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Everything posted by JanisPaegle

  1. write to supp, they may try to repair your acc many bugs atm , many bugs...
  2. I have seen two streams already with server that has no dualbox, it's some kind of new classic server modification, with loop macros but no dualbox, anyone can tell me more about that? I mean you probably can somehow run 2 lineage 2 clients but you can buff only yourself! Awesome!
  3. loop macros stay, thats all i care about
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRnVALo7A38 patch notes in video
  5. i literally give 0 forks for any skill changes, only thing i want to stay is loop macro, if loop macro is gone - im not playing
  6. loop macro was best thing that happened to this bot infested game, now legit players can skip this boring grind, useless instances and just afk for levels there is rly low % of nolifers who can afford to actually play this kind of games and if they are playing this game all the time - they have no time to work and get money to use cash shop, so why ncsoft should care about people who do not pay any kind of money? it is way way more profitable to leave macro loop, to make it even better and open game for casual players who actually have life, who have jobs and who will be able to pay for some boost for the game that plays the boring part itself while they work +1 for loop macro!
  7. Is there an official discord server for Lineage 2?
  8. oh, ty,then I will play on classic when they work here
  9. I think macro loop is amazingly good idea, first of all there were always bots on lineage 2 servers, always, and adding macro loop is just evening field with them, if everyone can "bot" then botters are not special any more, they are not the ultimate farmers , I'm so happy that this option is implemented! I was suggestion long time ago , while playing on another long forgotten acc, that if you cannot win against bots - make ingame bot at last I can skip the boring grind part and only be active when it's fun!!! btw how do you use this macro loop, i made new acc on classic and cannot find this option..
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