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Posts posted by guti79_99

  1. On 3/25/2023 at 6:47 AM, lorekarf said:

    I don’t write often on this forum but once again I feel compelled to ask GMs to do something for stopping the use of BOT programs.

    More than half of Chronos players are using 3rd party programs and this is completely ruining and unbalancing the game for the other half of the server players who are not using bots.

    The use of bot is everywhere.

    In DT you see players who insta collect quest items or selectively avoid attacking unwanted items.

    At oly you can easy see players following toons in hide and insta popping skills to remove celestials.

    In open pvp it is the same thing. You pop a celestial and it is insta removed. Or you get targeted at light speed when your celestial get off. As dagger I see players who run toward me, changing course, when I am in hiding mode.

    All this is completely crazy and disgusting!

    Do something!


    Are you planning to have no CP at all?

  2. Quick question GMs

    My main class is Tyrr Grand Khavatari, and I was looking forward on the 2 skills changes. Mainly on the Furist first that will add P.Skill Power +10%, but looking at the skill description and comparing to the in-game skill description, it seems like that was NOT applied. 10% skill power is a significant boost, and that was not added for this class.

    Is this a typo?


    Source: Lineage II | Dethrone Fire Update Patch Notes (lineage2.com)

    Tyrr Grand Khavatari

    Changed 2 of Tyrr Grand Khavatari's class skills.

    Skill Name


    Furious Fist

    Added P. Skill Power 10%

    Force Storm

    Added power increase for momentum consumed setting

  3. I think NCSoft moved to the right direction with the PK system change, except they forgot one little big detail - unlimited pk scrolls.

    It defeats the purpose of having the newly introduced "Cursed Village". What is the purpose of this place if there is a way to avoid going in there by using unlimited scrolls? I hope GMs bring this up, because it looks like an 'Oopps, we forgot this small detail" . By limiting the number of scrolls to be used per day will be a move on the right direction. Red players laugh at the new changes, and they don't care. 


  4. I bought a new PC with Windows 11 and I will run into this. "IF" the game will load, after few hours, it will close with no error messages or anything. It was annoying because I spent hours trying to isolate the problem. Finally, I ended up installing Windows 10 on the new PC, and I have been playing the game happily ever since.

  5. It seems you have not playing this game long enough. Let me refresh your memory a bit.

    Do you remember when the Kamael was introduced and how "steal divinity" will "steal your buffs (up to 3)", and that still re-use was every 1 minute? On top of that they had a MASS PARALYSIS? Soul Hounds were destroying in PVP. After some updates they 'balanced' the class and a lot of people stopped playing Kamaels.

    I started with an eviscerator, and when it was first introduced, they were like the DKs. They will destroy pretty much anything. 2 years later, I remember the first udpate reduced the amount of damage. 2 updates later, few other skills were 'balanced'.

    Now, we have the new class - DKs. As it happened with the Kamael and Ertheias, a future update will eventually 'balance' that class. So, sit tight. It will happen. How soon? Not sure. Kamaels and Ertheias were balanced after 2 years average.

  6. @HermesI understand there are factors that are out of our control (I work on tech support too), and sometimes it takes some time to figure out a problem. I am with you on that NCSoft. I've been there.

    Now, what you have control over is the downtime compensation for Chronos server. A) Olympiad for example, Chronos was not able to compete on the last day of the month to do Oly, and we know the last week is the key. Chronos lost easily 5 or more heroes (lost also legendary hero too) because they were not able to do their matches. B) XP and Dethrone. We all know that Dethrone is the best XP of the week, and several players might not be able to xp during the week because work or life, but they look forward to be in Dethrone because the XP in there will make up for the missing XP during the week. Not only that, we compete in points with Naia and the winner server has extra XP/SP bonus for a month + adena. 

    I hope NCSoft realizes that Chronos not just lost 8+ hours (by the time this was posted) of XP in game, it lost more than that. Chronos lost Legendary hero of the month, several other heroes that were in the lead, and it also lost the competition in Dethrone which combined with Legendary hero is a descent xp/sp bonus Chronos won't get for a month.

    I don't think the Golden balls are going to be enough of compensation this time, and you know that too. Please be fair with the compensation. Not sure how the compensation will work for heros that lost Oly this month. 

