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Posts posted by dime

  1. It's really simple to test p.critical. Granted, you still have the control or was that what you augmented?


    I can tell you with a solid confidence that it works. Went through an augment run recently and scored a 10% p.critical damage and absolutely saw the difference. Ended up with 15% p.skill power and it's night and day.


    You adena gain might be getting bottle necked elsewhere.

  2. These ^, pretty much. What would you want to watch?


    "My Auto killing things for 4 hours while I run errands" ?

    "Watch me capture Zariche every mon-thrus unopposed" ?


    While I'll admit pvp and sieges can be very exciting all it takes is one lineage 2 "vet" to show up and wipe the field. The gaps between competitive tiers is humongous. You can be equipped with 500 billion to 1 trillion ($10,000-$20,000) in gear and still get one shot regularly, mostly outside of invincibility cool downs. Where, those on the lower tiers have absolutely zero chance and while I do think sometimes raging content is entertaining, It gets old watching someone get mad, fast.


    There's also the problems of giving away too much information and stream sniping. But in the end, the demographic isn't large enough to put the effort into it. Not to mention the hate and trolling that would come along with putting yourself out there. The losses just outweigh the gain, by far.


    If NCWest made their prices reasonable to the average consumer, I would climb every hill in the world and cry far and wide, "Play Lineage 2, it's a great game!" While I still believe it's a great game NCWests' particular monetization policy caters to the literal 1% or, if you're insane you can try to play for free and take years to equip yourself enough to kill anything past 105 in pve just; forget about PVP. NOT TO MENTION the difference of demographics between Live servers considering now we have to compete across servers for Oly. Chronos has a much more vibrant and less expensive market over all, probably because Americans in general purchase more. While on Naia you have a market stifled by lack of interest in L2 store and an over abundance of adena, leading lower level players to go against EULA or chance losing their hard earned money on the L2 Store casino.

  3. Some post-thread thoughts.


    This post also led me to think about how I cringe when people ask me what I'm playing these days. It's really hard to admit because the second I say, they get interested then I have to go on and tell them that to be even mildly competitive they'll have to invest around ten thousand USD. Now as I've said in past posts, I have no problems spending money on my hobbies and things I enjoy but the entry barrier for competition in this game is ludicrous. Worse, I could suggest they just go full PVE... then what's the point of L2? There's far better PVE mmos out there. So I just stay quiet or give a vague answer.

    I honestly wish I could recommend new players to this game. I wish I could tell the world, "Play Lineage 2. You won't regret it." And perhaps there's still some truth to that statement however, NCWests particular monetization practice just seems far too unethical for me or anyone to recommend.


    It's a love-hate relationship. I freaking love Lineage 2. Like, love. There's lots to love about it. More, I would argue, than there is to hate about it. It's just that the few things that are worthy of hate are just so heavy on the scale it's starting to weigh down the more and more I think on it.

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  4. So here we are, Brooch event again. Now, I'm not terribly experienced with brooch event. When I came back to the game Lineage 2 was in the middle of one. I do recall buying a pack but overall, selling everything for adena.

    This time, I decided to participate genuinely. So, ordered a few packs from the L2 Store, I did. Opened something like 600 boxes and received all of... 3 Red Cat's Eye. Okay great, maybe it's just my luck, huh? So lets take to the server market and explore! Nothing. What the heck??? Absolute abundance on everything but Red Cat's Eye... To the point you see like ten people spamming in "& for Red Cat's only to not ever receive a reply.


    So not only is the gem combine rate absolutely bonkers, event pricier than the average gamer spends the ENTIRE year for the master pack but melee players totally get boned out of the best gem for the class. Or, if lucky see a red cat's eye at 800% the markup of any Gem on the market. What a joke.


    I'm not asking for a greater cat's right out of the box for $100 but holy s... And we sit here and wonder why all gems over lv 5 are 100's of billions and only the richest of the rich can afford to even consider. And this, coming from someone who's relatively wealthy. The thing is NCSoft, there's such a thing as losers fatigue. Living with a high density of casinos in the area, I've seen plenty rise and fall. Nobody likes a casino that never pays out and your argument of "Well you win every time!" could be said the same for any casino. You go in and experience all these great sensations and get free drinks! You're a winner every time..!


    Anyway, not so sure I'll be participating in any more pay events. Competition be damned. I'm tired, tired of spending and getting a damn thing while you have literal gods walking around servers untouchable. Which is why I really can't blame those that buy adena from shady sites. Why pay NCSoft when you're not rewarded for supporting the game you love?


