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Posts posted by TrollMeSomeMoe

  1. On 11/16/2019 at 3:14 AM, mixa said:

    You misread it and that's all. It can fail on any enchant level, including going from 0 to +1.

    You are contradicting yourself bro. You mention it yourself "going from +0 to +1", yet you defend NCSoft's claim that it starts breaking from +1 forward.

    Let me help you out with the semantics here by showing you the definition of the word "from":

    Indicating the point in space at which a journey, motion, or action starts.

    If English is not your first language, stop commenting on posts like this. 

  2. While I do like the idea of a 'global' Olympiad, I seriously doubt a lot of thought was put into this concept, regardless of the crappy rewards. For one, the fact that you can sign 6 days in the week during a VERY specific 1-hour time window is just baffling to me. The amount of people you rule out just because of this is immense. No American with an actual 9 to 5 job has the possibility to compete in Olympiad. Second, if you do happen to miss just 1 single hour/day during the week, you are out of the picture for hero. It has become mostly about who can be online most of the week vs who can win most matches.

    Therefore, please allow me to give you some alternatives to this.

    Increase the window from 1 hour to 4 hours, from 5 to 20 matches a day, with a maximum of 40-50 matches per week. Also: allow Sundays to be played. If you really want to do an off-day take Monday. I promise you God won't punish you for doing Olympiad on a Sunday.

  3. 100 scrolls and took my +4 Cloak to +2. Money well spent.

    @mixa that is one extreme, but at least you expect to get at least something back. I am not expecting to go +20 on the cloak, but was hoping to get +10. I can tell you out of the 100 scrolls I hit +6 ONCE and all the rest I hit +5 max.

    NCsoft doesn't release the chance on these enchants, yet if you notice every time they release shit like this within 5 mins you have someone on world announcements going +10 just to give the impression that it is doable. NCSoft basically uses the same tactics as those swindlers on the street. It is basically a bait and switch scam.

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