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Posts posted by KeepDreamiN

  1. 1 hour ago, NaratyrMizzrym said:

    Translation of this thread:
    OP wants to ask what happened to all the Adena while MAX was holding the castle and who put that adena in his pockets.

    Ofcourse, its sh*t-posting that OP is after, so  while at it I would personally also like to know who gets all that adena from cursed weapon bloods every week day.

  2. 57 minutes ago, RealMayer said:

    So you mean when you had dark its was gain 80b per week ?


    While I understand that more elaborate economic theories may be incomprehensible for people that aren't aware of cross-multiplication and are busy professionally farming adena ingame, you can research the terms "Tax Buoyancy" and "Tax Elasticity" to see why its not as easy as to assume 80b per week.

  3. 2 things:
    - Yes, they really should display rates so we can make educated guessed
    - No, this isnt the equivalent of 0,78% unless you clicked 7 times in a row. If you just clicked 7 times in a time span of days/weeks, your tries were just part of a larger picture, and while yes you ve been extremely unlucky you cant claim you got the outcome corresponding to a 0,78% chance..

  4. On 6/13/2020 at 11:18 PM, magistralis said:

    Just to show: For a stage 3, if you buy each dragon claw for 38bi, you will need ~4370000 NCoins that means ~54.650 dollars. If you buy each for 20bi (improbable -near impossible- in the current game situation), you will need ~28.750 dollars. -It doesn't count the other necessary items. (r-gem, elcyum...)
    If you want to make the math for yourself, use these numbers to avoid too many 0.
    1000 = 1T
    1 = 1bi
    0,002 = 2kk

    Only a handful of stg 3 weapons exist ingame. You certainly dont need a stg 3 DW to compete plus you discount events that drop weapons(that depdning on class for that wep, may sell for less than their costin claws).

  5. On 6/13/2020 at 9:03 PM, Draecke said:

    as casual player 2k will be enough yeah, anything more serious like try for hero or a self proclaimed pvp god he will need to add a zero to that number of monthly spending and read up on the nefarious cheating that happens as well

    Why do you need  20k monthly (note this was monthly spending he quoted) for l2? Not really on point.

  6. 12 hours ago, Hyperlite said:

    They don't, pure speculation. 


    Also, the pk count is irrelevant. You can buy reduce scrolls from the clan shop. Even if someone has 1000s, it won't be hard to clear.

    New pk system puts a cap on maximum amount of pks you can clean per day so they essentially change the rules, hence why the pk count reset was needed.

    2 hours ago, Ambicija said:

    Why the decision to not introduce PK system changes right along with this disconnect after 60min death? You know this will completely cause havok on the servers. PKing for spots is already insane in Alligator, Tanor, Enchanted Valley and Field of Silence. And now you just gonna give all of these griefers a "get away free" pass for 'a few weeks'?

    I fail to understand how this changes anything. What is the difference between you laying on the ground dead (as you would if pkd right now) or actually disconnected if an hour passed from getting pk'd? You re either active to do something meaningful in eitrher case (aka setup again) or you re not in which case you re only taking an active player's spot by doing nothing, laying on the floor dead already.

  8. 11 minutes ago, Juji said:

    The rate may get changed back in the future with another content update. We will monitor the situation for now with the Dev team.

    Primeval Isle drops are already doubled since last week. It will go back to normal on 5/27. Same with XP rates for Storm and the quest rewards for Imperial Tomb.

    I agree that rates after update were too much but current rates (even accounting for our version of premium account aka prestige that comes with a 300% adena rate  increase) are half of what people average on other regions with comparable gear. Even 2/3rds of what it was instead of 1/3rd would be more than enough to bring IOS back to relevance.
    As it stands, there is hardly anyone farming there while it should be a 110+ contested area forcing people to go out of peace zone and pvp for the loot. Even the exp focused area (storm isle) generates more adena than the adena focuses area (ios), even if this was intended it was clearly not well thought out and it should already show in the decrease of sales I suspect you have for passes. @Juji thanks for your consideration.

  9. 3 hours ago, mixa said:

    These mobs were glitchy and were fixed. They had no damage penalty for level difference and also they weren't even attacking at all, most of the time. They didn't get stronger or boosted, you just need to be around lv 117-118 to have no penalty now.

    Full stacked (for ncwest standards) parties 114 cannot exp there anymore so I would consider that an issue tbh. We re not NC Japan where everyone goes around with stage 3 weapons and stage 6 god jewels..
    Where are you supposed to help exp your supports (if any left at this point), 2+2 hours per day at swamp?

  10. 1 hour ago, RasgaTanga said:

    I agree with point 2 and 3. As for point number 1, you have to remember that the Naia server is American, not European.


    I know we re not supposed to say Naia is a european server but we re still allowed to say its EU friendly with the GMT+1 time zone it has. Summer time moved everything 1hour later, but the server time wasnt adjusted accordingly. Its ridiculously late for most things that are worth contesting and some people have real jobs so staying until 1-3am everyday just doesnt cut it.

  11. 30 minutes ago, mixa said:

    For example Core and the other ru servers. And they do farm reasonable amount of adena there...

    Anything else?

    Core has 100-120k base rate for Isle and with premium account (but their servers lacking a permanent rune like prestige rune), they average multiples of  the amount you wrote.
    Anything else?

  12. 1 hour ago, Geo22 said:

    I agree that top players must have a profit because of time and money spended, but ... not so big discrepancy. Average players must have any reason to play too! They can t see any RB for example atleast ... they have been farmed for years by same "stacked" ppl.