    Also just to mention, if NCWest is operating in parts of the EU, why are they able to get around the loot box chances regulations? Shouldn't I be able to see the .00005% chance I have to receive a Red Cat's out of each box?


    Anyway, my bitter rant is over. Your casino is played out, maybe it's time to move on and stop giving money to this obvious scam?? Lineage 2, where the rich stay rich and don't have to spend a dime because they control all in game assets, and everyone else is left to spend tens of thousands of dollars just to have the ability to NOT get one shot in pvp by said rich.

    • Like 1
  5. Two tries, almost a third before I talked myself out of it and put the adena to work elsewhere. No luck. Seems the servers are drying up on forbidden secret books as well so expect price to go up.


    Classic Lineage 2. It has always been a gamble, just -- the stakes matured with the demographic.


    It's a good way, now that blowing up weapons and armor is pretty much not a thing, to take wealth out of the economy. Which is a very important dynamic for any mmo economy.

  6. 8 minutes ago, CLASSICmergeCHRONOS said:

    Spoilers is the most powerful class . Let’s all reroll to spoilers . Everybody who is selling his gear to buy new for his spoiler post a picture HERE

    lol is that what you took away from that post? Oh man... Exactly my point. You're not main-ing Fortune Seekers, you're boxing them for extra profit. Good on NCsoft for making this move.


    People complain the class is dead/dying.. Then complain you actually have to put effort into it to make a profit.. Which one do you want? Do you want the class to strive or are you guys just *itching because you can't make adena with your box OFS?



  7. 3 hours ago, StrahdVonZarovich said:

    Dime: is that your comment to my post? I just told the truth: 800% reduced spoil in GoS. And your comment/explanation is: "the grade move for fortune seekers"??!?!?!?

    The spoil was impossible without strong party until now in GoS. That IS the way obviously - ppl to play in party. You didn't change that, you just removed the spoil.

    So now if you play spoiler in full party 103-110, the party will farm less then with DD instead of spoiler. We tried and that IS the truth for many zones. GoS, Atelia Rafinery, Filed of silence, HB, etc.

    What that means? No POINT to play spoiler anymore obviously..

    It looks like something else is going on: you serve the interest of a certain group of people who do not want this class in the game. Or at least dont want spoil for levels 103-109.



    So, they reduced spoil loot table for anything under 105 and increased it for anything over 105, what's the problem? Oh you mad you can't compete now? Or that you're not making that easy adena with your paulinas equipped OFS anymore? Working as intended as far as I'm concerned. They inverted the demographics and as someone that actually plays OFS this is nothing but good news. I'm actually getting spoils now.


    This is like getting angry you can't kill lv 110 mobs at 99. Yeah, it's by design. Build a challenge wall and weed out those trying to take advantage of the system.


    Also, what DD will out DPS a similarly geared OFS in PvE?? lol.. You know we get 30% pve damage as a class passive, right?

  8. Seems to be a change in the demographics able to spoil for profit. It was great between 85 through about 102 then there was a huge drop off. Maybe a few spoils every thousand mobs.


    From reports would seem they did this to prevent people from rolling a fortune seeker for easy profit instead of actually playing the class as a main.


    Spoils have went up ten fold in areas I hunt. A day of spoils yeilds about 1500 mats of various types now, all lv4. Where before, like mentioned, successful spoils were a rarity.


    Honestly this is a great move. Drives demand for genuine Fortune Seekers.

  9. Play what you want to play. At the end of the day it's not going to be a groups character, it's going to be yours.


    Everyone who's anyone has a box ISS, sure. I'm also sure that about 80% of those players would swap out a box ISS for an active player quickly. Not to mention the huge gap in demand at the end game, particularly PVP.

  10. Been a good few months so decided to go all out for this event. Dropped a significant chunk of change on tickets to take my gamble. I won't go into specifics but think mortgage payment type money.


    Pretty sure best reward I received was maybe a Talisman of Longing. Or maybe the low grade Taurus..


    Now, I pretty much knew what I was getting into. Seems the odds haven't changed since they used to do this type of event on a website portal (GoD). Doesn't change the fact that these odds are something else, almost soul crushing. Now, just left with a bitter taste in your mouth thinking about how to hawk all of these garbage rewards. If you're smart you wont gamble. You'll sell your tickets and win every time. Let the idiots like me gamble.


    I could rant for days on a myriad of reasons NCwest seems to be taking advantage of mid-low tier players while coddling if not conspiring with top tier players to monopolize in game assets but I wont. I will say the rise in adena sellers seems to coincide with the rise in players and the want to compete. Question is NCWest, are you going to reduce prices and increase the volume of sales or maybe increase the odds with such high entry price (about $20 for one gold ticket roll.)? Or will you continue to shaft your paying population of players in an irrational ambition of wider margins? I love this game but the risk vs reward just isn't justified.

