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Everything posted by Antedeguemon

  1. 1. Worst thing about update. Korea have most of their players Lv.115, we have Lv.107~110 for the big majority of people. The updates AFTER this one is the good stuff, with a new instace zone (like IT, with mobs 108 in one side and 114 in the other) and Lv.111 group hunting zones. If "another region" can request lethal nerf upfront, why can't we get things for our level range too? Swamp of Screams from Lv.112 to Lv.116 is the most wrong decision of this patch. Last week my CP could not find a single spot, and now that all you have are free spots, it's not even worth our time. We have zones since 101 (Hellbound) until 109 (FoS, etc) full of people all day, is very hard to find a free spot in any of those locations while IoP and up (111+) there's just a couple of people hunting there. 2. Very nice change. 3. Nice little boost from shield/sigil. 4. Separate damage from CC dependencies was a really good thing. Nerf of lethal in Ertheia/Mastro was really desappointing. This was not something that we should got in this update, but in the next one. 5. Adena is a really issue in this game. As a new player with Exalted Gear there is no hope for you to gear up without spend tons of money or get super luck in one event. There is no progression besides leveling, not a single place where someone starting the game can go and farm adena/gear. Melee Lag soon will be walking and talking.
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