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Posts posted by MountainDewMan

  1. 20 minutes ago, Jenaveave said:


    Cloaks..... Ok let's do this math:

    9600 NC Coins = More than $100 for one 100x pack of enchants; this will NOT get you a +15 cloak.

    You'll need more like 150-200 enchants to pull this off >>>fast forward>>> $150-200 dollars

    Heard from several people some people dropped $300 and still not even a +7 Cloak, the enchant rates this year they say are worse than any other years past.  Couple people I heard are talking about quitting after dropping that $300 and not even able to get a +7 Cloak.  Just the word on the street I heard

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  2. Sesh such a toxic person always discouraging new people/returning people from coming back.  When will NC Soft ban this kid on Forums/ingame to make the community better?  There are people grouping at all levels but by time you get 105+ you should be in a clan and able to form groups  or CP aka Constant Parties with your clannies/alliance members to further your in game play.

    One thing you'll learn is Sesh aka Lvler, Ezerus, and a number of other toons is that black sheep plague on the game we can't get rid of.

  3. @Juji Since i came back in December after couple years break I've seen worse customer service than I previously have at NC Soft.  I've seen worse state of servers with lag for multiple months.  You want people to buy prestige packs, nc coin runes/items but yet its unusable because of server lag.  Extended downtime with no compensation, no compensation for so many random disconnects/deaths due to server issues?  You make mistakes like with crafting packs misinformation so the people that kept some now have HUGE crafting advantage over the rest!  So many mistakes, errors, misinformation, and blatant unable to keep servers in working performance.  You always have to "consult" the dev team on everything with no real answers yourself?  You "Revamp" mentee system while giving us no new rewards only the same crappy ones we've had for 4+ years how is that a rework?  Every other market L2 is in has better shop items, reward items, and game features than we do?  How is it we have the worst game market out of the WHOLE WORLD?  How is it we have the worst GM's out of the WHOLE WORLD that fail to ban botters/adena sellers.. I've seen the same toon in giran on chronos spamming "WTB +x weapons/armor, WTB 1b adena $7, multiple payment methods we buy all!" for 3 weeks?  But yet he hasn't been banned, ofc he doesn't buy he/she is a scammer but still you do not even monitor your own game servers with GM force.  The things said in world shout by people are RL threats/RL Insults, saying they going to do things to peoples mom/sister.  When will NCSoft wake up and do something about all I've just said?

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