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Posts posted by CompleteYourProfilee

  1. Hello guys, I was checking on l2wiki DB, also in EU patches note, also in the NA pathce note and I figure that the Quest of Last Imperial Tomb isn't giving the correct reward wich is 20 tri exp instead 10 tri.

    EU patch note says the ammount of reward from the quest, but NA don't.

    All of you can check by your selves:

    L2 EU DB:







    So the event of double IT reward exp quest was the trully ammount that we was suppose to get :$

  2. I'm sue that new players won't have the same issue as you all r having =). 

    You all know why you cannot create a new account, let's keep that way, there are too many bot on the server and gm's are working hard to avoid them, we don't need more. Thx!

  3. You has CP, so why do u need more than 6 box in classic? Why do you need more than 3 box in Live? Those who use ilegal program is constantly getting ban on theyr accounts, and you are not being forced to play live or classic NA servers, have you tryied Core EU? only 1 box and if you want to open more than 1 you need to pay and depends on the country u live it cost a little bit to your pocket, so stop complain and move on with what you have!

  4. On 27/10/2019 at 2:46 PM, msEVE said:

    As I said, it took me 20 days max from 102 to 105 in BS. I was online for 10-12 hours daily. I used the XP rune from the daily check in event and I was only me with my iss (two persons party). XP is really fast there because mobs are dead with 2 hits. 

    I do believe u bro. I did take 102~105 in BS ~24 days too.

    But u r forgetting that in the check daily event was the exp event too, bcoz of the dc's. So, it was that easy to make that up lvl there, but now.

  5. Hey @Juji and @Hime

    I'd like to know the name and how to get the bot description to use in game, since it's allowed to use that.

    Please let us know, since you all also removed the report botton from the actions, I'm tired to play this game on the way it's getting on. No more farm's zone to low players, It look's like you guys just want to keep 1 server of full pay2win players and keep away the free players, bit by bit.

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