this and that and whatever else you weeping about, IF YOU GUYS DON'T DO WHAT YOU SAY?! I see no reason why GMs would answer questions here when they know you're just a bunch of addicteds that cannot do anything by yourselves and need to buy ncoins to sell to top players do get stuff that you can't, then you come here to forum cry more to staff, and on and on and on. Seriously, they don't give a crap for players because they know that when things get serious, they can simply do an exp boost event, with gm buffs, boost itens drop for a while and all will be calm again, and everyone will come back to spend again and so they will bleep your money out of you again and so on and on and on again. For years i've been seeing it, and it won't change. I could say to you: STOP SPENDING MONEY, STOP PLAYING, AND THEN THEY WILL LISTEN TO YOU! But, this must come from your own will, not cause you read something here on forum that some unknown player typed. If you don't start playing seriously, and act seriously, they will never take you seriously.


    I also would like an explanation about daily coins being removed. Please.

    • Like 1
  7. Invest on server hardware, optmize connections, reduce the adena drop from farm zones, and please, pretty please, CLOSE THAT L2 STORE!

    MAKE L2 A LIVE PLAYERS GAME AGAIN! and we all will se all these problems solved.

    I agree with what Fotomoto said about the investments on server. And if they don't give a big upgrade on this server, game will slowly die (like it's already happening).



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  8. Hi, good morning.

    Any info on 3 client limitation? I know i'm not the only one who prepared for using more then 3 boxes on a pc, so you guys might give us some info about it. Will it be lifted, will it not be lifted? So we could stop wasting our and your time asking about it. It's annoying seeing all these questions about client limitation, seriously (it makes us look like clowns asking). Not just about it, but also about dual-mail class service, next update news (i won't even dare ask for patch notes cause i know it's only 10min before server comes back from update that you guys post it anyway). Just have some respect for your players (or customers depending on how you guys see us). Thanks a lot.

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