    You contradict yourself, this is precisely the reason why Isle was such a good thing. If you exp long enough and invested some initial money in the store you were able to farm some decent adena even as a mid tier player in Isle. This is no more, now you go back to the old way of having to be a farmer (like you so dislike) and having thousands in gear to chase world rbs and or cursed swords OR to pay $ endlessly in the store.

    Thanks but no thanks, I wont be supporting such choices, I would love to be able to progress my gear with ingame means little by little and drop the occasional $ to participate in store events. As it is now, I canceled my subscription and will simply stop playing altogether.

    • Like 1
  13. 2 hours ago, mixa said:

    It's not like it's impossible to farm like 100m/hr even now. This is the same for few other regions, so we just got aligned with these.

    Also buy 5 passes and farm 6hrs there, easy 500-600m a day.

    Please tell me which region has a 30-40k base adena rate like we do.
    Have you considered the price of 5 passes and consumables(2roses+1emperor per hours) needed? I make more than 200 per day today and its still net negative after considering costs.

    • Like 1
  14. For people with reading comprehension issues or the ones randomly flaming MAX instead of reading what is mentioned, the topic is two-fold.

    First, NCWest after being notoriously tight-fisted with dragon weapons through any other means but ingame farm, they dropped the ball with cursed weapons (that are of comparable power). They flooded the servers with fragments that were the bottleneck of this game system (in contrast to dragon weapons where claws are the bottleneck).

    Second, trading weapons around in sieges to keep people you cant kill in pray room perma locked is a travesty and was fixed already at Innova after their staff request (but I bet your Russian players know this already as that's where they get all these ideas from, to begin with).

    Nothing less, nothing more. If you want to whine about MAX feel free to continue, but that doesn't change either of the above.

  15. On 3/31/2020 at 6:15 PM, estebandido said:
    Hi you're right all the way down but I don't think the developer will come to read this look for the cloaks however nothing more than half the server is needed it's plain

    Be happy they do their experimenting on Naia so you only get the final solution and be done with it..

  16. 39 minutes ago, Aaliyah said:

    He is lying about the law. But you are wrong too.

    In some countries they passed anti gamble laws not in the EU genreally.

    It has led many companies to pay fines or even stop providing their game to those countires.

    When a game company provides gaming services to European IPs then it has to oblige to EU and regional laws.

    (Just because you choose NA server, doesn't mean you have NA IP, you are still in Europe...)

    NcSoft is the provider of the game in USA. All EU region rights for the game belong to Innova, thats why any mention to Naia being a european time server is removed years now, also why the servers were moved from EU datacenter back to Texas, and also why you explicitly have to choose you re from a non-EU region in the launcher to access lineage2. It literally provides NO gaming services to European IPs in regards to L2. If you choose to lie about your region and join the US provider(ncsoft), its literally your decision and yours alone. They wont actively discourage you but they wont assist you in this either, and they certainly dont have to be fined anything about you lying.

  17. On 3/26/2020 at 6:33 PM, Daikon said:

    Well pal, let me enlighten you. If you have a toon that can reach 100+ LUC, you already have it all. You're just enchanting to make spare gear or sell right after for some extra adena.

    And you really believe that crap of crafting shots in between enchants to proc Lady LUC? do you really think that's coded into the game? You really think crafting shots few times will make queue Lady LUC for you enchant? hahaha.. thats awesome to know hahahahahah

    Well, pal, I have friends, don't need to own everything to have access to such enchanting conditions. I would not consider enchanting anything if I did not. I would sell coins and buy what I need. Almost always the best solution, let someone else deal with "randomness."

    Feel free to read this for a small introduction https://boallen.com/random-numbers.html

    to understand (a bit at least), the difference between true randomness and the pseudo-randomness employed in games like L2. I do not know the implementation details and there's many possible variants to how L2's RNG functions, but having a single seed for all actions that involve luck (be it crafting or enchanting) is a decent hypothesis. I hope I didn't overload your petty head with too much information, so feel free to continue laughing.

  18. 1 hour ago, extase1987 said:

    So I save 250e for this event to finally make a good cloak.

    I already had one +16 pve from buying ingame and wanted to make another pvp one to at least +10.

    After over 200 scrolls, I managed to make a maximum of pvp +5!

    From rest of my legendary scroll I managed to make my pve +16 -> +9! 7 fails in a row without it succeed 1 time!

    I took my best char with +82 LUC and I used potions etc to increase but everything failed!

    So this is simple, first time I bought from NC and nothing worthy came out. When reading feedback from various other players, it seems that the event is a total scam.

    So next step I will take, I will ask a reimbursement of my cash I spend from VISA. So they can ban my account I dont care.

    Second I will pursue NC for real, because it is totally illegal to sell items in their store if they dont tell you how much % of success rate you have.

    I have a friend who is lawyer and I explained him everything, how the success rate of enchant was not mentioned and that was the first real reason he told me this case will be won in no time since an European Law came out that companies have to tell you the success rate you have from buying items in their store.

    So guy have a lot of fun, but I am not spending any euro anymore to a ripoff company.

    First off, you had no business trying to enchant a +16 cloak further with such a limited budget, what you wanted to achieve there? Then, 82 luc isnt really all that much nowadays, 100+ luc at least for real enchanters plus you need tact, not blindly clicking 7 times in a row. Lastly, NCSoft is a US account not serving EU regions(check what happens if you click the "europe" option in the launcher region option) so good luck bringing this to European Law enforcement. Sorry for your loss but you have noone to blame but you on this.

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