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Posts posted by Leofire

  1. Thank you for creating this topic; I would also like to add to this list:

    6.  With the inception and launch of the Collection System and the armor set collection line items; this function should be added to the auction house to allow for the sell of an entire armor set at once; instead of only being able to sell sets in shop. I realize most people like myself have multiple accounts and just can leave that toon logged in until the set sells but for those that don't want to have to have that character logged in it would be great to be able to sell the whole set in the auction house. While I am not as well versed in the knowledge of other MMORPGs systems; I feel this is doable given that the collection system has already implemented this to a certain degree. 

  2. @Juji @Hime Seriously what do you do all day?  You never respond to forum; you obviously don't care about your players (you know, your customers that help to PAY YOUR SALARY); fix all the problem list by the OP and all over this forum.  Running false advertisement events will get you trouble eventually; it's just a matter of time; not to mention that if the plan is the make the game unplayable so we all quit; that's seriously the lowest of the low for any company.  You took away crafting, you took repeat money or item making quests, you took away decent hunting areas, you even took the joy of actually leveling characters with that stupid fast track to 105 leveling system; oh and the biggest stupidity of all you made all equipment available to all levels; what happened  to working for each armor and weapon grade level.   You have made any type of character or item upgrade/enchantment a gamble or risk factor to achieve; it's absolutely ridiculous.

    This is not a post of a new player whining about the game, I have played this and loved doing so for 17 years; but the recent changes are abysmal and just plain stupid; it's not about not wanting so spend money, I buy my share of NCoins to make ends meet and improve my character, it's about making the game a fun experience for all; not just a few big spending clans.  My point is this; do your job; support your customers (PLAYERS), LISTEN TO THEM, INTERACT WITH THEM; I can name three or four companies half the size of NCSoft with less staff that provide better support and care more about their product then your entire team. DO YOUR JOB!

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  3. Correct; Austin, TX, Bellevue, WA, and two locations in CA, all of which have certain political agendas in common, but that's another topic for another time. 🙂   

    @Juji @Hime Still no response to this thread huh?  Curiously silent, are we?  Fix both of these events, stop wasting our time with Oriana Draw and stop wasting our money with Pantheon Chest.   At least act like you care about the players (you know your customers that help pay your salaries); answer the thread fix the drop rates on both events.   

  4. I also opened about $300 worth of Pantheon chest;  @Juji  @Hime  the fact that I never post on this forum means most people here have no clue who I am; and that's fine.  But who I am is a 17 year "veteran" of L2 that has "donated" thousands of dollars to the L2 Store. 

    Like everyone else here; I chose to buy based on the high end rewards items advertised from the chests (Dragon weapon, boss jewels, talisman, etc.)  But the best I got was just like the others said; 1 Stage 3.  Maybe 2 Angel Ring boxes out of 300+ opened.   After reading all the other stories here; you should be responding and you should be concerned; because false advertisement is not something you will be protected by under your precious EULA.  I would highly recommend A) Responding to this thread at least once and show us the respect we deserve as players and your customers; that are ultimately paying your salaries and B) I would highly recommend some compensation to those who open more than 200+ chest; it's flagrant false advertisement and eventually some of us will get together decide to take this to a court of law. 

    I personally have spent thousands per month in the past with very little return on my investment in game versus what was advertised; not to mention the absolutely abhorrent customer service; you have a job to do; you get paid to respond to your players (customers) on this server; so if you are not doing that; what are you doing all day besides sitting around?   Answer the thread @Juji @Hime


  5. When I started in 2004, this game was very different and such a new experience, my first MMO, these are things i miss from those first few years.  I miss the Devianne server, where i started.  

    I miss all the classic clans and pvp before it was p2w, when things were slightly more equal among players, pvp was fun and somewhat fair depending on gear levels of course. Also miss when you had to pay to play the game, this eliminated a lot of young players from the game, therefore making the overall age of players 18+ and slightly more mature or at minimum made sure those that did play on mommy and daddy credit cards were somewhat respectful, somewhat. 

    After coming back to game after a year off, I recently learned the grade penalty is gone, I miss that. I feel players now being able to log in and just p2w top gears or even just being able to earn R grade level gear is ridiculous. It should be a challenge, an accomplishment, I remember the pride of making 40 for c grade, 52 for b grade, etc; and finally being able to craft that item and wear it. 

    I miss random parties, logging out in certain areas, logging back in and just shouting LFG, and being a tank for the entire day for basically the same party.  Or just creating a random group, having warring clan member call a truce to party together, then breaking the party and watching them go back to pvp again, just made the game more fun. 

    I miss random raid boss parties with my mage and/or tank, watching her level up from just one boss, then on to the next and repeat.  

    Truly miss catacombs xping and pvp for rooms, I miss castle sieges that aren't one sided, where even a small clan or alliance has a chance.  

    I miss original TOI hunting, tanking levels 9+, Cruma CPs that last hours, ditto for catacomb parties and parties at IT.  

    Most of all, I miss questing with friends and clannies you have known for years, i miss hopping on vent and chatting friends worldwide. 

    That's a small list of some of the things I miss from the "good ole days" of Lineage 2.  


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