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Posts posted by Dominatrix

  1. 4 hours ago, Juji said:

    We are taking action against players who abuse restoration tokens since all items are tracked in our logs.

    If only it ended with Shilen SA's how about the Dragon Ring's made the same way and other weapons that were abused into high enchant.

    Players on Naia are even hero shouting to abuse the system by selling Any weapon +30.

  2. After watching last weekends world Olympiad it come apparent  that all the top clans are working together to feed each other for heroes,
    Both servers have allies where on one side you have MS+MAX working against FS+Hybrid/DH/ProPVE/Nova

    How is this fair game play to other players trying to fight for the heroes they want to, the world olympiad was suppose to be a show of strength but all
    i see is feeds coming from left and right and so called "heroes" cant even win their own matches.

    Will this ever be addressed? the only classes left to fight for are the ones no one wants to play as main.

    @Hime @Juji

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