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  1. Because only Antharas Fighter have the problem with the glow.
  2. Don't you see that the glow aren't over the weapon but more aside?
  3. I'm talking about this. The glow is out of place.
  4. That's a pretty damn good work. I doubt NC will upgrade the graphics of the game, they already make a good money at zero effort... don't need to bother to do anything.
  5. I will put gasoline, who will strike the match?
  6. You guys should put a loot box ad aeternum, so will no need maintenance anymore.
  7. Can you guys fix -or ask for a fix - the Antharas Fighter glow? @Hermes @Wissp [url=https://imgur.com/fEdTLwM][img]http://i.imgur.com/fEdTLwM.png[/img][/url]
  8. Basically a new player. I just have the weapon and blessed exalted gear.
  9. I have 200b to invest on a Eviscerator. What I buy?
  10. Yes, it is. Main and dual don't share tattoos.
  11. They don't even pretend now. They are milking at the sunlight without any shame. hahahahaha
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