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1
  7. I don't know what is going on, but after the server shutdown announcement message came up, "several" +20 cloaks messages came up on the screen (chronos). It was like they knew what was going on, and did it anyway.

    NCSoft has posted steps on what to do when a 'bug ' is found, and the consequences of 'exploiting a bug'. I hope they enforce their policies this time.


  8. Khelida is correct.

    Melee lag showed up around the same time Ranking System started working. I am not sure if is a coincidence or not, but there was zero lag until yesterday 4/8/21 afternoon. I checked the ranking yesterday morning and we ALL were set as NEW. After noticing the lag, I started asking others and they noticed the same too. I looked the ranking system yesterday and it was working.

    I already replied on another post, but the melee lag is HUGE for Eviscerators .... I mean, HUGE!!! I was able to do the Epic 120 solo in Aden yesterday 4/8/21 in the morning and killed the boss in 10 seconds. I did the Epic solo 120 this morning with the melee lag and took me almost 35 seconds to kill it. Same setup, same pots, same everything.

  9. @Hime

    After the server transfer, I know we had some hiccups here and there, but melee lag was gone. This is HUGE for Eviscerators, and the difference was night and day. Everything was fine until late afternoon yesterday (4/8/21). Something happened between 5-8PM EST because the melee lag is back. It is very pitiful to see how Eviscerators can hit twice, pause for 1-1.5 seconds, and hit twice again, and pause for another 1-1.5 seconds. I am not sure if this is a coincidence or not, but yesterday morning everything was fine with melee lag because there was none. I looked at the server ranking and ALL characters were listed as NEW. Later yesterday, when I noticed the melee lag was back, I happened to see the ranks and the server rank system was working again. 

    I know classes that rely on hitting fast (melee lag) were affected as soon the ranking system was introduced for the very first time several months ago. I know NCSoft disabled the ranking system at some point among other things when trying to isolate the problem. After the server transfer to AWS 2 days ago, that lag was gone. I am not going to lie, I had tears of joy to finally have the Eviscerator back the way it should be. But, we are back to square 1 again. Several people I knew quit Eviscerators and rolled to another characters because of this. Eviscerators are not welcomed in parties because of t his.

    So, you have an idea how much difference this is. I've done the Aden Epic 120 solo after the server transfer. I was able to kill the boss in 10 seconds because Eviscerators were hitting non-stop as it should be because there was no melee lag. I've done the Aden Epic 120 solo this morning with the melee lag and it took me 35 seconds to kill the boss with the exactly setup.

    Hello all,

    If you have been experiencing game latency since our AWS migration, please reply answering the following questions:

    1. Where are you located - North Carolina
    2. Are you using a VPN? - Never used a VPN for Lineage II
    3. How frequent is the latency you're experiencing? -ALL the time (Eviscerator player here)
    4. Where and what are you doing in game where you experience latency? - Melee lag is present all the time.



    • Like 1
  10. On 7/2/2020 at 11:39 PM, iAndouille said:

    Dear @Juji @Hime

    We wan't to come up to you'r attention about a big problem the servers are facing right now

    Due to the recent changes with PK systems,  Peoples can't fight anymore  to get into Dragons

    By exemple in Chronos 7/03/20 Clans were gathering up to go fight Dragons,  and what happened was a complete mess,   

    Neutrals came with annother Command channel and the "clicking war" Started.  Whoever enter first win,  This is not how it is intended to be played

    (1) Neutrals now don't pvp and they just "hope" to farm everything, and the peoples who gather people to fight for dragons lost it because they didnt clicked first to enter Valakas.

    (2) With the new PK system we can't just PK everyone to enter into dragons.  This is now a major issue that has to be fixed on live servers.

    Baium Orfen Lilith Anakim are PVP zone, you have to fight for those raids,  And Dragons is yet not a pvp zone and we can't do anything to fight 

    Clans who put effort to gather people to play the game correctly are getting punished. 

    Can we have GM thoughts on that topic please.  Make Dragon a PVP zone! or Enable multiple CC to enter into dragons. 

