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Posts posted by equitalia

  1. 38 minutes ago, Rodah said:

    Well; if a Tyrr/Dagger/Feoh had same gear they would make same amount so....... what's the problem?  If you can 1-shot mobs with +12 weap as opposed to +21 then... great?  

    And like I said; if you wanted to you could run 2x spots and make 2x Adena.  No other class can do 2x IoS spots.

    EDIT:  You know there was an Adena Nerf in IoS/ToI right?  Both are about 10-15% less.  So it's not as if only archers are making less adena.  Everyone who does IoS is.

    as I told prolly u misread me on start and again ^^ 
    toi is 50% less for me. not 10%
    "Tyrr/Dagger/Feoh had same gear" not, is what I wrote. with same gear will do way much more. 

    "then...great" what ? 

    and is easy now say " d u know u can farm 2 spot" but when someone do and got banned , then is ?? right cz he can't. 
    so he can or he can't ? I play stand on the rules.  
    many ppl banned for using macro for 2 spots and I don't want to test on my skin.

  2. 14 hours ago, Rodah said:

    Did you read what equitalia wrote a few post up??  He STILL farms 4b+ / day.

    Sorry. Prolly u misread. 3h iOS day 2.2b I wrote.

    And remove 2 iOS Stone bought for 500m each nowdays price, are 1.2b ,and still Need to remove the consumables, so max 900m clean or less in 3h iOS.

    At 114 with nice Gear. +21bow and all items with right augment.

    And less than 5b /week in toi clean.

    That Is long way different from what u read and wrote (4b day)

    Btw Yesterday did a test  putting tradable not augmented items on dagger 112 ( greater gems, atk artifacts, cloak and agathion) with not augmented limited weapon +15, no forgotten learned and dark light set (yul have Bloody). 

    1h iOS I did 650m (and dagger Is no aoe). With way less than half  Gear of what I have on yul and 2lvl missing. For make what?  So what can do with same Gear forgotten etc?

    The difference Is very big and the badest thing Is we GOT this nerf without any info,  or maybe they Just omit that info. 








  3. 5 hours ago, LightRider said:

    I think people are just use to seeing their dmg a little higher due to the red libra buff 24/7 for an entire month to forget that they are weak without it! I am playing archer and I see no changes.

    Well onestly that Is not hard to compensate. Rose on and Is like with Red buff on.

    I noticed a big Nerf. Before redlibra I was making 2.6b in 3h iOs with Just rose buff and cocktail. Yesterday with rose + cookie+ new event buff : 2.2b

    Toi solo full buff rose beer and dragon : b3fore and during redlibra was at 12/13b

    Now Will end with like 5.5/6 ( but this can be mixed with toi's adena Nerf, idk)  

    Seems I do much more hit without crit than before. Like 50% Nerf. And my Gear Is a bit more than It was. 

    Talking about yul gs . Dwarf race.

    Donno if others have same issue..

    Waiting for some other replies



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