    • Like 3
  11. Hey, just noticed that Clone Attack and Throw Dagger aren't effected at all by Skill Cooldown. What gives? I should be seeing like 1m40s cooldown on Clone Attack... not the full 3 minutes. Is this not considered a "Skill"?? Or bugged? Anyway, it's now posted here. Pretty important confusion/CC skills that are hard capped on their cooldown seems rather intentional. Or? I mean.. I can Shadow Hide up for 35 seconds and the skill has like a 45s recharge on my character..

  12. Hi Mousie. The game masters have disabled creating new characters for the time being to troubleshoot a lag issue that has given the player base trouble since the supplemental update.


    Stay tuned, more than likely they will reactivate character creation on the next server restart (generally around 6am -7gmt Wed.).


    It's a good game as long as you don't mind pay to win.

  13. Hi, I was browsing the l2 store for a change in outfit. However, you cannot see how each outfit would show on your character. Considering they're consumable, non-refundable items. Some examples would be great.


    I had been searching online for examples but not all are available or are not shared with the EU version of the game. I'm sure it would take less than an hour for a GM to whip up some screens with examples and post a link or something on the faq list? Or drop me a PM here on forum. More than willing to give some of my time to contribute to the NCWest community.


  14. @Bone As Pleis said, it's a gamble  based system. You need two sealed pendants and a clean accessory. The results are random. Reconstruction managers in Talking Island and Giran will do the trade. While I won't say the cost is very high, it's pricey no doubt. But if you get a great roll on the accessory it could mean big profit.


    Pricing on my server averages

    5-10m for clean accessory

    5-10m for each sealed pendant

    as well, I think there's a charge from the Reconstruction manager. Also can probably reduce some of the cost if you just buy nimble fish and trade for the accessory.

  15. While I'm all for businesses making money in a capitalist market and more than willing to spend some of my disposable income on hobbies and things I enjoy. This just seems ridiculous. God jewelry? Shouldn't you guys be bridging the gaps between those at the top and newer players not widening them? Or is this just a death knell cash grab from NCWest?


    These jewels coupled with dragon weapons you will turn the already godly to literal unkill-able gods and if anyone knows anything about lineage 2. It wont just be 1.. It'll be a group of them. Because one shotting entire fields of players who haven't invested tens of thousands of dollars into the game (Current) isn't enough? Gotta add even more gap between those that are already on the top and those trying to play catch-up.


    Don't forget NC... There needs to be a vibrant in-game market for your L2 store to survive. Unless of course you cut out all of us middlemen and just start selling fully enchanted SA'ed gear in the L2 store. Which honestly, I could see at this point.


    So honestly, what's gonna keep anyone who's under 110 playing? There's little to no reason to Oly or CoC unless you've spent upwards to $10,000. There's little to no reason to siege as there's only two real markets in this game that can and will yeild taxes. Aden and Giran and everone who's anyone knows only the top of the top clans ever own those. Oh and the rest of the castles? Well I guess you do get that fancy flag/stance when you go idle in game... From my siege experiences, it's usually 1 group attacking just for target practice. They wipe the defending force, take out the towers then just farm kills like it means anything. Because after all, they've got to justify their investments, right?


    And yeah, still getting one shot like it was nothing. Something like 200 billion worth in gear and still can't do a thing. Anyway, before I start ranting about current balance issues and meta.


    This game used to be so damn good when there was little to no RMT and it was actually punished instead of incentivized.. Not so sure I will be bothering anymore. You're asking newer and returning players to climb Mt. Everest while you add more obstacles and height to the climb. All while those who are already at the top haven't a worry in the world. This is the greatest news they could hear. The peak they stand on just got taller.


    And now I feel bad because I invited friends to return to the game. Anyway, server will go up and people will craft their god jewels in the first 10 minutes because they can.. While the rest of us are left to spend stupid amounts of money and or time trying to catch up. Good call guys, good call. Was thinking my L2 spending habits were getting out of hand. Now I won't really have to worry about it.

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  16. Hello my dude. It really doesn't matter what subclass you pick. The set of gear received is not class specific until opened. So just pick any class to sub, receive the gear and swap back and open the gear pack with your main.

  17. Okay, back with some good news.


    If you're lacking gear from not hitting 85 before Fafurion or you're looking to trade in your temporary Paulina's R-grade for a permanent set, sub-classing grants you a fresh equipment set. Also, no worry if you think you're consuming the possible set for the subclass that's presumably fresh, just delete and reclass and you're granted a fresh set.



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