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Everything posted by Tictuu

  1. The message is quite simple. The only thing NC West care about right now is money. They don't give a damn about the source of the money (the players). This is factual on all recent months. The solution? Take away the money and they need to care about something else (the players). For the players I propose STOP spending for a defined period. It is the only way they will stop and take notice. If EVERYONE did it, change would be fast. STOP SPENDING UNTIL THEY START TO LISTEN I also propose a touch point between the Gms and the players. Maybe a couple of delegates from each of the most active clans on the server. Meeting once a month with GMs to discuss events, game updates etc. The players will want what players will want and the GM will have their commercial focus (of course they do, they are a business) and by listening directly to the player base they can meet somewhere in the middle.
  2. I vote all the people who never got their compensation packs today be given a 1 week vit rune. Like my post if you agree!
  3. I have submitted a ticket. Alternatively keep the packs and put me up a level would be fine
  4. I have done everything right and got nothing on 3 accounts. I do this all the time with the other codes and prestige.
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