    The biggest pve event in server now is completely broken ! we need a fix :) 

    Ando, I consider myself neutral and a casual player. I don't have the time and resources to play the game 24x7 as some as you do or several others because personal life, but I have enjoyed playing the game for years. Whenever I got home from work which is normally night time EST lineage II is my stress reliever.

    With that said, when the 'cursed sword' system was introduced, we tried to participate along the top clans at the beginning, but we lost interest in that game mechanic because we knew we were in disadvantage (gear overall), so we decided to run with dailies and try to xp instead.

    We had people from top clans coming and pk'ing us to take our spot. Like you said, no need to provide names, but they were from the MS clan. Red players can easily die with no repercussions other than loosing xp. 

    While you are at Giran in shop mode (as always), Juji came one day to 'watch' the development of the 'cursed sword' that night. Casual and neutral players as you call - were not able to even get close to the pvp field and we had this (no names) player from MS pk'ing people from left to right in front of Juji as soon they were trying to leave the port to participate. Maybe NCSoft noticed this, and decided that if this is going to keep happening there has to be a consequence for the player that goes red, and I am glad the debuff system was introduced for a player that goes red. At least it is a deterrent, and this player has to really think twice before going trigger happy pk'ing people from left to right. 

    (1) Key word here "hope" like you said. Even though several of us do not belong to a top clan, we also want to have the same chance to do dragons as anyone else. We might not have the top pvp gear, but we have the numbers to do the dragons. It sounds like you are discriminating against several of the casual and neutral players. Not cool.

    (2) NCSoft never stopped anyone for going red when killing players. With you statement, you are just proving to the GMs that you are not different than the dagger player from MS (not giving his name) that started killing anyone leaving port when heading to the pvp field. "[...] we can't just PK everyone to enter into dragons" sounds like you want to impose your will by brute force ignoring that others want to have the same opportunity as anyone else.



    • Like 4
  11. 11 hours ago, iAndouille said:

    Originally L2 is a game that provides a lot of interaction and pvp for spots,

    It happens very often that strong players uses big spots by exemple in primeval to farm as much as they can, and peoples just come over and steal mobs on the spots they are farming,  So here it comes, they must pvp, grief eachother to fight for that spot, this is totally Correct and a part of L2

    The problem with that nowadays is the fact that there are only Top geared players (50k$ toon) vs people without 200b worth of gear,  so the competition and the pvp is no more a challenge, The most geared toon will annhiliate anyone,  it's more like a Dictatorial system, there's no balance between players.  

    It was not designed to be like that in L2 but the paytowin system decided that if you won't spend alot of money to gear up, or farm it somehow, you will not fully appreciate L2 competition as it should be.

    The War system , and everything is just fine,    The PayToWin is the problem, and they won't change the systems because of the unbalance, they will probably put up more store items over time and people will probably catch up over time. 

    I am in Andou on this.
    There is no way for the casual player to pvp with other characters that have invested a lot (time and money).

    However, if they bring back the PK system from GoD and previous versions where a RED player had the chance to drop a random item when it had more than 5 PK will at least have this guys to think twice before going red. A little story, we had this eviscerator (not giving names) that used to come and pk the whole party in Enchanted Valley (when EV was the best xp spot) and take our spot. This went over for weeks until one day, he either PK'ed another group or his steel mind was not up yet, but when he came to pk us as he has been doing for the past weeks, he finally got killed by one of our archers in the group and he dropped his +15 cloak. Since then, he wouldn't come alone and will bring someone else with him, but we will focus on him because we knew his pk numbers were over the 3 digits at least. We sure will die a lot, but we had healers logged out in our spot, so it will be matter of seconds to have the whole party up. Next time he died, he dropped his Tauti ring. That was the last time we saw him coming back to pk us.

    Bringing back the old PK system probably won't change this top players pk'ing people around, but at least they'll know if they go down they can drop something and they will think twice before doing it.

    • Haha 1
  12. 1 hour ago, ACSJR13 said:
    any news about the latency problem that ppl melee are facing?

    This is big, I don't experience this with my mages or archers, but all malees are affected.

    My main specifically is an eviscerator, and goes... right fist punch, left fist punch, 1-second-delay, right fist punch, left fist punch, 1-second delay...... It is really annoying.


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