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Everything posted by LuisMenethil

  1. Knowing NCSoft's modus operandi, I would say no. But who knows, we might be surprised by some miracle.
  2. Have they reached the point of not even advertising here on the forum anymore? Live Gift Code: L2SEPTEMBERGIFTS23 Classic Gift Code: L2CSEPTEMBERGIFTS Aden Gift Code: In-game L2 Coin Shop Codes are valid until end of the month. Unfortunately not.
  3. Hi. I would like to know if it would be possible to implement a different way of participating in the next editions of the event. Instead of being 5 minutes a day, it could be 35 minutes a week. By staying logged in for 35 minutes, you would win all of the week's prizes. It would be much more practical for those who don't have several computers to log in to several accounts, or for those who have an unstable internet service. I would like to hear the opinion of the Admins.
  4. Clearly the PK system is unbalanced. The server is full of players giving free PK for no reason. Apparently, there is no punishment severe enough for those who commit it. Novice players are the ones who suffer the most. They can't farm adena in peace to buy their items. They end giving up. The server is the one that suffers. The system needs to be overhauled. This is a suggestion. I would like to hear the opinion of the admins.
  5. Could the dev team rethink this position? It would help newbie players a lot. New players would benefit the most.
  6. Doesn't enchanting a weapon increase its damage/utility?
  7. Just sell them as Imprint (cheaper, obvious).
  8. Irony? Well... Problems aside, the work done by the team should never be undervalued. Thank you.
  9. I have never played on services from other countries, to be honest, 2022 was my first experience with Lineage II NA Official. Can someone who plays in the others (EU, RU, JP, KR) tell me the rate differences in the game? It's easier to get items in the European/Korean version? I always thought L2 was a hardcore game from the beginning.
  10. All online games are on the same path? Is there any explanation for why this is happening? Games weren't made to be played?
  11. I would also like to know why they are not in the Store. Can any admin answer?
  12. The easiest way to get B grade now is to buy from other players. Dwarven crafting is no longer required. There's a new crafting system. You need only farm lots of adena. Dwarves are pretty much just a warrior class now.
  13. Spoil from Ragna Orc Prefect in Immortal Plateau, Southern Region (Orc Village).
  14. In "Special Monthly Gift – May Edition!" they gifted: Vitality Maintaining Rune Box - 7 Days x1 & Death Knight's Ring Box - 30 Days x1 Maybe they confused the runes and deleted them all?
  15. It must have been removed for balance reasons. (Why? Only newbies use Exalted Weapon). If so, would be interesting to sell them with some kind of limit. I would easily buy them too.
  16. There’s no harm in asking, guys. Can any administrator give an answer on the subject?
  17. You get a free Vitality Rune (7 days) when you reach Awakening at Lv. 85.
  18. Me too. Hope they can extend it on Classic and Live.
  19. "I find your lack of faith disturbing." Well, the topic is open for other players to express their opinion.
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